6 posts tagged with academic.
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Spades? Poker? Cheap wine?

I'm looking for an old comment/FPP about an academic playing cards and drinking with some old friends in the projects (or an otherwise troubled urban area). [more inside]
posted by still bill on Sep 10, 2014 - 6 comments

Reading a textbook via index analysis

I recall reading an article (written by an academic, I think) about a method of getting through a textbook quickly by analyzing the most frequent entries in the index. Pretty sure it was linked from MetaFilter. Does anyone remember?
posted by paleyellowwithorange on Sep 18, 2013 - 5 comments

Another academic study of online communities

For those interested in academic studies of online communities, here's a new one: “Don’t feed the troll”: Shutting down debate about community expectations on Reddit.com. [more inside]
posted by k8t on Aug 14, 2011 - 76 comments

Metafilter is a provider of social support.

Hello everyone. I'm a graduate student at CUNY Hunter School of Social Work; I am writing a paper on online social networking sites as they provide social support and intersect with the social service field. I would like to ask a few questions to get a sense of individual use and to observe the differences and similarities in experiences before I begin my paper. [more inside]
posted by fuq on Feb 21, 2011 - 65 comments

Get your chatfilter at Answerbag

AskMe is one of three Q&A sites studied in this new academic article. [more inside]
posted by DiscourseMarker on Jul 9, 2010 - 48 comments

How does it feel to know you're a lab rat?

Exploring the dynamics of blog communities: the case of MetaFilter. Leiser Silva, Lakshmi Goel, Elham Mousavidin. Information Systems Journal. vol 19 no. 1 pp 55-81. 2009.
posted by dersins on May 6, 2009 - 168 comments

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