4 posts tagged with berkeley and meetup.
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Bay Area Meet-up.

SF Meetup - February Edition. [more inside]
posted by iamabot on Feb 3, 2010 - 94 comments

Bay Area bike repair meetup

On Sunday, 10/16, CTP and I will be holding our first monthly free bike repair clinic in Berkeley. We're offering free repair, free advice/teaching on anything relating to making your bike work. All Bay Area MeFites are invited to come get a free tune-up, help with repairs, or just hang out. [details inside]
posted by scarabic on Oct 12, 2005 - 19 comments

Berkeley Meetup Photos

Photos of last night's Berkeley meetup.

posted by DaShiv on Sep 21, 2005 - 30 comments

Reminder: Hands Across the Bay MeFiSF meetup in Berkeley

Reminder: Hands Across the Bay MeFiSF meetup in Berkeley, starting at 5 PM at the Albatross (San Pablo and University), Sat, April 16th. More detail at upcoming.org. Attendees will receive a gift!
posted by caitlinb on Apr 14, 2005 - 13 comments

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