175 posts tagged with mefi and policy.
Displaying 51 through 100 of 175. Subscribe:

Josh seeks a godly wife

Ok, I'll bite: Is a personal add (however mockable) a good FPP?
posted by MotorNeuron on Jan 23, 2006 - 37 comments

Why do these exist?

Why do these exist?
posted by TwelveTwo on Jan 17, 2006 - 28 comments

Knowledge building over time.

An interesting aspect of the "filtration" on MetaFilter is chronological; and this aspect I think is often ignored, overlooked, or deprecated. [moronic inside]
posted by Eideteker on Jan 16, 2006 - 9 comments

Are silly threads allowed now?

Has there been a slight shift in policy?

The silly personality quiz and the infamous Mushroom post are both things I would have thought would have been flagged copiously and deleted, but they remain.
I am not having a hissy fit, and am perfectly willing to skip over or add to the stillness as I see fit.
This is just seeking some clarification as to if anything different is happening and can we expect more of the same.
posted by edgeways on Nov 16, 2005 - 46 comments

What makes a SLOE FPP BOTW?

Now that the SLOE FPP has been deemed acceptable, apparently, by the PTB, what makes a good one? What makes a bad one? What makes one mediocre? {Single-Link Op-Ed Front Page Post; Powers That Be}
posted by mischief on Nov 16, 2005 - 28 comments

One Line One Link Posts

When is a one-line FPP with no (or little) description appropriate for MeFi?

Oh really? Is that so? Well, is this a good example then [MI]?
posted by sjvilla79 on Nov 14, 2005 - 41 comments

If we go around the firewalls, they will just be made taller

If it becomes custom to repost articles to get around firewalls, then metafilter will be eventually be blocked by those firewalls. I don't really have another solution but I think that it might be good to find one.
posted by rdr on Nov 13, 2005 - 19 comments

shopping days until WH indictments

What are we getting for Fitzmas? [mi]
posted by aaronetc on Oct 22, 2005 - 21 comments

What DO we do about follow-ups?

When does a FPP deserve a follow up thread and where should one post it? (more inside)
posted by Joey Michaels on Oct 12, 2005 - 7 comments

Rumors and speculation as fpp

Rumors and speculation. The National Enquirer quotes anonymous sources saying that Bush is drinking again. Is this credible enough to be posted to MetaFilter? (That's a real question, not a rhetorical one.)
posted by russilwvong on Sep 23, 2005 - 49 comments

Selflinking in comments: quitcher bitchin

I'm sorry to bring it up, but the thread regarding self-linking was closed, and no one made mention of it....
posted by zerokey on Sep 5, 2005 - 17 comments

What part of "Best of the Web" do you have a problem with?

makes no sense

What part of "Best of the Web" do you have a problem with?
posted by dayvin on Aug 27, 2005 - 78 comments

Secret Service party invitation

Whoa. Do we really need what this might bring down on MeFi if it's picked up by some Drudge-type parasite? Yikes.
posted by realcountrymusic on Aug 17, 2005 - 206 comments

consI/Parcy theory

Are we allowing ConspiracyTheoryFilter to stay on the front page now? That's how it strikes me.
posted by brownpau on Aug 16, 2005 - 49 comments

Hypothetical - reposting something deleted for bad form?

Hypothetical scenario: Someone puts up a front page post, but does it in a manner with heavy editorializing / intentionally trolling / etc. The topic is interesting, but it gets removed because of the garbage that came along with it. Someone reposts on the same topic, even with some of the same links, but without the editorializing. Would it be okay? Is there a policy on this?
posted by NotMyselfRightNow on Aug 15, 2005 - 16 comments

I hate FPPs linking to hate sites

I really object to people making a FPP which is a link to a neo-nazi site, by claiming it as a 'news' item and secondly without marking the link as a hate site. Van Gogh's murderer would 'do it again'. Best of the web? Perhaps not.
posted by quarsan on Jul 12, 2005 - 38 comments


