163 posts tagged with askme and etiquette.
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How to directly answer a question based on flawed assumptions?
"I think it's pretty clear that I'm not asking for your opinion on the idea's viability." Sorry, this question (and response from the asker) is crap.
Shall we put a mint on your pillow too?
God knows usually I'm ALL over the travel posts. (Love 'em!) But I'm sorry... are we really supposed to be someone's pro bono travel agent?
Ticked off at replies to "Irrational pregnancy fears".
From Ask: Why are so many saying that she must not know the facts of life and is it just me who finds this to be pretty rude?
This is why we can't have nice things.
Good ask metafilter thread that doesn't answer the question? Yes, they exist.
This (Medical Marijuana ask.mefi thread) is a good example of an ask metafilter thread where people don't answer the specific question of the poster, but still remain civil and helpful. Yay. So there's an existence proof that people can be helpful while not answering the question asked (and not fall all over themselves to be jerks).
Is AskMe always this crappy when Jessamyn steps away for 40 minutes?
Is it appropriate to ask AskMeFi for a scholarship reference?
Is it appropriate to ask AskMeFi for a scholarship reference?
Askme: answer the question or get out
elide, elide, elide
I would like to thank parmanparman for unleashing the snark beautifully. The delivery was perfect.
AskMe Proxies?
Did anyone else get an email yesterday from "a new member" saying you had a "friendly profile" and asking you to post a question for him since he'd "just joined" and couldn't yet post an askme? Monochromaticgirl and I both did and thought it was odd--especially since we don't have very friendly profiles.
Maybe we're just jerks, but we thought it was odd.
Maybe we're just jerks, but we thought it was odd.
Bad Question for AskMe
"There's no way random strangers can help you with this." Strongly agreed. This type of question does not belong on ask metafilter. Too many variables and no detail whatsoever.
A helpful, open place where the emphasis is on sniping
Since it seems the moderators are not reading the thread below, in which the community decided it was perfectly acceptable to launch personal attacks against a person whose only transgression was using the site as it's supposed to be used, I'm bringing it up as its own topic here. Nasty comments that serve no function in helping the poster find a solution are not allowed in AskMe. Allowing them in MeTa -- again, not because the poster has made some transgression or broken some site rule, but simply because he's fat or lonely or makes too much money or whatever else the community has deemed unacceptable today -- seems a completely shitty way of getting around the rules in AskMe, and seems to completely undermine what we as a community are trying to create there: A helpful, open place where the emphasis is on solving problems, not sniping.
AskMe Etiquette
AskMe etiquette: is it OK to use AskMe answers as a lead-in for business? Someone close to me is a professional career counsellor/resume writer & I've thought of recommending they join MeFi specifically so they can join in answering job-related questions, with a thought to promoting their own services if people want more in-depth assistance. I'm absolutely NOT talking about a cookie-cutter spamish approach that purely takes advantage of the community while giving nothing in return, but real answers that help people out with an understated offer to provide something more substantial at a price. I see a lot of job- & career-related posts to AskMe & I see it as a good fit, but I'll only suggest it to them if I get a thumbs up from the hive.
self-cenetered and unsociable
Users who post AskMe questions but never answer others' appear self-centred and unsociable. What about a user who answers a tonne of questions, but never asks any? Is that user a know-it-all?
stereotyping sucks
"part of American culture is to utterly ignore people who are outside your circle of personal friends/acquaintances/family" ... "there is a cultural thing re yelling and violence in American domestic relationships" ... we all know what those people are like ...
Love Thy Neighbor, AskMe style!
Love Thy Neighbor, AskMe style! How to fend off the slobbering junkies who dared to penetrate your hard-won suburban isolation with their outrageous requests.
Fake statistics aren't valid answers.
Posting a esolutionsdata.com link in response to an Ask Metafilter question is bad form. Go hone your stand-up routine somewhere else.
Should I mark my own comment as best answer on my own post?
So, I wrote a question and the responses weren't that useful. Afterwards, I posted a reply to my own question with all the information I wished that someone had told me in the first place so that others who stumble on the thread will get something useful out of it. Was it bad form to mark it as one of the best?
Axme post shilling for business
I believe this AxMe is shilling for her business.
Noise in the menstruation question.
Beign a good answerer on askme
Two related questions:
1) Is there a ratio of answers posted to questions asked on AskMeFi that makes one a good citizen? Does only asking questions and never offering answers make one selfish?
2) If one's answer to a question has already been posted, should the same answer be posted again? Is reposting an answer a way to "vote" for that answer and show that multiple people think it's the best, or does a repeat answer that doesn't include any new information just get in the way of answers that have something new to them?
1) Is there a ratio of answers posted to questions asked on AskMeFi that makes one a good citizen? Does only asking questions and never offering answers make one selfish?
2) If one's answer to a question has already been posted, should the same answer be posted again? Is reposting an answer a way to "vote" for that answer and show that multiple people think it's the best, or does a repeat answer that doesn't include any new information just get in the way of answers that have something new to them?
Wait, what? An ask vs. mefi callout
I will not even CONSIDER [the obvious and necessary].
Is it a serious faux-pas to suggest things or give answers contrary to specified criteria in the questions at AskMe?
pile-on against the poster
This AskMe question has quickly become a pile-on against the poster. Sure, the question has some elements of the ridiculous in it, but it's crossing the line. Two select comments: 1, 2. Also, this comment really addresses the problem we're creating by attacking the poster.
I feel guilty just having read the question
This seems barely different from the earlier version that was deleted.
I think your questions are not worthy
Tune in next week for another exciting edition of jacobean's vapid, ignorant, stupid, shallow and inflammatory question show! What will he ask next? Is it true that clouds are made of water? Why don't people like the same things I do? How long can a person go without takiong a shower? All this and more, coming next week!
