32 posts tagged with bug and fixed.
Displaying 1 through 32 of 32. Subscribe:
Vote history username bug
A bug in Projects: clicking on the usernames in someone's vote history leads to a 404 every time.
Broken Image on Login Page
Odd Display Bug?
Anyone else see a weird display bug with this comment? In both IE and Firefox, the "posted by" line (and only the posted by line) for that comment (and only that comment) is not indented at all. I'm not familiar with the Metafilter code, but when I view source it looks like all the rest of the comments.
Can't add favorites.
"Request is malformed: can't add as a favorite." That's what I get when I try to add a favorite.
I can't access my question.
i am having trouble accessing my blog on the ask mefi thread i started earlier. for some reason i can access all other parts of mefi, but not that thread (http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/47579). its over the idiot roommate who has an internet girlfriend from alaska. i just want to let people know i created a blog about it since many wanted to be updated.
DNS weirdness.
Metafilter's DNS is broken. (More inside.)
Cold Fusion error on MeFi and AskMe.
Ask and main Mefi both reporting " Invalid CFML construct found on line 55 at column 35." on every page I try which is interfering with my late night mefi fix!
Browsing by tag is broken
My Comments page is missing all of the carriage returns.
Linefeeds/Carriage returns in My Comments missing? Same in both Firefox and IE 6. I'm not talking about breaks between comments, but within comments.
CF Error!
Metafilter.org is borked with a CF error.
Ask.Mefi RSS isn't updating
It's broke again. The Ask.Mefi RSS isn't updating.
the XML yields:
XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Location: http://ask.metafilter.com/rss.xml
Line Number 156, Column 18:
the XML yields:
XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Location: http://ask.metafilter.com/rss.xml
Line Number 156, Column 18:
I'm not able to add latitude and longitude on my profile.
I cannot add latitude/longitude to my userpage. More inside.
Archives link in Projects isn't working correctly.
The archives link within Projects seems not to work as expected. Apologies if this is known or expected.
Forbidden bug
Trying to comment here gets me:
Forbidden - You don't have permission to access /contribute/post_comment_preview.cfm on this server.
Forbidden - You don't have permission to access /contribute/post_comment_preview.cfm on this server.
Bug: Cold Fusion Error in AskMe
Cold Fusion Error when accessing AskMetafilter. [more inside]
CSS fix for horizontal scrollbar
I'd like to submit a bug-fix to MetaFilter default.css stylesheet. It fixes the Mozilla/Firefox page rendering (on Windows) so that it no longer generates an annoying horizontal scrollbar. After much tinkering, it appears to be fixed by the following small change to the stylesheet:
.tinydatetime {
font-size: 10px;
font-family: verdana, sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
color: black;
padding-left:5px; < ------ change to b>margin-left:5px;
padding-right:5px; < ------ change to b>margin-rightt:5px;
It needs testing on non-Windows platforms however.
.tinydatetime {
font-size: 10px;
font-family: verdana, sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
color: black;
It needs testing on non-Windows platforms however.
Link date error when posting to AskMe.
Variable LINK_DATE is undefined. [more]
Cold Fusion busted again
Cold Fusion error on this thread.
Best Answer doesn't show "more inside"
An archive-status related bug
I'm assuming it's related to this, but when I'm not logged in, each thread in the blue ends with the "This thread is archived and is closed to new comments" message, instead of the "Register or login to comment" message.
Adding tags to my old thread caused a mess.
I made my old thread unhappy when adding tags. Not sure how that happened.
Askme bold bug
Minor bug ... all text at AskMe is bold starting with the "I need a case for my iPod. [+] posted by Who_Am_I at 7:45 AM PST - 8 comments" - and below.
I see two "December 10" headers in the green.
I see two "December 10" headers in the green. Do I need a new glasses prescription?
Open tag.
Mefi menu needs fix
The MeFi menu looks wrong to me.
ColdFusion error in this old thread.
ColdFusion error in this old thread.
Problem with MeFi displaying really large text.
In Windows XP version 2002, using either Mozilla 1.1 or IE6, renders Metafilter with really big letters that make reading the site difficult. Anyone got any solutions?
MetaTalk category list is broken
metatalk category list link is broken.
Broken html messing up the place.
Bug: comment links send me back to the top
when i try to jump to someone's specific comment in a MeTa thread, it sends me to the top of the page. [example inside]
Blank page bug
What ... Just ... Happened?
I came here a few minutes ago and there was nothing but a big white space and a line that said that the URL didn't exist.
It was scary.
I came here a few minutes ago and there was nothing but a big white space and a line that said that the URL didn't exist.
It was scary.
You used to be able to leave this blank.