15 posts tagged with popularity.
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Why is my comment getting favorited so much?!

I swear this isn't a humblebrag. I'm perplexed. [more inside]
posted by MiraK on Mar 24, 2018 - 34 comments

MetaWhat? MetaWho? MetaHuh?

I wanted to know what parts of this community do you sometimes forget, neglect, or outright ignore? Maybe it's lack of interest or maybe it's just something you keep forgetting exists? FanFare? Jobs? AskMeFi? Labs? Chat? Podcast? Are you only on the blue? What part of MetaFilter is pushed to the side?
posted by Fizz on Oct 8, 2017 - 69 comments

You sound just like a _____!

There is currently a practice across Metafilter, especially within Metafilter proper (the Blue) and Metatalk (the Grey) of making personal attacks against other users that I feel undermines the community aspect of the site. The attacks I am concerned with most often take the form of ugly insinuations that the user is deliberately derailing, trolling or using common tactics which are allegedly known to be popular with (in alphabetical order, thee could be more, these are all I could think of when I set about making this thread):
  • Anti-Semites
  • Bigots
  • Conservatives
  • Misogynists
  • MRAs
  • PUAs
  • Racists
  • Redditors (specifically, usually The Red Pill subreddit)
  • TERFs
  • Transmisogonists
[more inside]
posted by misha on Sep 8, 2014 - 1208 comments

When should I post?

Has anyone done research into the ideal day/time to post something to our beloved collection of multi-colored subsites? i.e. the most statistically probable time to get the maximum number of responses?
posted by softlord on Jun 9, 2013 - 19 comments

Popularity Context

Pony: Can the popular comments RSS feed include the title of the threads to which those comments were posted? [more inside]
posted by Riki tiki on Oct 1, 2008 - 6 comments

Refresh my ZombieFilter

Looking for a specific comment (or entire thread?) either green or blue. It discussed the current popularity of zombie movies as a response to a contemporary fear of anonymity. May have involved references to the MySpace generation. Within the last 6 months, I think. Li'l help?
posted by sonofslim on May 9, 2007 - 13 comments

Relative Tag Text Sizes

These days mefi tags all look about the same size (Opera 9.x, OS X). Is tweaking the math easy enough that the tag sizing could once again be a useful indicator of relative popularity? If not, no biggie.
posted by five fresh fish on Mar 18, 2007 - 26 comments

Comments as votes?

Is it fair to consider the number of comments an FPP receives as an indication of community interest in the post? If so, then it is a pity that eustacescrubb's great find (a real best of the web IMHO) gets only a handful of comments whilst yet another FPP about Ann Coulter frothing at the mouth generates so many.
posted by three blind mice on Mar 3, 2007 - 70 comments

Hot Topics Request

OK, now I rarely venture into this grey area here, so I may be way off base but I was kinda thinking - no matter how popular a thread becomes it sinks down and out just as quickly as people post new links/questions/dumb feature requests. I was wondering, would it be possible to have a separate page for MeFi, AskMe and MeTalk in which the threads were listed by most recent comment. This might give threads a bit of a longer lifespan and give an easy way to see what topics are 'hot'
posted by criticalbill on Aug 13, 2006 - 22 comments

Visualizing most popular tags

Right now, the top-150 tag page seems like sort of a novelty. "Art", "music" and "flash" are going to be huge, but the vast majority of tags seem to get shunted into the lower mid-range such that there's not a lot of perceived difference tag-to-tag or day-to-day. Over time, I'd imagine we'd see the same sort of homogeneity that characterizes the Flickr tag sizes.

The idea is to add some more dimension to the information display, showing not only popularity, but time-based "freshness" of tags and ordering them alphabetically rather than hierarchically for easier browsing ala the full tags listing. If time could be added as an organizational principle, people who aren't obsessive readers of mefi could use the top-150 page as a viable entry point to the site for finding new posts of interest.

Quick-and-dirty HTML example here. (or screenshot).
posted by Jeff Howard on Jan 23, 2005 - 19 comments

Click meter?

You know what would be cool? A click count or popularity meter indicator on each FP thread, showing how many people took a look at it. [MI]
posted by spacewrench on Oct 7, 2004 - 29 comments

Is MetaFilter still a secret?

"One day everyone will rely on Dong Resin's Joint and MetaFilter". Along with other, less interesting sources. This seems to be the gist of this recent Online Journalism Review column by Mark Glaser. And it sounds good to me. So the question is: what danger is there of what we take to be parochial and almost private actually going mainstream? Is MetaFilter still a secret? What is lost and what is gained if it suddenly goes mainstream on us?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Sep 4, 2003 - 41 comments

Ranking most linked sites? Search posts by site?

Is there a way to see a ranking of the sites most often linked to by mefi members in their posts? (would be interesting to see where mefi takes us every day, sites might find it interesting to, if that mattered) Also, is there a way to search for all mefi posts linked to a particular site? (was going to post something from ApeCulture but then thought maybe everyone goes there already, so why bother) Thanks.
posted by Voyageman on Dec 5, 2001 - 12 comments

Navel gazing: most popular

Some navel gazing (hmmmm, perty):

As far as I can tell, Blogger is the most popular weblog app, Metafilter the most popular weblog, and Jason Kottke the most popular weblogger.
posted by Neale on Sep 2, 2001 - 15 comments

Visual help in spotting popular threads

A suggestion for the site: Visual help in spotting the most popular threads on MetaFilter.
posted by rcade on Jan 30, 2001 - 7 comments

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