4 posts tagged with comicsans.
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Why does this page display correctly even though the hack has been fixed

I found this page via the wiki, and wondered why it still displays correctly? Amazing to see it being tested and fixed in one page! I would like an ELI5 as well as a more technical explanation. Although this doesn't technically require community input I do feel it deserves to be seen (again in some people's cases.) (Noobs - scroll down to see!!) *smiley face emoticon*
posted by marienbad on Oct 17, 2015 - 27 comments

Comic Sans!

Guys there is a Comic Sans thread that isn't set in Comic Sans. I thought that was the house style.
posted by The Devil Tesla on Dec 22, 2010 - 74 comments

Comic Sans, Bitch(en)

Font Pony! I suggest using the same special CSS from the Famous Comic Sans Thread on the current Comic Sans Thread and any other Comic Sans Thread. As well as maybe any typography thread that mentions Comic Sans more than X times?
posted by oneswellfoop on Jun 15, 2010 - 33 comments


I just wanted to say thanks to Matt for putting that extra-special touch on my post about Comic Sans. I have made a very few good posts and a number of bad ones, but this has completely made my MetaFilter day, no, wait - my MetaFilter year.
posted by GuyZero on Aug 23, 2007 - 65 comments

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