9 posts tagged with index.
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Reading a textbook via index analysis

I recall reading an article (written by an academic, I think) about a method of getting through a textbook quickly by analyzing the most frequent entries in the index. Pretty sure it was linked from MetaFilter. Does anyone remember?
posted by paleyellowwithorange on Sep 18, 2013 - 5 comments

Le index est mort

After many years of service, jaden is no longer be maintaining his wonderful Mefi Contribution index. Results will now be frozen at mid-August. Thanks for running it for as long as you did, jaden!
posted by zarq on Sep 8, 2013 - 72 comments

Back is to the left, back is to the left

Picayune pony, please: On tag pages, the navigation is just older/newer. Would it be possible to change that so that it's paged, allowing me to go all the way back on some tags with one click instead of 30?
posted by klangklangston on Jan 28, 2011 - 10 comments

Redirecting tag pages

minor annoyance filter: can the url: http://www.metafilter.com/tag/x redirect to http://www.metafilter.com/tags/x? (likewise for AskMe)
I know it's minor, but "tags" seems nonstandard given how other sites work.
posted by matkline on Oct 23, 2006 - 6 comments

tag count in askme pages inaccurate

some index pages of askme posts with NSFW tags report that there are more posts than are returned. [more inside]
posted by forallmankind on Jul 29, 2006 - 9 comments

Full -text search indexes go!

So I finally got around to researching full-text search indexes for the database server today. I whipped up some indexes (that are updated hourly) and ran some tests: searches using the indexes were 5-10x faster than the old way. So I brought back tag and post search for logged in users on the search page.

Consider this a test for the next few days, as I would like to bring search back in all sorts of ways (searching a user's posts, favorites, etc), and hopefully this doesn't kill the database server like it has in the past.
posted by mathowie on May 11, 2006 - 35 comments

Userpages closed to indexing?

Revisiting this.

Metafilter is the biggest site that I can edit a page (my user page) on. I'd like to have "I am the [my name] that went to so and so school, and so and so high-school and did so-and-so" so that if someone googled my name looking for me, they could find that. However, userpages are marked NOINDEX for robots, for to stop villians from using google to harvest stuff, I assume. Given that it would be trivial to write a script to go through all the user pages and snarf anything, and given that these are The Internets, is there a reasonable expectation that an email address or other information you put on a publicly viewable page will *not* be harvested? Doesn't everyone have a spam-catcher address for this purpose?
posted by Capn on Jan 23, 2005 - 7 comments

Matt, didn't deleted threads used to be removed from the index?

Matt, didn't deleted threads used to be removed from the index?

I ask because a certain recent thread which got some attention webwide remains on the www.metafiler.com page.

I used to go to lofi.mefi only to see the deletions...now I don't need to? When did that change?
posted by dash_slot- on Apr 11, 2004 - 19 comments

Is Google indexing broken?

When I wanted to do a search to find out if someone had linked to a given site in a FPP yet, I decided to try something different. I went to old google and put in this URL, which was the link in the most popular FPPof the day exactly two weeks ago, as a "who link's to you?" search.

Shouldn't google have indexed the thread, then, since it links back to the original article? Strange, that it doesn't do this for a link and lenghty thread on a topic that will have serious implications for everyone on the internet, specifically Americans? Has google dropped the ball? Is this all just a bunch of Tom-Foolery?
posted by Hammerikaner on Nov 23, 2002 - 8 comments

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