67 posts tagged with racism.
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Breaking news on Mefi

So, I think that MeFi was the first to break the bit about racist looting captions. So why then do Wonkette and Flickr users get to pretend they broke the story? There are others, it's now quite the little hot Internet topic. But where's the MeFi love?
posted by symphonik on Aug 31, 2005 - 57 comments

Rook, I'm a lacist!

Rook, I'm a lacist!
posted by Steve_at_Linnwood on Aug 9, 2005 - 240 comments

Judging a thread by its racist title

What's the deal with racist page titles? We went through the exact same thing a couple of years ago.
posted by Saucy Intruder on Jul 10, 2005 - 115 comments

Racist jokes on MeFi and AskMe

What's happening here? Is it just me, or are these comments simply inappropriate? Or has humor devolved to pseudo-racist jabs?
posted by BlueTrain on Jan 10, 2004 - 162 comments

Not just a double, a double invoking the N-bomb is the subject of a deletion request.

Delete this post Matt. Not only is it a repeat of a topic, the N-bomb is used. Totally unacceptable, even if you are a rapper. It still has the same connotation as hate. Still way too soon since the Civil War.
posted by alicesshoe on Oct 4, 2003 - 24 comments

Hooray! Metafilter's full of ignorant fuckwads! GO TEAM!

In Japan, don't they use the Lichter Scale?
posted by dhoyt at 2:52 PM PST on September 25 (earthquake thead)

rook! I can see my house from here!
posted by jonson at 11:59 AM PST on September 25(Chinese space program thread)

Hooray! Metafilter's full of ignorant fuckwads! GO TEAM!
posted by cCranium on Sep 25, 2003 - 204 comments

MeFi callout for anti-semitism

Hmm..... It does fit in with riptide's posting history which consists of mostly short, useless, and sometimes offensive comments.
posted by rdr on Aug 29, 2003 - 87 comments

Racist, inflammatory, trolling newsfilter post

This thread, despite generating a huge response, is

A.) Newsfilter
B.) Racist, inflammatory, and designed as nothing more than a troll. I realize that MaddD enjoys posts that cause controversy, as evidenced by his topic post history, but suggesting that grieving parents should be shackled to a floor because of their immigration status seems a little much.
posted by dejah420 on Feb 22, 2003 - 94 comments

Nice posts, but extremely aggravating titles.

Nice posts, but extremely aggravating titles.
posted by hama7 on Feb 12, 2003 - 92 comments

Danish furniture My Stars!

This thread is racist trash and makes us all look bad. Danish furniture My Stars!

No, hang on; This thread is racist trash and makes us all look bad.
posted by Pretty_Generic on Jan 13, 2003 - 32 comments

Can we just ban people for being stupid?

Can we just ban people for being stupid?
posted by rich on Feb 21, 2002 - 24 comments

racism and land rights go hand-in-hand?

I believe some of the comments in this thread are completely out of line.
posted by ashbury on Jan 27, 2002 - 46 comments

Racist insults

Take that, 'effete faggot web-designer towelheads'. Ouch - that hurt. Maybe my partner Achmed can drag himself away from his style sheets for a minute and make me feel better. Is this liver fresh?
posted by obiwanwasabi on Nov 4, 2001 - 16 comments

Let's leave links like this to the Southern Poverty Law Center, OK?

Let's leave links like this to the Southern Poverty Law Center, OK?
posted by sudama on Jun 15, 2001 - 33 comments

I think 'no likey' perpetuates a racial stereotype

"No Likey"? I hate that phrase and think it perpetuates a racial stereotype. I've seen it a couple times in comments and it blasted me on the front page today. I'm not saying anyone that uses it is racist, nor am I asking that anyone be condemned for using it. I just wanted to make my feelings known. You may disagree.
posted by girlhacker on Apr 6, 2001 - 37 comments

Anybody have a problem with the word "niggling"?

Anybody have a problem with the word "niggling"? We already decided "fuck" was no problem amongst adults, will we shoot down innocent words?
posted by thirteen on Mar 22, 2001 - 56 comments

Didn't mean to bring out the racism in everyone...

I want to apologize for any part I had in prompting the explicitly racist comments some have posted in this thread and others, if there were any. I'm beginning to wonder whether I should continue advancing my perspective in light of reactions like this. I don't want to encourage those kinds of posts.
posted by sudama on Jan 5, 2001 - 8 comments

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