151 posts tagged with callout and mefi.
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Enough with the flash spam.

We needed another gratuitous product pitch? As the worthless Legs McNeil once said: please kill me.
posted by adamgreenfield on Sep 10, 2003 - 5 comments

Double post.

Although this thread was used before (and the bad spelling!), it had a little more relevance to the accompanying links. Double post? Yes. Included more than the previous post? Yes. Someone forgot to spell check? Yes.
posted by Keyser Soze on Sep 3, 2003 - 23 comments

MeFi callout for anti-semitism

Hmm..... It does fit in with riptide's posting history which consists of mostly short, useless, and sometimes offensive comments.
posted by rdr on Aug 29, 2003 - 87 comments

She left? But she's in the kitchen just now!

You don't need to toot your own horn to make you feel better about your wife leaving you. Seriously?
posted by jonson on Aug 17, 2003 - 70 comments

quasi-anonymous nastygram specially for you

while for obvious reasons omidius' initial retort did not bother me too much, I'd say the subsequent quasi-anonymous nastygram received by email was rather too much. while I can't take back my relaxed response, he's certainly not going to get any candy. no candy for you!!
posted by dorian on Aug 7, 2003 - 57 comments

Called out on the callout of the callout

Most of you probably don't care about this thread, but I got called out on my callout, and... [more inside]
posted by brownpau on Jul 27, 2003 - 11 comments

I am inclined to think this is a bit over the line.

posted by y2karl on Apr 21, 2003 - 137 comments

debka verboten

i seem to recall mathowie expressly forbidding postroad from ever posting a debka link again. since postroad continually flouts even basic metafilter guidelines and seems to regard this forum as his personal colostomy bag, i think he needs a time out.
posted by donkeyschlong on Apr 3, 2003 - 90 comments

The very worst kind of IraqFilter thread

This is an example of the very worst kind of IraqFilter thread. Grabbing the first news story on a subject, a Fark-style minimal headline and people getting out the popcorn for a surely ensuing flamewar.

Can we please not have anymore crap like this on MeFi? There are many other places to get information like this.
posted by Space Coyote on Mar 23, 2003 - 13 comments

We will discuss whatever is in the links

Posted by nofundy at 2:48 PM EST on March 14:

This so didn't need to be posted. Do we really need to hear yet another pundit's fascinating views on Iraq?

"So you think discussing Eminem would be a better use of time than considering alternate viewpoints on serious issues?"
posted by Stan Chin on Mar 14, 2003 - 176 comments

Attacking and insulting members isn't cool.

Why is it necessary to attack and insult?
posted by tolkhan on Mar 12, 2003 - 45 comments

What ever happened to quite rational discussion?

I'm slightly disturbed by the vitriol suddenly on display here. What ever happened to quite, rational discussion? [more]
posted by feelinglistless on Feb 6, 2003 - 101 comments

thread about abortion aborted

the making of an abortion. nuff said.
posted by quonsar on Dec 19, 2002 - 36 comments

Pointless post.

This post does not seem to have any point, nor do the comments.
posted by owillis on Nov 30, 2002 - 32 comments

Where are all the lefties?

This comment, made by red cell, is way over the line.
posted by Steve_at_Linnwood on Oct 22, 2002 - 121 comments

Stop picking on the n00bs

I'd like to suggest that there might be a bit of a danger these days of stripping some potential away from the site. A lot of new users are being called out (or belittled) rather promiscuously for posts or comments that are often no different than what they have been accustomed to seeing from Metafilter elders pre-14k (as well as post-14k). Vigilance is worthy and needed in order to protect the integrity of Metafilter, but I suspect that there is a risk of creating an atmosphere of paranoia in which many promising new members will be afraid to post anything that they are not absolutely certain will not reap condemnation. (more inside...)
posted by taz on Sep 7, 2002 - 62 comments

Just because it's "another Coulter thread"

Hi, Jack. Just because it's "another Coulter thread" doesn't mean raysmj ought to piss all over it with his off-topic opinions on proper journalistic style. How many other threads have been similarly derailed by snarks on the writing style or site design of the linked page?
posted by mcwetboy on Sep 5, 2002 - 63 comments

What the dogmuffins is up with this?

What the dogmuffins is up with this? I think that searching for the phrase "fuckwit" will prove that I've never used it. Is there someway to delete comments like this, which serve no purpose except to be nasty?
posted by dejah420 on Sep 4, 2002 - 51 comments

I really liked that movie -> FPP

Is this thread front page material? [more inside]
posted by Hildago on Sep 3, 2002 - 55 comments

Newsfilter's Greatest Hits

So in case you missed the posts linking to well-known news stories in well-known media outlets, there's now a post that collects them all for you. Nothing new here, just collected for your browsing pleasure. Call it MetaNewsFilter. Jeepers.
posted by luser on Aug 23, 2002 - 30 comments

How about a little meat to go with that book?

Starting a thread with an Amazon link. Weak.
posted by jjg on Jul 20, 2002 - 42 comments

Deletion: ask and ye shall receive

Is it appropriate to ask that clavdiv's moronic, homophobic, 4-post dump on this thread be deleted?
posted by mediareport on May 26, 2002 - 52 comments

Bad article, bad link, bad post.

Woo-hoo! A new thread points to Google! Even better, the poster forgot the "http:/ /" part, and the site doesn't even reflect his point!

My question is this: was it appropriate for me to comment on the thread, ask a pertinent question, provide a couple relevant links, and then immediately come here and slag the thread?
posted by gohlkus on May 20, 2002 - 11 comments

Chatfilter posts are bad posts.

