37 posts tagged with love.
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How are we looking on meetups?

I proposed this for Portland, OR tonight. [more inside]
posted by bendy on Apr 26, 2022 - 3 comments

What do you know now that you didn't know before MetaFilter?

Checking in a decade later. [more inside]
posted by bendy on Sep 20, 2021 - 81 comments

Hugging Hugs

By request, a thread for happy thoughts, kindness, positive vibes, good news sharing, comfort, random cute or fun stuff, and general hugginess.โค๏ธ๐Ÿค—โค๏ธ
posted by taz on Jan 7, 2021 - 53 comments

US National curfew check in.

Curfew has been declared in dozens of cities and spread far beyond Minneapolis. How about a thread for hugs, solidarity, support, info sharing and more.
posted by loquacious on May 31, 2020 - 94 comments

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Whether you celebrate St. Valentine's Day or not, let's make this a space to send love to one another. That includes yourself, your partner, your family, your lover, your neighbor, anyone and everyone, we are all worthy of love and kindness. Feel free to share how you're celebrating or not celebrating. Also, a reminder that chocolate is going to be super cheap and on sale tomorrow. Happy St. Valentine's Day!
posted by Fizz on Feb 14, 2020 - 64 comments

Share your ThinkPad Love!

Seeing this post today and weighing in with my usual recommendation that the OP purchase a refurbished ThinkPad (and seeing how many other MeFites did the same, as usual) made me stop and think about how often I see manifestations of ThinkPad love on The Green, so I thought it might be fun to share our ThinkPad love a little more freely and generally geek out over our fondness for these durable but aesthetically challenged miracle boxes!
posted by Chairboy on Aug 29, 2019 - 70 comments

Metatalktails: Love

Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, in honor of Valentine's Day, I want to hear about something you love! A book, a painting, a person, a crayon color, a smell, a TV show -- anything at all as long as you love it! [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee on Feb 9, 2019 - 118 comments

What's your Immigrant story?

The antidote to despair is hope. Hope is the heart of migration. I'd love it if we can share the stories of migration that brought us to where we are, wherever that may be. These stories are important. They are ours, our heritage. For the biggest umbrella that "our" can encompass. [more inside]
posted by yesster on Jul 8, 2018 - 77 comments


There was a shooting in a Florida high school today, it is still a developing story and I'm sure you can seek out that news should you feel so inclined. I want this post to just be about love/kindness/friendship. Maybe you did something special for a loved one, or a family member, a friend, or a complete stranger. It might be a smile you received or your holding the door open for someone. Whatever it is, feel free to share it with us. I just wanted a place for us to connect, we're in this world together trying to get through it all. It may be strange to say, but I love all of you wonderful and crazy MeFites. Be kind to each other. Happy Valentine's Day!
posted by Fizz on Feb 14, 2018 - 103 comments

Tell Me Something Good

This is a complementary post to Fizz's necessary post, but tell me something good, tell me that you like it, yeah! It doesn't have to be an amazing thing, but something that made you smile, or feel happy, etc. [more inside]
posted by ellieBOA on Aug 17, 2017 - 146 comments

Let's have a Love-In!

In the face of all the negativity and despair, let's have a little space just for love (I've been told it's all we need). Feel free to share your favourite quote, song lyric, poem, anecdote or thought about love, or let us know what you love most in the world - people, pets, hobbies, MetaFilter, gin, whatever. Leave the hate outside, bring the love.
posted by billiebee on Jan 20, 2017 - 166 comments

Welcome Baby Brownpau!

The wonderful brownpau and his sweet and talented wife (who, to the best of my knowledge doesn't frequent these parts) welcomed their first child last Thursday. Mother, child (code named Project Wallaby whilst en utero), and daddy are all apparently doing well. I'll let brownpau himself decide if he wants to share more. All I will say is they are awesome people, and I know will make great parents. Congrats!
posted by terrapin on Jun 15, 2016 - 59 comments

The sweetest kiss I think I've ever had

On June 26th 2015, as the U.S. celebrated marriage equality, my then girlfriend said with joyful certainty and a beaming smile "This means you're gonna be my wife someday." On Friday June 3rd 2016, Tina and I were married in our lovely backyard garden surrounded by close friends and loved ones. And *THAT* dear mefites, was the sweetest kiss I've ever had. [more inside]
posted by Annika Cicada on Jun 5, 2016 - 127 comments

Seeking a wedding reading found on Ask

I'm seeking a poem I found on Ask, suitable for a wedding reading, that talked about love as a series of repeated, mundane, day-to-day acts of service. Do you know the poem I've lost? [more inside]
posted by samthemander on May 30, 2016 - 26 comments

Thank you all for the amazing David Bowie memorial post

I've had this open in a browser window since sometime a week ago Monday. There's been so many good links to videos, interviews, songs, plus all sorts of great stories. This kind of community is part of what's kept me on MeFi for so many years. <3
posted by epersonae on Jan 22, 2016 - 17 comments

A reminder to be kind to each other

Metafilter has been rife with strong emotions lately. Our beloved community has been shaken up by the departure of mods, changes in rules and expectations, and posts that have rocked feelings and upset members. There is nothing like this community anywhere else on the internet. All of our members are fantastic and work to make this place unique and inviting. It's perfectly okay to have strong opinions. One of the best things about Metafilter is the ability to express those opinions and be respected. It has been hard to watch the growing unhappiness in this community as of late. I invite you to remember that everyone needs a hug from time to time.
posted by royalsong on Jun 12, 2014 - 102 comments

Where I'm off to

Wanted to let people know that while I'll continue to be hanging around here like I've always been, I'll be taking a (small) job at the Internet Archive being the support person and the user/tech liaison for Open Library. [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on May 20, 2014 - 254 comments

So much love, and I don't know what to do with it!