Newsfilter with a Crystal Ball: Return to Flight and Jerry Lewis Telethon ... not to mention that Newsweek might nail Karl Rove tomorrow. Don't we get enough current events here without having to post about things that might happen in the future?
posted by anastasiav on Jul 10, 2005 - 13 comments

a bit too farky?

a bit to farky? A one link page to a single "strange news" story is fark's bread and butter, and they posted this a couple hours ago. I realize that metafilter is a better place to talk about this sort of thing, but what is there to say? I doubt there Anyone here that thinks people should be arrested "for their protection" for being drunk at private parties?
posted by delmoi on Jul 8, 2005 - 22 comments

Metafilter is not for pyramid scheme

It should be pretty obvious that stuff like this should not fly in the blue. Using this site as a quarry for pyramid schemes is inappropriate and action should be taken accordingly.
posted by baphomet on Jun 26, 2005 - 47 comments

Posting personal information of other people not kosher

Good idea: Playing with kittens. Bad idea: posting the address and phone number of someone tangentially involved in a news story, who didn't do anything wrong, can't do anything about the situation, and actually tried to help in the only way he could. Oh yeah, and who may not even be the actual person referred to in the story.
posted by Saucy Intruder on May 17, 2005 - 11 comments

Stop apologizing for one-link posts

Stop apologizing for one-link posts. Doing a half-assed Google search to make your post look more meaty will make it worse and waste our time.
posted by Space Coyote on Apr 14, 2005 - 22 comments

Would this link be against self-link etiquette or policy?

I wanted to create an FPP for this ten second film festival, which I think would be of interest to many MeFites, but I've run into a couple of ethical and logistical conundrums: 1) The festival is being run by a friend of mine, so I suppose I might be a little biased as to this being The Best of The Web. 2) You really have to be in the Twin Cities area to see the screening and win a prize, even though submissions are accepted from anywhere. Any thoughts about this being FPP worthy?
posted by bigbadem on Apr 11, 2005 - 11 comments

If it is wrong, why is it possible?

Stupid question: If posting in image on the blue is so wrong, why is it possible?
posted by cccorlew on Apr 10, 2005 - 32 comments

you can't have everything2

E2? Or no?
posted by Count Ziggurat on Mar 23, 2005 - 64 comments

It's the best of the web - and it is not in English

Posting links to websites in languages other than English: previously discussed, but without clear guidelines. There's a great link I could post -- but even if the images are a key part of what makes that site's interesting, it's not in English. More inside.
posted by matteo on Mar 6, 2005 - 24 comments

I already saw this stuff on Engadget, Memepool, etc.

Via, via, via -- Engadget, Memepool, and Boing Boing, respectively. These are not minor blogs. Boing Boing got 3 million hits yesterday. I already saw this stuff on the blogs and on delicious; can we stick to fresh stuff on MeFi unless we have something insightful to add?
posted by NickDouglas on Mar 5, 2005 - 148 comments

What constitutes a double-post?

Question: what constitutes a double-post? This is easy to answer for websites, but it seems to be harder for NewsFilter posts. One person recently argued that a second NewsFilter post on a previously discussed topic isn't a double if it offers a different perspective. However, I'm not sure that argument can be made for the topic of this post, which has already been discussed twice. So is every news article on a topic fair game for its own post? Early returns indicate that the discussion isn't going to be much different from the first two go-rounds, so what's the point? (yes, I know this is a double post).
posted by casu marzu on Feb 17, 2005 - 11 comments

It's okay to link to zip (or exe or...) files?

Genuine question here - and not meant to be a "call out".

When exploring the Text Adventures post I noticed that the Photopia hyperlink was to a .zip file.

I am cautious about clicking on any .zip and .exe files online. Is there any protocol about linking to such on an FPP? At the very least shouldn't one note that the hyperlink is to a .zip by indicating so (i.e. Phototopia [note: .zip file])?
posted by ericb on Feb 13, 2005 - 15 comments

Self link and then purchased ads? Wha?

