17 posts tagged with poll.
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2012 MetaFilter Survey & Research Discussion Thread

Hi MeFites! This is the discussion thread for the 2012 MetaFilter Pronunciation Survey, available for 5 days to all logged-in site users. Even if you already took the 2010 survey, it'd be valuable to have you do it again. Additionally, this time around all survey participants will have the option to have a word frequency table of their MetaFilter posting history generated and emailed to them. If you would like to take the 2012 survey, I would ask that you please do so BEFORE you read or participate in the discussion here (as well as before you view the previous MetaTalk thread about the 2010 survey). This is to help ensure that your responses to these survey questions are entirely your own decisions and are not influenced by the opinions of those participating in this thread. If you have already taken the 2012 survey or are not interested in taking the survey but would like to discuss it, please go ahead and do so here. [more inside]
posted by iamkimiam on Aug 22, 2012 - 303 comments

AskMe vs WaPo

The Washington Post has turned this anonymous AskMe question into an online poll.
posted by chrisulonic on May 28, 2012 - 236 comments

MetaFilter Poll & Research Discussion Thread

Hi MeFites! This is the discussion thread for the MetaFilter Poll, appearing on the front page of MetaFilter, available for 5 days to logged-in site users. If you would like to take the poll, I would ask that you please do so BEFORE you read or participate in the discussion here. This is to help ensure that your responses to the poll questions are entirely your own decisions and are not influenced by the opinions of those participating in this thread. If you have already taken the poll or are not interested in taking the poll but would like to discuss it, please do so here. [more inside]
posted by iamkimiam on Mar 24, 2010 - 455 comments

Do you read Mefi archives or your favourites?

Do you read Metafilter archives and/or your favourited items? [more inside]
posted by yoHighness on Feb 5, 2010 - 54 comments

Society for the Prevention of Unnecessarily Inefficient Meetup Planning

Doodle, an easy little tool for picking future meetup dates. [more inside]
posted by daisyace on Nov 18, 2008 - 28 comments


The newsvine elections area is pretty cool. Vote inside...
posted by mathowie on Jun 27, 2007 - 70 comments

What kind of MetaFilter are you looking at?

Straw poll. Do you view MetaFilter by: recent comments, most comments, my comments or date?
posted by tellurian on Mar 15, 2006 - 29 comments

Where do I ask a question about MetaFilter and how it's used?

Do I ask this here (or has it been asked before) ??
I want to ask people just how they organize their MeFi/MeTa/AskMe screens/feeds/time - I'm not actually asking yet as I want to think about framing the question a bit more (so it might become wider surfing focussed or not), but should it go here or in AskMe?
(but people might answer anyway so it could be a moot point I guess)
posted by peacay on Mar 25, 2005 - 27 comments

What have been your best and worst links posted?

A what-makes-a-good-post question I'd like to see other MetaFilter dinosaurs answer along with me: What are the best and worst links you ever inflicted on the front page?
posted by rcade on Jul 29, 2004 - 66 comments

I was thinking of using the new open source FCKeditor on all textareas here

I was thinking of using the new open source FCKeditor on all textareas here. Play with this demo textarea and let me know what you think. Would WYSIWYG editing help or get in the way?
posted by mathowie on Jun 21, 2004 - 32 comments

Best blogs poll over at Forbes.

Perfidious sideblog-collapsers, please take note: Forbes Magazine is holding a Best Luxury Media Blogs Under $5 Poll and MetaFilter is currently ahead, despite ferocious competition from the despicable opposition, i.e. the honourable Romenesko and bleedin' Gawker, no less. Can we win? Should we? Do we want to? [Do please check sideblog for the official communiqué.]
posted by MiguelCardoso on Mar 18, 2003 - 76 comments

Metafilter Census

The results of Steve_at_Linnwood's small-sample MeFi census are online. Of more amusement value than scientific, of course. I thought this chart was particularly interesting in its lack of a middle ground.
posted by oissubke on Feb 24, 2003 - 63 comments

What are your online pet peeves?

A pet peeve, to me, is something intensely subjective and harmlessly annoying that it's unreasonable to attack and stupid to waste time decrying. And yet...and yet we all have them and it's fun to list them. Mine(sorry SpecialK for singling you out)are:
1) Yawn...[six more pet peeves inside]
posted by MiguelCardoso on Jul 9, 2002 - 131 comments

Mefi Poll on User Weblog

She's to modest to self-link to it, but the iconatrix has a fun mefi-related poll going at her own weblog(scroll down). So far only 5 people have answered and you know that ain't enough brothers and sisters...
posted by jonmc on Apr 20, 2002 - 71 comments

Please participate in related poll

This request for opinions on participation in online fora was posted to an email list I participate in. I thought it might be appropriate here, as well. Please, only serious, thoughtful participation, you heathens.
posted by Mo Nickels on Apr 10, 2002 - 7 comments

the p in fpp is not for poll

What's your favorite among the many recent FPPs (front-page polls)? There are just so many to choose from.
posted by luser on Dec 7, 2001 - 47 comments

Request: Member of the month poll.

A Member of the Month. With software for voting.
posted by ParisParamus on Oct 8, 2001 - 19 comments

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