You're kidding, right?
posted by Su on May 16, 2002 - 43 comments

Us declares itself above the law.

Us declares itself above the law.

Other than one or two people here and there talking about the topic at hand, this thread was basically a shouting match and trolling session. Is this the level of debate that now passes for inteligent from the MetaFilter community?
posted by Zool on May 6, 2002 - 19 comments

A troll by any other name

I'd use the word troll in this case, but it has some connotations that are a bit loaded given the subject.
posted by briank on May 1, 2002 - 33 comments

Editorializing on the front page

Shouldn't you post rants on your own blog if you have one?
posted by dchase on Apr 28, 2002 - 17 comments

Mob-style takedown

Take a trip with me down the Riviera (#1, #2, #3, #4), where no comment is complete without a little vicious personal invective.
posted by rcade on Mar 16, 2002 - 141 comments

When the cat's away...

I'm seriously aware that Matt is gone for the weekend, but do we have to put up with crap like this?
posted by Wulfgar! on Mar 10, 2002 - 71 comments

From discussion to bigotry

Discussion? Bigotry? Over the past few days, several threads seem (to me at least) to have degenerated from discussion to all out Muslim bashing (1,2,3). I'm not here to name names, point fingers or tattle on anyone for specific comments, rather to ask at what point do we say "enough is enough?" People have a right to their opinions (prejudices), but when those opinions are stated without some modicum of respect/even-handedness, we have to wonder why they are tolerated in a public forum.
posted by hipstertrash on Feb 27, 2002 - 33 comments

penalty box

Penalty box, if not outright removal from the playing field?
posted by owillis on Jan 31, 2002 - 59 comments

racism and land rights go hand-in-hand?

I believe some of the comments in this thread are completely out of line.
posted by ashbury on Jan 27, 2002 - 46 comments

Civility in politics threads: Bushtard.

Bushtard? I'm not a fan of Bush, but this is really getting old. Any suggestions for how to discourage this method of posting?
posted by jheiz on Jan 11, 2002 - 7 comments

Some people don't like Kottke

"Anyone who posts Kottke.org to Metafilter.com should die. heh. uhh?" Feel free to post any derogative posts about this MeFi post which are not helpful to the actual thread here. "I'm tired of Kottke." "Zach's a loser." All that stuff goes right here. I reserve the right to defend myself.
posted by ZachsMind on Dec 10, 2001 - 31 comments


posted by rodii on Oct 31, 2001 - 15 comments

Broke the mold after they made 'im

It isn't every day we get a no-email, no-URL new member who develops an instant outspoken loathing for MetaFilter, calls us Nazis, and devotes himself with great passion to demonizing liberals. So join me in welcoming Real9 before it's too late.
posted by rcade on Oct 11, 2001 - 12 comments

Drunk posting

I've got a headache too, and I'm not the one with a hangover.
posted by jpoulos on Oct 9, 2001 - 12 comments

Inappropriate name-calling in comments

"If you don't see what's so crass about that, you're a simple-minded fuckwit and I sincerely hope that your stupidity one day gets you killed."

More evidence of MetaFilter's demise.
posted by ljromanoff on Oct 4, 2001 - 6 comments

"Winer exception"

Is there some sort of "Winer exception" to the Mefi Prime Directive? I sure hope not...
posted by owillis on Sep 22, 2001 - 13 comments


I'll take it MetaTalk Skallas! And I want to know where you get off?
BTW happily taking my meds, taking it to MetaTalk and definitely wondering where you get off. . .
posted by crasspastor on Sep 16, 2001 - 14 comments

the following would the biggest waste of time!

"Does anyone really need this garbage? Personally I am pretty mad at the link poster for not warning me that the following would the biggest waste of time! Seriously, all I have to do is type in m-w.com and I've everything I need. Sorry but that Plump Design plump design (not a typo) really made me.......er.........mad.........uhhhh hold on...........ok I've got it........made me angry. That's it angry."
posted by skyline on Aug 31, 2001 - 6 comments

Bad Bush thread.

Boy, is this Bush link ever a bad thread.
posted by anildash on Aug 25, 2001 - 20 comments

He came from under the bridge

This fellow, seems to be one a dem dere trolls....
posted by owillis on Jul 13, 2001 - 38 comments

I am too good for this, and I am telling you that now.

Of all the cheap rhetorical tactics employed here, I think my favorite is "you people are sick and this conversation is beneath me, so I'm not participating except to note this fact" (#1, #2, #3, #4).
posted by rcade on Jun 18, 2001 - 32 comments


This is a classic self-blog. [more]
posted by mathowie on Jun 10, 2001 - 19 comments

Bad post callout

posted by rcade on May 27, 2001 - 10 comments

There should be an automatic ban on anyone using the phrase "lol"

Fuck, I can't even post a decent link without morons taking over.
posted by Mo Nickels on May 15, 2001 - 29 comments

Stop editorializing on front page

Dear longtime visitors to MetaFilter: Don't do this.
posted by rcade on Apr 30, 2001 - 24 comments

And how much worse have we seen now!

This comment in the longest thread ever seems inappropriate. Is this some inside joke, wholly out of line, or both?
posted by norm on Mar 30, 2001 - 20 comments

Does this need to be moderated?

Man, them's fighting words. In Matt's words, we're all in this together and we're self-policing. Does any policing need to go on in these threads or similar instances?

this is not a personal shot at aaron, although he is involved in both altercations.

i think we should take more care to limit our disparaging personal comments. what do you think?
posted by Sean Meade on Mar 13, 2001 - 23 comments

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