163 posts tagged with askme and etiquette.
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Offensive Ask-Me
Maybe it's just my ameri-centric liberal oversensitivity and 'wheatish' skin-tone, but somehow I find this thread to be highly offensive.
Stay on subject in relationship filter
Can we try not to hijack a relationship thread with judgements about "breeders"?
you ask about drugs and insurance; my advice is to quit
I didn't want to derail this AskMe with this, so I clipped what I wrote there about drug testing and am posting it here. [more inside]
Snark fight in AskMe thread.
AskMe Homework Guidelines
I have an AskMe question, and I want to be sure that it's not breaking the "no homework on MeFi" convention. [mi]
AskMe Etiquette
LazyFilter: I think Ask.Me is most helpful when people get questions answered that are difficult to answer elsewhere, or after having done some research on their own. I'm not a particular fan of "Inspired by this other ask question..." as if we need to brianstorm questions.
The latest egregious example is this thread which coming a mere 11 minutes after this other thread, I can only assume the poster's thought process was "Hmmm...thats slightly puzzling! Let me hit the Ask-a-Question button!" instead of say, doing some research on style manuals first and/or uncovering this previous thread on the exact same question. Do some research first, people!
The latest egregious example is this thread which coming a mere 11 minutes after this other thread, I can only assume the poster's thought process was "Hmmm...thats slightly puzzling! Let me hit the Ask-a-Question button!" instead of say, doing some research on style manuals first and/or uncovering this previous thread on the exact same question. Do some research first, people!
Not answering the damn question.
Another example of folks not answering the damn question.
Askme etiquette on using first line of question as title
I've noticed that when posting questions to AskMeFi people will often just copy verbatim the first sentence of their question text into the title field.
Apeshit over circumcision.
not ready to swim in the adult pool
Yet another specific example from the same user that they're not ready to swim in the adult pool. Is this harsh lambasting of every less-than-perfect-in-thine-own-eyes answer really proper AskMe decorum?
It's a question, of course it was asked.
The worst noise I see on AskMeFi is simple: posts that suggest that a question should NEVER be asked on AskMeFi. I keep wanting to flag them as "obnoxious" but that isn't specifically an option.
Why do people assume that if someone asks on AskMeFi that they are somehow prevented from asking a real specialist? To put it the other way, can we assume - especially when the poster SAYS so in their question - that the person knows to seek proper help, that they are just asking here for additional points of view?
People here are adults and just because someone asks something in the Green doesn't mean that they're going to let the answers they receive trump a doctor or lawyer's advice. It usually just means someone's a little worried and wants to know what this often intelligent audience has to say on a subject in addition to any other advice they might seek.
Why do people assume that if someone asks on AskMeFi that they are somehow prevented from asking a real specialist? To put it the other way, can we assume - especially when the poster SAYS so in their question - that the person knows to seek proper help, that they are just asking here for additional points of view?
People here are adults and just because someone asks something in the Green doesn't mean that they're going to let the answers they receive trump a doctor or lawyer's advice. It usually just means someone's a little worried and wants to know what this often intelligent audience has to say on a subject in addition to any other advice they might seek.
Can we please stop questioning the need for anonymous AskMe posters to be anonymous?
Can we please stop questioning the need for anonymous AskMe posters to be anonymous? The posters can't respond, and I find Matt does a decent job of filtering out the questions that have no possible necessity for anonymity. Maybe you can't think of a reason, but then again, it's not your life at issue.
"Bullshit, and fuck you for assuming that."
"Bullshit, and fuck you for assuming that." -- I've observed that without further insight into the poster behind relationship questions, most people will naturally make their own assumptions and bring their own personal experiences to bear. If you're going to put yourself "out there" like this (and I question whether this is a good use of Ask Metafilter since these questions have no real "right" answer) then you also need to be a bit more patient with those who respond -or, don't respond at all.
Deleted AskMe
I'm pissed and slightly baffled. My first post to Ask MeFi was deleted. Apparently I should have posted it here in MetaTalk instead? No one has bothered to explain why, but I'm assuming it's because it was a question about MeFi. (Why do I keep having to log in every time I return to MeFi on my iBook, but not on my PC?)
Well, excuu-uuse me!
I paid $5 for the privilege of posting one question a week, which is then deleted? That's just rude.
Well, excuu-uuse me!
I paid $5 for the privilege of posting one question a week, which is then deleted? That's just rude.
AskMe Policy
I'm as much for self-induced liver damage as the next guy, but some questions should not be answered. And thus, should not be asked.
'otherwise you're no better than any other date rapist'
'otherwise you're no better than any other date rapist': fair comment? [mi]
Using an appropriate tone of response to personal questions
Fair criticism: "I think your post was just a little over the top."
