8 posts tagged with ProfilePage.
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Challenge me (not you Magnus).

I am the only Mefite who has an entry for chess.com among their social-media links on their profile. One just cannot play a rewarding game of chess with fewer than two people. I was hoping that other chess.com member Mefites might update their profiles with their chess.com names, and identify themselves in this thread. [more inside]
posted by pompomtom on Feb 23, 2021 - 33 comments

“Status” is not the same as “Relationship Status”

When you edit your profile, you get a nice free-form field for your “Relationship Status”. On your profile, it is listed as “Status”. (All other fields are described with identical language on both pages.)This has driven my pedantic self nuts for ages. Would it be possible to update the “edit profile” page so that it just asks for “Status”? Or, if we want to be wordy, for your “Status (Personal/Relationship/Whatever)”?
posted by Going To Maine on May 7, 2018 - 8 comments

For those of us with a finger in more than one internet pie

Would it be possible for the member profile page template to be changed to allow for the entry of more than one personal website? It's possible for those who have more than one internet site to link to them in the free form space further down on the page, so it's not a change of huge import, but still... it might be a nice option.
posted by orange swan on Mar 26, 2014 - 68 comments

New profile "also on" updates: Strava, Steepster, Newsblur, [more]

MeFi cyclists/runners: your Strava account, if you have one, is now linkable in the "Also On:" section of your profile. In this same update it looks like pb has also added: Steepster, Newsblur, Hacker News, ResearcherID, ResearchGate, and eBay (any others, pb?). Related link: MeFi Social Explorer (for finding other users with profiles on growing list of linkable communities). [more inside]
posted by jjjjjjjijjjjjjj on Jun 3, 2013 - 50 comments

LibraryThing Currently Reading

Hyper-literate pony: LibraryThing's "Currently Reading" list -> Profile Pages? [more inside]
posted by Apropos of Something on Jun 6, 2011 - 61 comments

Does anyone have a cached version of my old MeFi profile page

LongShotFilter: Does anyone have a cached version of my old MeFi profile page? [MI]
posted by sjvilla79 on Dec 28, 2005 - 8 comments

Userpages closed to indexing?

Revisiting this.

Metafilter is the biggest site that I can edit a page (my user page) on. I'd like to have "I am the [my name] that went to so and so school, and so and so high-school and did so-and-so" so that if someone googled my name looking for me, they could find that. However, userpages are marked NOINDEX for robots, for to stop villians from using google to harvest stuff, I assume. Given that it would be trivial to write a script to go through all the user pages and snarf anything, and given that these are The Internets, is there a reasonable expectation that an email address or other information you put on a publicly viewable page will *not* be harvested? Doesn't everyone have a spam-catcher address for this purpose?
posted by Capn on Jan 23, 2005 - 7 comments

Could we add optional personal info to our profile pages?

Would it be a good idea to let members enter some optional personal information (age, sex, location, shoe size, etc.) on their profile page?
posted by Aaaugh! on May 10, 2001 - 30 comments

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