I hit the blue page the other day and saw a JUST POSTED story that was nothing more than a link to a page where you can buy a t-shirt with a design/slogan on it. (I'm not mentioning/linking-to which one it was because that isn't the purpose of this post). The FPP was deleted within minutes (from when I noticed it). However, today I see that it is listed in the Blogads on the front page. All is as it should be - I'm not complaining - I just think it is interesting that self-linkers apparently (sometimes?) get the opportunity to purchase an ad that they were trying to get for free.
posted by spock on Feb 10, 2005 - 19 comments

Self-link detected.

They're clamoring for it, and here it is. This post contains a nakedly aggressive self-link. For shame, doc.
posted by goatdog on Jan 17, 2005 - 38 comments

You don't change a quote, duh

When you quote a comment from another user, you don't change the words that the other user wrote (unless you use clear edit marks like brackets and elipses to show you made a change). You would think this is mind-numbingly clear, and yet...
posted by bingo on Dec 16, 2004 - 77 comments

Are annual repostings of this nature acceptable?

Annual repetition. This thread has begun a discussion on the MeFi acceptability of pages which change on an annual basis. Are annual repostings of this nature acceptable? [MI]
posted by biffa on Dec 16, 2004 - 59 comments

The effects of noobs on MetaFilter.

Not in defense of noobs. Because of noobs (myself included), the sky is falling and trends clearly show that metafilter is getting rapidly out of control!! Seriously though, this analysis shows that the "average age" of a metafilter poster has dropped by almost 200 days, I am in whichever camp wants to extend the incubation period for noobs like us...
posted by maulik on Dec 9, 2004 - 64 comments

what IS the "best of the web?"

An honest question: how would you define "The best of the web" in late 2004 looking forward to 2005? Obviously we live in a political world, but MetaFilter is a longer train of thought, I think. How can we balance current events with interesting and wonderful stuff? It's largely up to the noobs, I think. Matt has taken a huge leap of faith here and he is God but there must be a way to convert our indigenous zealots too. My fingers are crossed for the next few weeks.
posted by Cryptical Envelopment on Nov 26, 2004 - 8 comments

Links to products: Cool? Shill? Both?

How does the community feel about links to products for sale, especially during the X-mas holiday shopping season? There seem to have been a few links which were pointing our products in their own right, without any broader point or purpose. Cool? Shill? Both?
posted by chaz on Nov 24, 2004 - 12 comments

A poster wonders why his or her post was deleted

How do I find out why my FPP from today got deleted?
posted by alumshubby on Nov 7, 2004 - 45 comments

Another 4 years of BushFilter

It seems at the moment, that the US President will not change and will last another four years. I'm going to admit that I considered it a small bonus that if there was a victory for the contender, there was a glimmer of hope that the culture of MeFi might have shifted away from politics. Do you think that would have happened? We have another four years ahead of us...is it time to finally bury the dead horse and just admit, yes, the Blue is (and perhaps has always been) a community political weblog now? There's always AskMeFi I say.
posted by Stan Chin on Nov 3, 2004 - 74 comments

Newsfilter callout

The Final Nail. I haven't been reading as much lately---I'm am hoping that the election will be over soon so the excuses are gone for shitty posts. But, there it is.

A double post. It is a Newsfilter post, that isn't even news since it has been talked about for over a decade. It is clearly does not meet the stated standard. It is a classic troll: toss a turd that you *know* will incite much argument, for no apparent reason.. It is a single-link to a newspaper. It is a blatant amount of negative campaigning even while we try to encourage voting with a new link at the top of the page.

For the love of god, it is a self-Godwinizing post!

Matt posted the very next post, 30 minutes later, so there is no chance he didn't see the post.

Yet... it remains there on the blue.

It is the piece de resitance of the the shithole Matt has willingly allowed MeFi to become. I would say amazing if it wasn't so sad....
posted by Seth on Sep 28, 2004 - 102 comments

Statute of limitation on double posts?

A repost this may be, but it's highly worthy and should stay on the front page, because the chap has made more 'critters' since I last saw the site, and I very much appreciate being reminded of it, and for flip's sake, it was last posted in 2002.