Getting too personal: "Pretty poor showing - but hey, we need to hear what [commenter] thinks we need to hear. Who am I to argue with that?"
Over the top arrogance: "Look [commenter], if you had 2mm of latitude to accept some criticism about what you said, this would have been over a long time ago. Don't feel the need to defend yourself." [Because I prefer attacking people who don't fight back -- editorial comment and emphasis added].
Hypocritical lashing out and name-calling: "Senor [another commenter] - other than playing an incredibly biased referee, what are you doing here? Don't you have more important threads to not participate in?"
Getting too personal: "Pretty poor showing - but hey, we need to hear what [commenter] thinks we need to hear. Who am I to argue with that?"
Over the top arrogance: "Look [commenter], if you had 2mm of latitude to accept some criticism about what you said, this would have been over a long time ago. Don't feel the need to defend yourself." [Because I prefer attacking people who don't fight back -- editorial comment and emphasis added].
Hypocritical lashing out and name-calling: "Senor [another commenter] - other than playing an incredibly biased referee, what are you doing here? Don't you have more important threads to not participate in?"
How can I steal my friend's apartment?
Dear ask.mefi, how can I fuck over my friend while he's overseas by stealing his apartment so that he doesn't have a place to live when he gets back. P.S. It IS a really nice apartment, and he IS a jerk for having let me live there while he's gone so I'm totally justified in my actions.
AskMeFi could be improved if the people answering the questions gave more information about themselves and weren't so darned bashful. [MI]
Can I repeat my unanswered AskMe question?
A point of AskMe etiquette? I recently posted a question and got no useful response, and I suspect it's because I put the question badly. At this point, it's off the first page. Is it OK to repost the question in a more potentially useful way or should I just give up?
Maybe they didn't hear you the first time it was deleted
What do you do when you post condescending noise in an Axme and it gets deleted? Post it again in essentially the same form, of course. But wait! Don't forget to act indignant for maximum effect. [mi]
Abanadoned questions on AskMe
Abanadoned questions on AskMe:
I think one of the purposes of AskMe is to provide an archive of solutions. Too often, even though the questions are answered by the community, the asker doesn't bother to report back, or forgets about the question. [more inside]
I think one of the purposes of AskMe is to provide an archive of solutions. Too often, even though the questions are answered by the community, the asker doesn't bother to report back, or forgets about the question. [more inside]
Of course it was; the axe was dull!
Was all the axe-grinding in this thread really necessary?
weird phrasing in question
Strange superlative.
I have many delicious vegetarian recipes, but I better not tell this guy. I would hate to be responsible for him punching his mother in the mouth.
Or worse, my mother.
I have many delicious vegetarian recipes, but I better not tell this guy. I would hate to be responsible for him punching his mother in the mouth.
Or worse, my mother.
TMI! TMI! we didn't really care
I'm pretty sure I wouldn't date scarabic (especially since he thinks that as a man he's "wired to kill" and "rape everything in sight"), but I tend to keep that not very relevant info for myself. are we seriously supposed to share on AskMe our evaluation of other user's desirability as girlfriend/boyfriend? because if we indeed are, things could get pretty ugly pretty soon on AskMe
Please keep your politics out of Ask Metafilter questions
"Criminal incompetence is probably not an impeachable offense, but something has to be done about Bush." Please keep your politics out of Ask Metafilter questions. (And another.) It tends to attract the wrong kind of answers.
Why has this question in Ask Metafilter gone so smoothly?
I posted a smartass answer in this thread.
I admit it was a rude, snarky answer and shortly after posting it I wished it was deleted. Without my request, it was--to my relief.
Over the course of the evening, however, I found it unusual that what would in any other Metafilter setting would be a hugely inflammatory post (SUV, taxes, as subjects), yet after several hours no one had contributed (despite the topic matter and a user base in the tens of thousands).
So: Have Mefites become exceptionally complacent, did the topic (against all expectations) generate no interest, or was there a culling of the thread?
I admit it was a rude, snarky answer and shortly after posting it I wished it was deleted. Without my request, it was--to my relief.
Over the course of the evening, however, I found it unusual that what would in any other Metafilter setting would be a hugely inflammatory post (SUV, taxes, as subjects), yet after several hours no one had contributed (despite the topic matter and a user base in the tens of thousands).
So: Have Mefites become exceptionally complacent, did the topic (against all expectations) generate no interest, or was there a culling of the thread?
Should a religous dietary question open the debate about theology?
When someone posts a serious question to AskMe in order to help properly observe a religious food law, do you:
(a) Answer the question, or
(b) Attempt to engage in theological debate about their religion?
(a) Answer the question, or
(b) Attempt to engage in theological debate about their religion?
