12 posts tagged with posts and etiquette.
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One word post aren't informative.
One. Word. FPPs. (ok, so the last is more than one word) I don't know about you, but sometimes I'm stuck on a slow connection. Dial-up slow. I have to carefully select which links I click, and I don't want to waste my time on links that don't interest me. I screen my choices based on the info provided by the FPP itself, and link location is only mildly helpful (except for newsfilter). Can't we please get a consensus for making the FPPs informative enough to judge interest? (other uninformative posts today alone...)
We don't "sign" our posts here at Metafilter
How to deal with partisan posts on MeFi.
Metafilter is not Wikipedia. There's no expectation of neutrality here. So instead of telling the poster to get his own blog, why not read the links, then add more links and observations from your own perspective. That's why they call them comments.
Is there etiquette on commenting in your own posts?
Is there etiquette on commenting in your own posts (FPPs?)? I'm exercising restraint - don't want to end up on Noobs Gone Wild. Looser in the green than the blue?
Can we criticize?
It's great that Matt is just one of the guys when it comes to posting but, with respect, this post of his seems way below average. It's a short news item, from a big media source, which will already be known to those who follow the news. The post, though, is not the point. My question is "To what extent are we allowed - or able - to criticize his posts as if he were just another user?" Is it ungracious, ungrateful or downright rude, for instance? Fwiw, my opinion is that special treatment and undue deference are just as annoying and even insulting.
Enough with the flash spam.
We needed another gratuitous product pitch? As the worthless Legs McNeil once said: please kill me.
September 11th anniversary.
Next Thursday is the second anniversary of Sept 11th. The inundation is already starting both here and in all other media. Mayhap the anniversary will be a good time to talk about anything but (i.e. actively posting non-9/11 material)? Or am I being stone cold and inhuman?
Poorly typed posts ruin the subject matter.
I hate when important stories are ruined by lousy posts. How many errors can you find? Where's the cleanup crew when you need them?!
Please don't change fonts.
Is it OK to post a lengthy follow-up to your own thread?
Is it OK to post a lengthy follow-up to your own thread?
Why has "deal with it" become the ultimate write-off at the end of a post?
"Discuss..." is annoying and useless.
MetaFilterians don't need to be instructed to converse. Discuss...