Read Before Answering!
Is it really that hard for people to thoroughly read an AskMe question before answering? It seems increasingly more common to have mutliple answers to a question that duplicate material already mentioned in the question or answers that express concern for an aspect of the question the original poster already explicitly addressed. To get a sense of what I am talking about, see the first 6 or so answers here.
Policy about using sockpuppets to skip around the 1 question per week rule?
After reading this ask.me where it appears that a user accidentally outed their sockpuppet, what's the policy about using sockpuppets to skip around the 1 question per week rule?
This question is great, but the answers are not
This is a fine example of a decent question and good responses made much less satisfying because they are interspersed with responses from assholes who are just posting to see their names.
Is ask.metafilter becoming less civil?
I have followed ask.metafilter for several years--infrequent poster but faithful reader and occasional responder. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed in the last several months a slight decline in the civility of responses and an increasing harshness of tone. I note an increasing judgementalism particularly the reframing of the question to challenge the poster. It is still one of the most civil places I visit. Really, I was just curious. Obviously, it appears more often on the human relation issues. Thanks for any comments
AskMe Guidelines
After seeing posts like little Miss Professor's object de amour, I don't think AskMeFi should be closed to scorn. Many people that ask questions are only looking for approval, not answers.
OP starts judgements early
I'm taking myself to metatalk because I am honestly not sure what the best thing to do would be.
Here was a heartbreaking post from a grieving person who specifically asked people not to take their abortion debates into the thread. The Confessor posted what I thought was a completely uncalled for judgement on those who have abortions ("for convenience"-- a common anti-abortion term). I found it personally offensive and noted so in-thread, stating I didn't want to hijack (or debate) but that I found the judgement to be uncalled for. Now I am not sure if that was the right thing to do. Should I have called out here to begin with? Should I have ignored it?
And I want to apologize to anonymous for making a "thing" in his thread.
Here was a heartbreaking post from a grieving person who specifically asked people not to take their abortion debates into the thread. The Confessor posted what I thought was a completely uncalled for judgement on those who have abortions ("for convenience"-- a common anti-abortion term). I found it personally offensive and noted so in-thread, stating I didn't want to hijack (or debate) but that I found the judgement to be uncalled for. Now I am not sure if that was the right thing to do. Should I have called out here to begin with? Should I have ignored it?
And I want to apologize to anonymous for making a "thing" in his thread.
Divorce too often recommended as solution
This sort of thing irks the hell out of me. When I asked for advice on getting my picky wife to eat well while pregnant, I also got advice like this ("my question in your circumstances would be about divorce lawyers"). I've seen a number of others like this too over the last year(s), advocating divorce or 'dumping' for any sort of relationship issue. Can we get a smackdown on these idiotic AskMe answers?
What you REALLY wanted to ask was...
So, at what point does answering the question you feel someone *should* have asked cross the line?
Shrill cries of "tasteless!"
Hello, JudgeMe! A guy asks about copyright infringement, and everyone jumps all over him. It may be tasteless to you...
Answer the question without preaching
I'm going to totally ignore your question, but I am going to pimp my religion.
AskMe posts deleted, not discussed
Some posts to AskMe about tailgating and driving etiquette were deleted from this thread. Discuss amongst yourselves...
Help me clarify my AskMe question
How could I have phrased this question in a more clear fashion that I didn't want any systems or methods or computer programs to track finances?
I know we can be catty, but this...
AskMe question being dragged into chatfilter
Who has ever, or intends to ever, or never will, view pornography, at work?
This Ask Metafilter is devolving into this question rather than how the situation should be handled.
This Ask Metafilter is devolving into this question rather than how the situation should be handled.
a bit of mischief behind, and in, AskMe
I suspect a bit of mischief behind this post. I rather like it.
Why do people kick the other kid's toys in the Sandbox (Ask Metafilter)?
I would like to commend the regulars of AskMetaFilter for letting their style of asking questions happen. It inspired the way I write AskMe questions now (and now I don't care if any people answer). Which brings me to my next and final point; about ettiquete and policy. Why can't people relax and just realize that's it's a sandbox, and if you kick the other kid's toy or throw sand in their face, I'm going to shove you? The conflict is necessary to watch the community form, but I think it's time to move to the monkey bars, you know what I mean kids?
What Not to Post to AskMe
Here's a very entertaining and highly instructive thread on What Not To Post To AskMe.
heated, and off topic
This AskMe thread is getting a bit... ermmm... heated, and off topic.
Bad AskMe response
This post is abusive, flamebait and does not address the question.
Too much information and not enough privacy? Where does one draw the line?
To etiquette/policy: How bad is it to have posted a full name with some work history while asking AskMe for help in finding that person?
the most annoying person ever to post in the green
Answerers jumping the gun
While it's very nice to, for once, see an answer-poster own up to
Any ideas? Perhaps, including a "Did you read the [more inside] at the top of the page?" reminder?
"Crap. I posted my brilliant secret before reading the whole post. Really sorry.there are another 106 times that I've seen answerers who never realized that the [mi] should have forestalled their answers.
I guess I got caught up a, "Holy crap I can contribute trip". Really, really sorry, and I have nothing useful to say.
Any ideas? Perhaps, including a "Did you read the [more inside] at the top of the page?" reminder?
Presumably-drunk user shitting in AskMe
When is it ok to pile on a poster?
Regarding this question. What's the rule of thumb here? Is it ok to pile on a poster and not answer his question if he's a minor? If his parents are possibly rich? If he lives in LA? If you don't like his attitude? If you're mad because you had a shitty car when you were 16, or even -- GASP -- no car at all, and this kid totally doesn't even deserve one, much less a NEW one?