[more inside]
posted by chrid on Sep 27, 2004 - 21 comments

It was awesome, but not on the web, does it become a self-link?

Here’s a conundrum - What if someone had something rather interesting fall into his lap that didn’t yet exist on the web, so that someone puts it up on the web... If that someone then wanted to share it with his fellow mefis (because many seem to share a similar sense of humour) and throw up a post/link on metafilter about it, would that be considered self-linking and taboo? Or does one have to find someone else to ghost post it, which seems kind of sneaky and deceptive? Or forget it altogether?

Someone = me.

Something = this.

Hey. It made me laugh.
posted by dakotadusk on Jul 18, 2004 - 44 comments

Do single link front page posts irritate the heck out of anyone but me?

Do single link front page posts with no addtional text and no clue to contents of the destination in the link text irritate the heck out of anyone but me?
posted by Mitheral on Jul 5, 2004 - 59 comments

the only words left to add are irrelevant

Do we really have to have a post every time the OED adds a couple of flash-in-the-pan words? [Glasgow kiss inside]
posted by me3dia on Jun 10, 2004 - 33 comments

Double-chill al-double-ready

I know I'm probably asking for it, but I don't understand the bile that comes with double-posts, or even posts that some people are already familiar with (even if it's not a double-post).
posted by o2b on Jun 7, 2004 - 40 comments

Register to view any links in FPP? Grrr

"Look on other sites before posting" is a classic argument against certain FPPs, yet here we have an FPP that requires a full registration at another discussion site to view any of the links. Anyone care to defend Keyser?
posted by mischief on Jun 7, 2004 - 103 comments

Interesting use of language in feed description

Interesting use of language in feed description. Well yes I laughed and went straight to the article for an explaination. It is a great link. I have no problem with the use of colourful language under normal circumstances and I don't want to sound like a prude, but I was just worried about site image. Also aren't there going to be issues in some workplaces with filters and that sort of thing?
posted by feelinglistless on May 22, 2004 - 4 comments

New User Waiting Period Policy

I had a pretty interesting link for a fpp but I found out the hard way that I have to wait a week (5 days? 7 days?) before i get to to post on the big blue. Isn't is safe to assume that the new members aren't just people that wandered in to mefi and joined, but rather lurkers who've been dying to post for quite a while?

Also, I was able to post a question in askme as well as this thread, so I'm thinkin maybe we need some policy revision
posted by bob sarabia on Apr 4, 2004 - 87 comments

Pleas explain timeout durations

Banned from MeFi? Are there any hard and fast rules? Why does lazy-ville get banned for weeks, others only a week, and others forever? If I ever happen to step on someone's toes while on a bender or something, I just want to know what the results might be. Also, is there any page for information regarding who's been banned in the past?
posted by angry modem on Mar 8, 2004 - 115 comments

It used to be frowned upon to post links from other link agregators/filters. Has it changed?

When I used to read MeFi regularly, it was generally accepted that you didn't post anything from "the usual suspects" such as memepool, boing boing, b3ta, etc. because they themselves are weblogs about interesting, offbeat links and most readers read them as well as MeFi. Seeing as this "LSD art" story has been the top item on memepool for a week, I guess this policy has changed. (This is really not meant to sound rude or snide, apologies if it's taken that way)
posted by SiW on Jan 7, 2004 - 53 comments

Signups are closed; could we give our unused, inactive accounts to new members?

Bring out your dead! (more inside)
posted by cup on Nov 15, 2003 - 71 comments

Advice on re-posting MeFi to blog?

Advice on re-posting MeFi to blog?

I often repost mefi stuff on my blog, often meaning Several times a week, sometimes multiple times a Day. I have an html template I use but I do keep changing the format a little. I'd be glad for some advice on how to do it right, or acceptably. You can check what I mean at http://radio.weblogs.com/0123486/ or for short http://rootcellar.info

I'll try to be checking back here, but there is the email link on the page.

posted by Grand Wahzoo on Nov 4, 2003 - 38 comments

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