5 posts tagged with diet.
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The best thread on eating well?

Suggestions for one or two good comprehensive threads on nutrition and eating well. Blue or Green, but something comprehensive to recommend to someone that kind of covers the current thinking about diet, diet related to health and well being, and eating well. [more inside]
posted by [insert clever name here] on Oct 20, 2012 - 12 comments

MetaFit Spark People Team: Smart Healthy Physical Change

Looking for an online group for healthy living? A few of us are reviving the Metafilter team on the Spark People boards so if you're looking for a little support in your Spring health goals check it out. It's private so it's not searchable via Spark People's page. Use this link with the private team code to join. [more inside]
posted by dog food sugar on Apr 19, 2011 - 6 comments

This Ain't My Beach Body

The DailyBurn Challenge is over - how did it go for everyone? Do we want to start a new one? [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Mar 24, 2010 - 25 comments

That's 602.920 US dollars or 420.566 Euros! (thank you, pleasure to entertain you, tip your waiter, etc.)

With the new year around the corner, and recently noticing that Mefites have burned 490,834 calories, traveled 2,364 miles, and lost 378 pounds, I figure it's a good time to ask: Is there interest in some sort of MetaFilter weight loss/exercise challenge? (Meta-fitter? Har. Har. Sorry.) [more inside]
posted by NikitaNikita on Dec 23, 2009 - 88 comments


Pony request: diet.metafilter.com. I do recognize that the stable is pretty crowded already, but I see there's 371 tagged items on ask.mefi for diet questions. Seeing how Something Awful has a pretty busy weight loss forum going and diet is a multi-billion dollar industry, maybe MeFi can figure out some way to bring its great minds together to encourage one another toward weight loss goals and healthy lifestyles. Some basic weight graphs and weight tracking capability could be part of this. I realize this is getting into MeFi mission creep, so consider it just another idea for whenever the right time comes.
posted by crapmatic on Jul 13, 2009 - 111 comments

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