6 posts tagged with addiction.
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Joke Taboos
Can Mefites explain why MetaFilter as a whole seems to consider e.g. Chris Christie fat jokes morally unacceptable but Rob Ford crack cocaine jokes are funny fun times? I'm somehow guessing a "imagine all the donuts Chris Christie is gonna eat when he wins the Presidency" wouldn't be considered Mefi-funny, but I don't see what underlying moral principle is at work here.
Is There Wife Beyond MetaFilter? Oops, I Meant Life
Not an ask me. My wife just described herself as a MetaFilter widow. Please help!
You know that you use mefi too much when ...
You know that you use mefi too much when ... [more inside]
Do you read Mefi archives or your favourites?
Do you read Metafilter archives and/or your favourited items? [more inside]
Meta-Ask: Define Rock Bottom Addiction
meta-ask: Are there any scientific studies suggesting the need for addicted people to "hit rock bottom" before getting better?
I've noticed in a lot of AskMe threads dealing with addiction in a loved-one that people say that the addicted person needs to hit "rock bottom" before they can start to get better. Now obviously in retrospect every former addict will have some low point that they can look back on as their lowest, but often the advice given also states that people should avoid helping their loved-one, in a sort of effort to accelerate their decent, like the quicker they hit the bottom the quicker they can get better.
I'm just wondering, why do people think this is true? Are there any studies that actually state this? It seems like a really important thing to be just guessing about.
I've noticed in a lot of AskMe threads dealing with addiction in a loved-one that people say that the addicted person needs to hit "rock bottom" before they can start to get better. Now obviously in retrospect every former addict will have some low point that they can look back on as their lowest, but often the advice given also states that people should avoid helping their loved-one, in a sort of effort to accelerate their decent, like the quicker they hit the bottom the quicker they can get better.
I'm just wondering, why do people think this is true? Are there any studies that actually state this? It seems like a really important thing to be just guessing about.
How much weight to attach to the "community" in "online community?"
I saw this thread over at kuro5hin about the recent suicide of an Everquest fanatic and the surrounding issues. This thread was about online games but the poll in the sidebar lists "blogs" as the #2 "online addiction." Rusty and his crew have given the topic a good going-over, but I'm interested in what the MeFiosi have to say on these. Firstly, just how much weight should we attach to the "community" in "online community?" Second, if we are all members of a community, just what responsibilities do we have to our fellow citizens? I'm not taking any position yet, I just found it a thought-provoking set of questions.