Why the sarcasm in AskMe?
Has anyone ever noted an odd behavior regarding the first comments on some AskMetafilter questions? I've noticed the more than occasional instance of snarky, snide or oddball comments by the first person there. It's almost as if these people are marking their territory by pooping on the thread. Are there other sociological parallels or is there an name for this behavior?
Consulting Wikipedia before posting to AskMe
Matt, can you please add Wikipedia to the list of places to check on the AskMe post a question page? A number of times, I've noticed perfectly cromulent answers were in there. In fact, I bet Mefites can suggest at least a couple other "check here first" sources.
This post has no stupid tags
I'm pretty sure this has been requested before here, but can we please have a way to flag posts with stupid tags, while the rest of the content of the post is just fine?
Scriptural mythos without atheists
In the same way we want to avoid people's pet theories on pornography invading threads on pubic shaving (old gray/green thread, wish I could remember the URLs), I wish Metafilter's multitude of strident atheists would extend the courtesy of keeping their unhelpful but oh-so-clever snarks [6,6,6] out of otherwise cogent discussions on scriptural mythos. We can talk about these things objectively without being vilified as damn fundies, right? Thanks, and Happy Easter.
Don't get snarky just because you don't like the answers.
Guidance on the correct use of AskMe's [more inside] field
Uhm, everyone using [more inside] in Ask MetaFilter sort of defeats the purpose if it and looks, err, bad, does it not? Is there anything to do about it?
Can I contact someone via MetaTalk?
I want to pass on some info to someone regarding their expired (and kind of unfulfilled) AskMe question, but there's no email listed on his/her contact page. Is it within MeFi etiquette to post an open note here on MetaTalk for nakedcodemonkey?
I AM PMS-ing
Snark/non helpful alert. And we wonder why folks think this is a boyzone? Am I pms'ing? Yes. Overreacting? Possibly. Does not calling it out = acceptance, joking or not?
AskMe is not for Help Wanted ads.
Ask Metafilter is not a volunteers wanted noticeboard.
the poster clearly asked for a female response
We've been over this already.
Please limit to answers in askme
Please limit comments to answers or help in finding an answer.
Guns questions get derails, not answers
A particularly egregious example of commentators hijacking an AxeMe thread instead of answering the question.
How to say "thanks Ask MetaFilter"?
How to say "thanks Ask MetaFilter"
I recently asked a question and and amazed with the help I recieved. Should I just smile, post in the thread (but who would see it?) or email individual posters? Or just shut up?
I recently asked a question and and amazed with the help I recieved. Should I just smile, post in the thread (but who would see it?) or email individual posters? Or just shut up?
The suspense is killing me [more inside]
Could we maybe dispense with the cliffhangers in Ask.MetaFilter?
You don't have a 'right' to post anywhere
Sigh. . . [+]
Over-reaction to my not-so-stellar AskMe
Okay, so in a lapse of early morning judgement I post a not-so-stellar AskMe post. But does such deserve...(MI)
Anyonymous: signal or noise?
Have anonymous posts made AskMetafilter better?
Askme: rein it in, please
Can we please be done asking questions that aren't actually questions already?
Noise in the cat question.
How about answering peoples' questions in AskMe, instead of berating them over their reasons for asking?
Y'know, just sayin'.
Y'know, just sayin'.
AskMe Etiquette
Callout to take care in your AskMeFi posts:
"parking meters and nyc" question. Ummm... did you mean Fire hydrant?
"is there a well-known phrasing of the concept that 'the three (or bough, or branch)" Uhh... did you mean tree?
People seem to take extra care with spelling, phrasing and clarity in the blue and this is great but it seems like a poster should take even more care in the green because rather than offering information you are asking for it to be given to you. Just sayin'.
"parking meters and nyc" question. Ummm... did you mean Fire hydrant?
"is there a well-known phrasing of the concept that 'the three (or bough, or branch)" Uhh... did you mean tree?
People seem to take extra care with spelling, phrasing and clarity in the blue and this is great but it seems like a poster should take even more care in the green because rather than offering information you are asking for it to be given to you. Just sayin'.
I'm already in pain, and didn't need your wiseass remarks
In the course of answering PurplePorpoise's pillow question, I mention (for background) that I suffer from a painful, chronic autoimmune disease. This is Pretty_Generic's response. That didn't hurt much, really -- less than my back does most days -- but it doesn't make him any less of an insensitive prick. Mocking someone's illness shouldn't be considered good conduct.
Can we please stick to the topic on Ask?
Can we please stick to the topic on Ask? Sorry jonmc and astruc but I don't think your opinions on the aesthetics of waxing pubes was on answergrape's mind when she asked the question.