Can you help me find a comment, or a thread, or a comment in a thread (!) about not knowing what to do when you're so overwhelmed with good feelings (mostly love) and you just don't know what to do with it? [more inside]
posted by gursky on Jun 19, 2013 - 11 comments

Today is my anniversary here, and for that I am grateful.

After 2 years of being here, I want to say thank you. You have given me so much. [more inside]
posted by These Birds of a Feather on Jun 14, 2013 - 29 comments

Hugs, High-Fives, and Happiness

Welcome, mini-[username]! Congrats, MeFi's own [username] for [thing] that further enriched us by having you here! Oh, look, our own [username] did [MeFi-related thing] in [non-MeFi venue]! Guess what - [real name/othernic] is Mefi's Own [username]! [more inside]
posted by batmonkey on Apr 25, 2013 - 393 comments

Much love to all of MeFi!

Shoutout!!!! [more inside]
posted by one4themoment on Apr 9, 2012 - 39 comments

AskMe changed my life

Two years ago today, I posted an AskMetafilter that changed my life. [more inside]
posted by MrMoonPie on Mar 1, 2012 - 47 comments

Meta love is the best love of all

I think it's high time for some meta-love. Post your online dating profiles! [more inside]
posted by showbiz_liz on Feb 6, 2012 - 535 comments

Just sayin', you're all pretty bitchin'

Can't hold back the schmoopy much longer. [more inside]
posted by aydeejones on Jul 18, 2011 - 93 comments

Mmmmm, collaborative book project

Wanted: 4 writers, a couple of editors and a designer/artist or two to finish up a collaborative zombie love story novel. Let's have some creative fun. [more inside]
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Mar 31, 2011 - 74 comments


i love you all [more inside]
posted by PinkMoose on Oct 23, 2010 - 193 comments

Askmefi response to a post about pet grief?

There was a question asked within the last year (I think) that was something like 'Why do people have pets if they know they are going to die before they do? How can they handle the grief?" There was a response post to the question explaining that love for a pet was unique in that you go into the relationship knowing that, most likely, you will outlive the pet and that therefore this is a noble kind of love etc. etc. [more inside]
posted by lucy.jakobs on Jun 25, 2010 - 16 comments

Hive Love

What are your favorite relationship filter askmes? [more inside]
posted by serazin on Feb 22, 2010 - 27 comments

Philly MeFi 10.1 meetup?

Once was not enough. Philly makeup meetup in honor of [insert Philly Mefite of your choosing], same location unless greekphilosophy would rather not, different time? [more inside]
posted by desuetude on Jul 22, 2009 - 71 comments

I would totally give this site a dutch rudder.

I just want to share why I love the Blue. [more inside]
posted by tylerfulltilt on Mar 5, 2009 - 60 comments

Guys, I love MetaFilter.

Guys, I love MetaFilter. [more inside]
posted by skwt on Jan 22, 2009 - 150 comments

Today is what Metafilter is all about.

Yet another shoutout for a MeFite going above and beyond the call of duty in real life: HopperFan. [more inside]
posted by Unicorn on the cob on Nov 24, 2008 - 38 comments

MetaFilter in looooove

Ain't we a whole bunch of sweet romantics, eh?
posted by Kickstart70 on Sep 1, 2007 - 47 comments

Show me/Tell me you love me

In the spirit of Valentines Day I am reminded of a thread on mefi or askme about the different ways people express and understand love. That is, some people are "do-ers" (ie make dinner, buy flowers) and others are "say-ers" (ie "I love you" "You look pretty today"). And there was a theory that this was the source of a lot of misunderstandings between couples because say-ers don't interpret the actions of do-ers in the right way. Does anyone else remember this? I have a strong feeling this was actually a comment on an AskMe thread. Thanks.
posted by like_neon on Feb 14, 2007 - 7 comments

I'm still madly in love with MetaFilter

To be honest, I feel like we're in the goddamn Silver Age of Metafilter. [More (chatfilter) inside]
posted by loquacious on Apr 7, 2006 - 151 comments

anonymous has some serious relationship problems

Once I ran to you, I ranNow I'll run from youThis tainted love you've given
75% of this "anonymous" guy's output is love-related. I keep reading that we suck at politics, we suck at religion, we suck at (insert your favorite pet peeve here). I dare to suggest that, no disrespect intended, we suck at giving love advice (assuming that giving useful love advice is actually possible, which I doubt). Is this just a coincidence, or we'll use the anonymous feature mainly to turn AskMeFi into Mr/Mrs LonelyheartsFilter/BrokenheartsFilter?
posted by matteo on Oct 13, 2004 - 29 comments

I just wanted to let everyone know that I absolutely love MeFi.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I absolutely love MeFi. I really enjoy reading the discussions and seeing the different viewpoints from different members. And I want to say "Thank You" to Matt and all the MeFi members who make this such an interesting place to come EVERY day. (Hell, sometimes, 10 or 20 times a day).
posted by CRS on Apr 21, 2001 - 1 comment

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