10 posts tagged with harassment.
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Twitter harassment from Mefi Outsider & Go Mefi

There are at least 2 prolific Twitter accounts that have been actively harassing Mefites (including myself): Mefi Outsider and Go Mefi. It's high time we actually talk about them. [more inside]
posted by divabat on Jul 12, 2020 - 606 comments


Wired has a six-person panel discuss how to solve online harassment. MeFi gets a mention: "There are communities that are doing it just fine. On Metafilter, for example, people have totally elevated, helpful conversations, and there’s no name-calling."
posted by GuyZero on Oct 26, 2015 - 108 comments

Looking for a MeFi comment for a rebuttal

There have been many, many posts on MeFi about male privilege and sexual harassment and the discussions are always enlightening but there was one comment in particular recently that blew me away. [more inside]
posted by photoslob on Sep 16, 2015 - 8 comments

Another "help me find this thing" post

Pretty sure I originally found this through Metafilter. It was a short documentary on Youtube about 3 girls (high school students?) in the middle east documenting the harassment and threats they received for doing things like going out in public without a head scarf or driving a car. It was mostly just footage the girls filmed themselves.
posted by Librarypt on Dec 17, 2014 - 15 comments

Please help find a great street harassment analogy

I read a great comment on somewhere on Metafilter or AskMetafilter that likened street harassment to having random people continually going up to you and asking you for a dollar. You never knew who was going to ask you for a dollar and even though most people are never going to ask it left you on edge that anyone, at any point, would be begging you for a dollar. It was much better written though. Does anyone remember this?
posted by anonymous on Oct 29, 2014 - 10 comments

MeFi harassment policy?

After reading recent posts on sexual harassment on MetaFilter and elsewhere, and the positive effect of sexual harassment policies at conventions, I wondered whether MetaFilter ought to have a sexual harassment policy to apply to IRL events. I'm not sure what such a policy would look like, but I wanted to see whether there was any agreement on the desirability of such a policy to start with. There are problematic aspects of trying to regulate off-site activity, but I think that not having any way to deal with harassment is even more problematic.
posted by grouse on Jul 7, 2013 - 385 comments

Why aren't we doing this topic well?

Jessamyn: [Folks we're sort of done with the "what crayz thinks about this post" angle. Please email crayz directly if you want more of crayz's opinions, otherwise this is getting to the "Take it to MeTa" point. Put another way, everyone who continues to hyperrespond is also part of the problem here, please consider that.] So, okay. Let's take it to Meta. As a community, we keep having the same conversation about sexual harassment, unwanted sexual advances and other related issues. Sometimes, with positive results. Sometimes, not. Personal attacks fly back and forth, fueling anger and frustration. Why are so many of us talking past each other? Is there no possibility of finding common ground, or gaining further understanding and empathy from such incidents?
posted by zarq on Jun 19, 2012 - 648 comments

Looking for a post.

I'm looking for a video posted to the blue a while back. My Google-fu is weak. [more inside]
posted by Evilspork on Jan 22, 2012 - 4 comments

Don't tell me to take it as a compliment

This question about harassment seems to be striking a chord for a lot of folks. Possible sidebar?
posted by serazin on Apr 11, 2007 - 57 comments

Am I missing something?

Am I missing something? John Gilmore and Cory Doctorow are asking us to harass total strangers by phoning them at home. [more inside]
posted by y6y6y6 on Dec 3, 2002 - 31 comments

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