5 posts tagged with management.
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Transition Team initial discussion summary and kickoff

I've had an initial discussion with several folks in the MetaFilter community about planning the next steps in building the community management and engagement structure necessary for the long-term health of the site. I'd like to report on who I've talked with, what we've talked about, and some of the core questions and ideas that came up in that discussion of what we're now calling a temporary Transition Team. This is the start of a process that I expect will actively involve the whole MetaFilter community in new and constructive ways, and I’m excited about that. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Apr 18, 2022 - 39 comments

First steps in some MetaFilter changes

I've come to the conclusion that I need to step away from running MetaFilter. I'm still figuring what the totality of that will look like, but the initial steps include handing over day to day business administration processes to loup, mod duties to the existing mod staff, and working to set up a steering structure that incorporates community members. My goal is this transition shouldn’t disrupt day-to-day member experiences on the site. Come on in and I'll go into some preliminary detail. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Mar 29, 2022 - 192 comments

My pony involves managing favourites - help!

Help me tame this pony...ok, so I'm a bit addicted to adding favourites. I know I have a problem, but gosh darn it, why does there have to be so much great stuff!? Does anyone have any scripts, apps, anything that can help me deal with the backlog of my favourites? I've googled and searched but haven't checked Projects as much - has someone created something there to deal with favourites? It would be neat to be able to export them or bulk add them to del.icio.us, or something...export them to an XML file (if that's possible) or CFM or whatever format and somehow create a hack to manage them. Does something to manage them exist? Is it on the horizon? Should it be? Discuss. Thanks muchly.
posted by rmm on Jul 5, 2007 - 20 comments

web community admin for prez!

I've said it before and I'll say it again, but world leaders could take a lesson from the firm yet benevolent way in which Andrew admins his web community. And I'll save you the trouble, the "tractors are sexy" link is here.
posted by luser on Apr 24, 2002 - 15 comments

talking-out-loud about MeTaTech

Theoretical brainstorming and talking-out-loud regarding Matt's Meta technology.

posted by ZachsMind on Jul 15, 2000 - 2 comments

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