23 posts tagged with policy and newsfilter.
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Breaking news - Not any more?

This post on the shooting of three Mounties was deleted with the reason that we should wait until the situation has been resolved before posting. I don't have a problem with that per se but it seems like a serious departure from previous policy on huge breaking news stories (and this story is massive in Canada) for a post that was, IMO, well constructed with authoritative sources and even video of the event. Has there been a shift in policy to curtail discussion of breaking news until all the details are in? More generally should we be moving away from giving stories like these time on the front page until they move off the 24 hour news cycle? [more inside]
posted by Mitheral on Jun 5, 2014 - 109 comments

Horse Glue Factory: Frist Post versus Meaty Post

I hate to get sidetracked but I find it interesting that there will always be two sides when it comes to this issue of how one should post on this site. Link heavy or light? Get the info out there quickly so discussion can occur, or wait and find as many links as possible and provide more for the posting. We should always be striving for the latter. [more inside]
posted by cavalier on Jul 13, 2010 - 88 comments

Is MeFi the new digg?

What are the rules for posting to MeFi? Ive noticed that many posts are news articles and many of the op/ed posts get snarked or berated for not being newsworthy... I thought this was "best of the web"? I for one will read digg if I want news and MeFi if I want to find interesting web articles...
posted by subaruwrx on Aug 1, 2007 - 133 comments


No. Can we have some standards and not participate in this crap? I'd also like to ask for a pre-emptive strike on any NewsFilter post about the latest missing and found dead rich white girl they're talking about now.
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim on Jun 8, 2007 - 127 comments

Newsfilter: Zero Tolerance

Newsfilter: Zero Tolerance. [mi]
posted by Eideteker on Nov 8, 2006 - 116 comments

where does breaking news update go?

This morning two Australian miners were freed after being trapped underground for 15 days. And this morning on MeFi, we had not one but two threads devoted to it. The latter was deleted but the former still stands. Which raises the question of why, when there was already a thread devoted to the subject only a few days ago, wherein this news belongs.
posted by Effigy2000 on May 8, 2006 - 36 comments

Bad newsfilter post.

This is why single link newsfilter posts are bad.
posted by TedW on Apr 8, 2006 - 31 comments

shopping days until WH indictments

What are we getting for Fitzmas? [mi]
posted by aaronetc on Oct 22, 2005 - 21 comments


Newsfilter with a Crystal Ball: Return to Flight and Jerry Lewis Telethon ... not to mention that Newsweek might nail Karl Rove tomorrow. Don't we get enough current events here without having to post about things that might happen in the future?
posted by anastasiav on Jul 10, 2005 - 13 comments

Newsfilter posts to well-trafficked can be good (with an example)

OK, I'm going to start a flamewar. This is why one-link Newsfilter FPPs from well-trafficked websites aren't evil. (The via doesn't count as part of the post for me.) The poster added context and teased the story. Bravo.
posted by sachinag on Mar 30, 2005 - 57 comments

Expiration date for news-related posts?

Hypothetical question (brought to mind by a recent post) : Is there an expiration date for news-related posts? Is something that was published last weekend still front-page worthy today?
posted by grapefruitmoon on Feb 28, 2005 - 19 comments

Disappearing comments

comments disappearing from this thread:
posted by rocket_skates on Jan 19, 2005 - 16 comments

With so much Bush on MeFi, maybe it's time to start bush.metafilter.com?

There are 32 instances of the word Bush on the MeFi front page. How about we start http://bush.metafitler.com? Or maybe just take over BushFilter?
posted by armoured-ant on Oct 8, 2004 - 16 comments

Newsfilter callout

The Final Nail. I haven't been reading as much lately---I'm am hoping that the election will be over soon so the excuses are gone for shitty posts. But, there it is.

A double post. It is a Newsfilter post, that isn't even news since it has been talked about for over a decade. It is clearly does not meet the stated standard. It is a classic troll: toss a turd that you *know* will incite much argument, for no apparent reason.. It is a single-link to a newspaper. It is a blatant amount of negative campaigning even while we try to encourage voting with a new link at the top of the page.

For the love of god, it is a self-Godwinizing post!

Matt posted the very next post, 30 minutes later, so there is no chance he didn't see the post.

Yet... it remains there on the blue.

It is the piece de resitance of the the shithole Matt has willingly allowed MeFi to become. I would say amazing if it wasn't so sad....
posted by Seth on Sep 28, 2004 - 102 comments

personalities cannot evade policies

i know! i'll get away with this suck filled newsfilter post by invoking the crunchland mojo!!!
posted by quonsar on Nov 3, 2003 - 57 comments

U.S.A. bad, kills civilians (again)

U.S.A. bad, kills civilians. Guess what folks, we've done this before, several times. Isn't it time to declare a moratorium?
posted by mr_crash_davis on Oct 21, 2003 - 197 comments

Quick and lazy newsfilter posts.

Double-posts leak in. (1, 2)
posted by insomnyuk on Oct 16, 2003 - 42 comments

Can we criticize?

It's great that Matt is just one of the guys when it comes to posting but, with respect, this post of his seems way below average. It's a short news item, from a big media source, which will already be known to those who follow the news. The post, though, is not the point. My question is "To what extent are we allowed - or able - to criticize his posts as if he were just another user?" Is it ungracious, ungrateful or downright rude, for instance? Fwiw, my opinion is that special treatment and undue deference are just as annoying and even insulting.
posted by MiguelCardoso on Oct 2, 2003 - 135 comments

Becoming NewsFilter

Are we now outright encouraging NewsFilter? [more inside]
posted by Steve_at_Linnwood on Mar 20, 2003 - 18 comments

Too many newsfilter FPPs don't make for a good front page

I’m really confused. This happens often so do try to help me out. The guidelines describe a good post as a web page that most people haven’t seen which contains interesting content and might warrant discussion. Does a story that ran in a few national newspapers and recieved play on several news networks fit that criteria? Remote Rats, The Clinton Show, Powell Peace Conference, the missing Florida girl and two Massaoui stories can't seem to be defined — according to the guidelines — as a good post. So why are there so many?
posted by raaka on May 2, 2002 - 19 comments

Possibly the first newsfilter complaint?

Has MeFi become NewsFi recently (esp. since 9/11)?
posted by msacheson on Oct 12, 2001 - 22 comments

Too much Ananova.

Could we have a moratorium on Ananova links for now? While other news sources have not been dead on, they seem to be way off base more than others. There are quite a few reading Mefi right now, and disinfo from what looks like a credible source could hurt.
posted by owillis on Sep 13, 2001 - 5 comments

Article too old

Criminy ... can we at least confine our periodical links to stories published this century?
posted by rcade on Mar 8, 2001 - 25 comments

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