5 posts tagged with deletionpolicy.
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Let's talk about anarchism

I disagree with this deletion. I think the subject would have deserved a thread of its own, as it wasn't just another story about the movement, it was an interesting piece on its own right. [more inside]
posted by daniel_charms on Dec 2, 2011 - 110 comments

Verboten Schmoten

This post was deleted for the following reason: Pretty thin for a notoriously hot-button issue; there might be a way to do this, but as a stand-alone – not so much. -- taz [more inside]
posted by troll on Nov 6, 2011 - 327 comments

Mixed Messages

This FPP was deleted by a junior mod (restless_nomad) well after a senior mod (cortex) made a comment. Is cortex's participation not a tacit approval (in a "this can stay" sense) of the post?
posted by troll on Oct 28, 2011 - 167 comments

Speculative News Posts Shouldering Out Legitimate News Posts

Should speculative posts always become the canonical Mefi thread? [more inside]
posted by chimaera on Dec 2, 2010 - 45 comments


I think its time we ban I/P threads completely. This thread gets deleted, while this thread, and this thread stand? [more inside]
posted by rosswald on Jun 25, 2010 - 175 comments

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