12 posts tagged with comments and comment.
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Eponyappropriate Timing

I made this post about trees/plants in video games and lazycomputerkids made this wonderful comment. And then Joyce Kilmer Rest Area, Imaginary Jersey Turnpike responded and it was like the comment gods had lined up. Searching for other examples of these types of perfectly lined up comments on the Meta.
posted by Fizz on Nov 2, 2017 - 17 comments

"Mom," I said. "He has legs."

I think we're due for another "this comment made me choke on my own spit" meta thread! [more inside]
posted by phunniemee on Aug 23, 2015 - 133 comments

Cold tea, please

Hello everyone, I am looking for a specific comment on AskMe about brewing cold tea. [more inside]
posted by lollymccatburglar on Jun 24, 2014 - 19 comments

Data set of links to comments made in other posts?

Is there a data set of links to comments from other threads, ranked by the number of times the comment is linked to? Or, could one be created? [more inside]
posted by jsturgill on May 16, 2014 - 18 comments

Please Help Me Find an AskMe Answer I Posted

About 3 years ago, I posted an AskMe comment in a thread that I *thought* started off, "I grew up in Hell." It got a lot of favorites, even recently, which freaks me out a bit because the description of my childhood was so raw. Weird to see people are still reading that thread! I wanted to reference it for this current question, but I could not find it. Can anyone find it? The original thread was really long, and was an AskMe from a man that was engaged to a woman with deep emotional problems. Thanks for your help!
posted by jbenben on Jun 27, 2013 - 5 comments

Don't worry about the vase, Neo.

The Oracle of MeFi is a curated tumblr of "intelligent, insightful, funny or otherwise interesting comments from all over MeFi," created by Foci of Analysis. Via Projects. [more inside]
posted by zarq on May 23, 2013 - 109 comments

The Joy of FPPing

To people who have done this; why did you create Front Page Post(s) on MetaFilter? The motivations are interesting in themselves, and may also provide positive reasons for people to cross the rubicon from lurker to poster. [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Dec 7, 2012 - 119 comments

Deleting the thumbs down?

Were there some comments deleted from this post? [more inside]
posted by XMLicious on Jun 4, 2012 - 59 comments

How to search favorites for posts/comments by a certain user

Is there a way to search my favorites for comments I have favorited by a specific user? [more inside]
posted by LobsterMitten on Apr 27, 2011 - 47 comments

Search Through User's Activity?

Would it be possible to have a search box on Activity subpages -- in other words, a search function that limits itself to a single user's comments or posts? [more inside]
posted by MikeHarris on Dec 4, 2009 - 14 comments

Pony: temporary comment editing

Temporary comment editing?
I'm sure this has been brought up before but......It would be nice to be able to edit one's comments for a short period after posting. Not for very long, obviously, but long enough to fix glaring errors or spelling mistakes.
posted by fenriq on Feb 3, 2006 - 78 comments

Metafilter is not for pyramid scheme

It should be pretty obvious that stuff like this should not fly in the blue. Using this site as a quarry for pyramid schemes is inappropriate and action should be taken accordingly.
posted by baphomet on Jun 26, 2005 - 47 comments

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