22 posts tagged with culture.
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For those coming back here after being away, what's changed recently?
As much of the internet becomes, well, enshittified, there may be more people like me who remember the sense of community and collaboration here and want to come home. To avoid us making idiots of ourselves, what's changed in the past few years? Has there been any culture shifts or discussions that prodigal posters need to know about? Is Metafilter in 2025 fundamentally what it was in 2016? Can we even precis this? [more inside]
Seeking global perspectives from the community
Hi all, this is a message from MetaFilter’s BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) board.
In the interest of highlighting and growing the global perspective here on our little corner of the web, we want to encourage BIPOC members to post a bit more to the site.
So we’re going to use this second week of November to encourage members who don’t consider themselves Western world natives (Diasporic BIPOC welcome here) to make a post or two about their culture. [more inside]
End of another week, let's talk about something else that is not related to politics. In light of the recent Notre-Dame de Paris fire, I thought it might be nice to have a thread where we can discuss other beautiful monuments/historical places from around the globe. Share with us places that you've visited in the past or would like to visit if given the opportunity. If you have old travel photos and feel comfortable sharing, all the better. As always, be kind to yourself and others. Cheers.
Cultural referents
This morning I came across a comment from one of our Culture-cohort MeFites, and idly wondered, hm, how many Minds* do we have here? [more inside]
Fuckin' duvet covers: how do they work?
Humans can be drained of blood in 8.6s given adequate vacuuming systems
One of the nicer things about being a MeFite is exposure to new ideas and content we might never have otherwise encountered. I'm curious to know what life lessons and other bits of knowledge you've learned about the world thanks to MetaFilter. Please share!
(mis)handling non-US content
Between the comments on this post about a story written by a Singaporean writer and the framing of this post about Storypick, I feel like Metafilter does not do non-American content well. [more inside]
What sorts of questions of good for AskMefi?
What would you say is the general culture of the AskMefi community? What sorts of questions get positive, supportive responses, and what sorts typically get negative responses? [more inside]
An emergent pattern on Metafilter FPPs
Noticing a disproportionate number of posts gravitating toward a particular set of subjects in the Blue over recent weeks and months. [more inside]
Incisive decison about circumcision
Can we please not have any more circumcision posts inspired by current affairs? They never go well and I can't imagine anyone will bother reading the thread after it closes.
mathowie interviews CmdrTaco
"I was a daily reader of Slashdot from about 1997 onwards, and it was a key inspiration for me starting MetaFilter." Matt Haughey interviewed Rob “CmdrTaco” Malda, Slashdot founder.
Spaces are for sissies!
Meta Book Club: The Woman Warrior
Maxine Hong Kingston grew up in two worlds: the "solid America," of confounding white "ghosts" to which her parents emigrated, and the misogynistic China of her mother's mesmerizing "talk-stories," where girls were worthless, tradition was exalted and only a strong, wily warrior woman could scratch her way upward. The next meeting of the Mefi Book Club will be held in MetaChat on Tuesday, April 26th. We'll be discussing Ms. Kingston's powerful, controversial and award-winning memoir, The Woman Warrior, and her attempts to discern the truths behind those talk-stories while discovering her personal identity. Please check out the Hungerford lecture on the book (or watch the video), and join us!
Original Loveparade thread was imperfect but why close it?
We don't care about the young folks?
Hipster talk. [more inside]
If You Must Be On My Lawn, At Least Include Me In Your Party
Please feel free to stay out of a thread if all you have to say is that (a) you don't know who that is... [more inside]
Big thanks to a helpful MeFi-ite
Big ups to DarlingBri who struggled through our phone tree and stepped in to give me some much needed advice and context about ECommerce. [more inside]
I c*nt stop saying twat.
UK vs. US or shock value vs. prudishness? Swearing in the drum circle thread. [more inside]
Cultural Biases In Education
To what extent should teachers incorporate their own biases into their teaching of youngish children? To what extent does using goofy picture of people do so? [more inside]
Commenter in contentious AskMe protests allegations of derailing behavior
Compare and contrast:
How do I deal with a Muslim co-worker who doesn't like me? which is pretty much one uninterrupted chorus of "what does his being Muslim have to do with it?" and How do I keep my [Latino] neighbors from stealing my power? in which someone, i.e. me, asking the same question, was insulted and accused of derailing.
How do I deal with a Muslim co-worker who doesn't like me? which is pretty much one uninterrupted chorus of "what does his being Muslim have to do with it?" and How do I keep my [Latino] neighbors from stealing my power? in which someone, i.e. me, asking the same question, was insulted and accused of derailing.
Stop crapping in the sports threads
The use of "gypped"
A recent comment about "feeling gypped" made me curious about what people here think about the term. [more inside]