3 posts tagged with furries.
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ass from the past

Does anybody have that comic fandango_matt made with the boy scouts and the anthropomorphic animals explaining metafilter? All the references/links to it lead to 404s and dead ends. [more inside]
posted by tehloki on Aug 12, 2011 - 40 comments

Meetup at Anthrocon

Anthrocon is happening in a few days in Pittsburgh. I've never been, but I've been told that there are good places to people watch for free at the convention center. Are there any Mefites interested in meeting up? [more inside]
posted by Alison on Jun 30, 2009 - 33 comments


I got the urge to re-read fandango_matt's well-loved Metafilter Explained By Furries cartoon, but it is no longer available. (And its creator has disabled his MeFi account.) Did anyone save a copy?
posted by waraw on Jan 9, 2009 - 85 comments

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