10 posts tagged with improvement and mefi.
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Long time listener first time caller

Jumping the snark [more inside]
posted by mippy on Oct 22, 2008 - 88 comments

I tried. I failed. Why?

My first ever MeFi post failed miserably. Where'd I go wrong? [more inside]
posted by alby on Apr 9, 2008 - 96 comments

I want to be able to write a good FPP

I want to be able to write a good FPP (reposted from AskMeFi)
posted by talitha_kumi on May 24, 2006 - 84 comments

What makes a SLOE FPP BOTW?

Now that the SLOE FPP has been deemed acceptable, apparently, by the PTB, what makes a good one? What makes a bad one? What makes one mediocre? {Single-Link Op-Ed Front Page Post; Powers That Be}
posted by mischief on Nov 16, 2005 - 28 comments

Hypothetical - reposting something deleted for bad form?

Hypothetical scenario: Someone puts up a front page post, but does it in a manner with heavy editorializing / intentionally trolling / etc. The topic is interesting, but it gets removed because of the garbage that came along with it. Someone reposts on the same topic, even with some of the same links, but without the editorializing. Would it be okay? Is there a policy on this?
posted by NotMyselfRightNow on Aug 15, 2005 - 16 comments

It could've been better

I think I bungled an FPP.
posted by greatgefilte on Apr 5, 2005 - 13 comments

How not to respond in a thread.

How not to respond in a thread. I don't like callouts, and I'm not calling anyone out. I was inspired by the good discussions in the green and I believe this thread highlights how Metafilter can be improved. In it so far, we have a throwaway irrelevant "I'm an atheist, this does not apply to me" comment, we have a non sequitur comment, an "I agree" without any backup, and a purely reaction provoking comment of whether God has a penis and can take dumps (I do understand the point being made). Basically, we can do better. I'm far from perfect and probably have a lot of throwaway comments to my name -- but could we all try a little harder to think before we comment?
posted by geoff. on Nov 10, 2004 - 46 comments

I want to break a rule here and propose a shoutout

I want to break a rule here and propose a shoutout - a cheerleader post, if you will indulge me. I note a immense upward jump in the quality of both MeFi and MeTa posts and comments, with a corresponding downward jump in noise, trolling and trash. I note comments by Matt have a more relaxed tone than in the past few weeks. I see discussions kept to a mostly civil if not downright respectful tone. I observe efforts running the gamut from herculean to humorous by members like frykitty, y6y6y6, waxy, riffola, adrianhon, et al, to help make this wondrous place ever more enjoyable and user friendly. I want to say thank you, to everyone. [*Cue Dorothy, who taps heels of ruby slippers 3 times, chants "There's no place like Metafilter, there's no place like Metafilter, there's no place like Metafilter...*]
posted by Lynsey on Nov 19, 2002 - 20 comments

Bad article, bad link, bad post.

Woo-hoo! A new thread points to Google! Even better, the poster forgot the "http:/ /" part, and the site doesn't even reflect his point!

My question is this: was it appropriate for me to comment on the thread, ask a pertinent question, provide a couple relevant links, and then immediately come here and slag the thread?
posted by gohlkus on May 20, 2002 - 11 comments

July 19 was goshdarnitall a GOOD day

Now introducing : a 'Metafilter is getting better thread'! Is it just me and my interests-tunnelvision, or were the posts on July 19 just goshdarnitall more high-quality than has been the case sometimes of late? A little heavy on the flash and alcohol (two great tastes that go great together), but nary a single post of the 'Big Brother/Survivor' variety to be seen!
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Jul 19, 2001 - 5 comments

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