12 posts tagged with nonprofit.
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Board elections timeline
When will elections for permanent board members for the MetaFilter Community Foundation take place? [more inside]
[MeFi Site Update] December 2024
Hello and welcome to this month’s Site Update! We your things are going your way as the year winds down.
You can find the last update here.
[more inside]
[MeFi Site Update] November 2024
A (Temporarily) Better MetaTalk
What would make MetaTalk more useful and effective, in your opinion, in the short term—the next X months until MetaFilter crosses the line into community-run status? Are there specific issues that you have noticed in recent weeks or months that you feel could reasonably be remedied and improve your experience here? [more inside]
Quick Nonprofit Update
As of November 1, 2024 (it took some time for the notice to arrive), the Metafilter Community Foundation exists as an officially registered Delaware nonprofit non-stock corporation.
What this means:
1. We can now get an EIN, apply for a bank account, and apply to the IRS for not-for-profit designation.
2. The interim board of directors can get to work. We will have to adopt bylaws, approve (with community input) a policy and procedures manual, obtain insurance, and transfer the existing LLC and its assets into the new entity, among many other tasks.
We have a lot of work ahead. [more inside]
What this means:
1. We can now get an EIN, apply for a bank account, and apply to the IRS for not-for-profit designation.
2. The interim board of directors can get to work. We will have to adopt bylaws, approve (with community input) a policy and procedures manual, obtain insurance, and transfer the existing LLC and its assets into the new entity, among many other tasks.
We have a lot of work ahead. [more inside]
MeFi Nonprofit Update 2/28/2024
The board forming the nonprofit for Metafilter met Feb. 15. [more inside]
MeFi Nonprofit -- Volunteers, Purpose, Name
Now that we have formed an interim board to become a MeFi nonprofit, we can move on to a few next items. [more inside]
MeFi Business/Legal Update
Thanks for your patience as I have worked through talking with lawyers who talk with their experts. This is a substantive update with some news and some questions for the community. The short form is: everyone on the team of people I spoke with agrees that MeFi could potentially be a non-profit organization (with the ultimate determination being made by the IRS). Now we need to decide how to move forward and make MeFi into a community-run organization. I'll give some backstory and a "where we are with this" situation inside. [more inside]
Team Metafilter on Kiva
Did you know that Metafilter is one of Kiva's biggest-ever lenders? Here's a team update, and a call for you to help the team lend even more. [more inside]
Team Metafilter on Kiva
Did you know that Metafilter is one of Kiva's biggest-ever lenders? Here's a team update, and a call for you to help the team lend even more. [more inside]
Group preserving access to reproductive healthcare, come what may?
Very quickly: somewhere back in the megathreads, I remember a bunch of y'all mentioning a group mobilizing to preserve women's access to reproductive healthcare services, including abortion, no matter what happens with the law of the land. [more inside]
nonprofit to help people out of a jam
Hey folks,
I have a memory of a non-profit that offered small loans (like under $1000) to people to help them get out of trouble. Like, if you are homeless and you have a job but you can't save enough for a security deposit, this group would help you raise the funds so you can get off the street. The funds may have been crowdfunded like Kiva.
I'm pretty sure I heard about it on AskMe.
Ring any bells for anyone? It's tough to google.