4 posts tagged with mind.
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Metatalktail Hour: Change Your Mind!

Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, ricochet biscuit wants to know, "What is the last thing you changed your mind about?" [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee on Aug 17, 2019 - 70 comments

My memory is better than yours

Why does everything have to be an effing popularity contest? [more inside]
posted by crunchland on Jul 14, 2011 - 143 comments

What are best practices for discovering hacks used by MeFites? Help me hive mind!!!

As a relative newbie, when did certain phrases become cliche on ask metafilter? Specifically I refer to "What are some best practices for x?", referring to aforementioned "best practices" as "hacks" and "help me hivemind!!!". I'm curious as I work in an environment where catchphrases and buzzwords are similarly bandied about.
posted by Biru on Oct 26, 2010 - 44 comments

Mind control policies

Zdravstvuite valued Party Comrades! Latest Troll-state propaganda has it that the glorious Mefi motherland is wilting in the face of superior technological competitors ! Beware decadent democratic popularity-seeking! The Party already knows the minds of all citizens and our diligent moderating heros must continue to enforce the lessons of years of collective toil!
posted by DirtyCreature on Mar 17, 2008 - 101 comments

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