4 posts tagged with asheville by moonbird.
Displaying 1 through 4 of 4.

Asheville MeFi/MeCha meetup photos

Bunnystock 2006: The Asheville Mefi/Mecha Grand Convocation as seen through the lenses of mygothlaundry, mike9322, boringpostcards, matildaben, & moonbird.
posted by moonbird on Aug 7, 2006 - 23 comments

Asheville meetup pictures!

With sheer glee and drunken merriment, the Asheville MeFi meetup celebrated its first convergence this weekend. Photographic evidence abounds. (after a while you may be able to guess who is who)
posted by moonbird on Apr 11, 2005 - 31 comments

Mountain Mefi/Mofi meetup

It's the first irregular (but previously attempted) Mountain Mefi/Mofi meetup: Friday April 8th, 7pm, Flying Frog Cafe, Asheville, NC. Out under the awning if the weather's nice. Watch the waiter to the spinning plate trick. Good times!
posted by moonbird on Mar 24, 2005 - 14 comments

Asheville NC meet-up

While we're having MeFi meetup fever, anyone close to Asheville, NC (vaguely metropolitan mountain city about two hours from Charlotte)? If so, I'd be pleased as punch to host a gathering...
posted by moonbird on Nov 10, 2003 - 13 comments

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