282 posts tagged with moderation.
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MetaFilter: Nazi bar problem.

I want to discuss how the MetaFilter community addresses comments and users who support or defend Nazi/fascist ideology. A user over in this thread, which discusses Canada's House speaker praising a Nazi veteran, had their comment removed and was given a moderator's note regarding this decision. But I don't find this acceptable. Why would we allow additional comments from this user to be made in that thread? An instant ban would be appropriate for anyone who wants to defend Nazis in this community, otherwise MetaFilter is just setting ourselves up for a Nazi bar problem. I'd like both the moderator team and the community to weigh in on this.
posted by Fizz on Sep 28, 2023 - 240 comments

New Moderation Team Member

Hello Everyone! Please join me welcoming our newly-hired Moderator: Brandon Blatcher! [more inside]
posted by loup on Feb 15, 2023 - 92 comments

🔊 🎉 🔊 MetaFilter Events: Week 4 🔊 🎉 🔊

Welcome to our final week (Week 4) of 2022’s Metafilter Events - MetaFilter Week! Get to know Jessamyn and the admin, meet the Steering Committee, discover the secret sauce in MetaFilter's approach to moderation, check out creative performances by fellow Mefites and participate in Metafilter Trivia Night! Along the way, learn more about internet communities and content moderation - and how technology is shaping the way we communicate and act collectively. [more inside]
posted by aielen on Dec 13, 2022 - 18 comments

🔊 ⛑️ 🔊 MetaFilter Events: Week 3 🔊 ⛑️ 🔊

Week 3 of Metafilter Events is here! Following Week 2, we’re moving on to a week that probes themes and topics around social justice, government, policy and research. You’ll learn more about advocacy and activism - and how you can have your voice heard on issues that matter to you. Find out more about Big Tech content moderation policies and how this affects you, get some perspective on the situation in Iran, and learn about the environmental impact of manufacturing. For those in the U.S, get the lowdown on current developments in redistricting policy and affordable housing policy - and what this means for the future. Complete your weekend with a creative doodling workshop, and hear about the gamification of everyday life from Metafilter’s own Adrian Hon. Come inside to find out more. [more inside]
posted by aielen on Dec 6, 2022 - 19 comments

Can we stop directing threads?

I've noticed a recent trend of non-moderators directing what is okay and not okay to talk about in threads. Speaking for myself, it has restricted good faith participation and is off putting in a way that promotes a cliquish community. Especially such authoritative tone coming from a non-moderator can come off at best confusing and at worst discourage discussion, especially from users are not frequent visitors. [more inside]
posted by geoff. on Apr 9, 2022 - 320 comments

Everybody v. That One Guy

As is not uncommon for threads regarding U.S. politics, the Dispatches from the Upside Down thread involves a debate between a leftist majority and a liberal minority. The thread seems fairly typical to me, in that about 10% of the comments are from a liberal perspective and about 90% are from a leftist perspective. [more inside]
posted by lumpy on Oct 28, 2021 - 59 comments

A change in moderator coverage of the site

I want to update everybody about how moderator schedules have changed recently to account for budget constraints. The short version is: we’re actively monitoring the site most of the time instead of 24/7 to reduce costs, and while this shouldn’t directly affect member experiences overall it does mean occasionally waiting a little longer than previously for moderator responses on flags and emails. Come on in for some more detail if you’re interested. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jul 14, 2021 - 57 comments

What's Wrong With The Guardian?

A moderator removed a link to the Guardian because of something about that paper's LGBTQ stance. This is the first I've heard. What caused this reaction from MetaFilter? It seems to have come up only now, but I cannot find anything in recent Guardian issues that might have prompted the action.
posted by CCBC on Jun 8, 2021 - 31 comments

Election Day on Metafilter

The US election was November 3rd. It’s a tense, fraught time, and we want to help everyone have the healthiest and safest time possible. (We're updating this post with a link to the current thread) [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Nov 2, 2020 - 78 comments

Site Update #3, 2020

Hello everyone! We’re coming to the end of August, and things are getting caught up around here. We have a lot of stuff in store, so stay tuned! As usual, comments are turned off. Drop us a line at the Contact Form if you have feedback, and you’re welcome to open a MetaTalk thread for any subject you want to discuss with the community. [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Aug 28, 2020 - 0 comments

Site Update #2, 2020

Hello again, Metafilter! It's time for another update on the state of the site. Comments are turned off for these, but we’re happy to hear from you via the Contact Form. If you want to discuss a particular subject with the community, you’re welcome to open a separate MetaTalk thread for it. [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Aug 14, 2020 - 0 comments

Site Update #1, 2020

Hello Metafilter! Welcome to the first of many regularly-scheduled updates on the state of the site. Comments will be turned off for these, as they’ll cover far too many topics for an unthreaded conversation to manage, but we’re happy to hear from you via the Contact Form. If you want to discuss a particular subject with the community, you’re welcome to open a separate MetaTalk thread for it. [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Jul 31, 2020 - 0 comments

R_N returns, MetaTalk process changes

Hi. I'm back.

I'm not gonna be modding. I'm going to be handling the administrative work behind the scenes, managing policy discussions, and processing user feedback. For those of you who don't know or remember, this is my professional background - I've done community management for companies large and small, and I'm excited to be putting those skills to use more directly than I did when I was concentrating on moderation. [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Jul 23, 2020 - 138 comments

An Ode to the Tummlers

Mefi's Own Jessamyn is quoted in the New York Times in We Forgot About the Most Important Job on the Internet, an opinion piece by Mefi's Own Annalee Newitz. Jessamyn West, a librarian who was a moderator for 10 years at MetaFilter, said the job is like what Catskill entertainers of the mid-20th century called a tummler, “the person in the room who isn’t quite the M.C. but walks around and makes sure you’re doing OK.”
posted by adrianhon on Mar 13, 2020 - 11 comments

So is Bernie off limits for anything slightly negative now?

I framed this post well. It is about a candidate that endorsed a man who's news group glorifies the Armenian genocide while same candidate refuses to endorse a young woman of color in Texas who could affect real change. We've had posts critical of Biden and Buttigieg but the other white man in the race is off limits? It's funny how: Unless it's actually big, *major* news, let's skip the "Candidate makes misstep" sort of thing. only comes into play when Bernie is involved or that this new rule appears only when Bernie starts seeing the heat. I would like clarification on the "new rules" that now only apply to some candidates. This is the sort of thing that would have been discussed in the megathreads- without them we need to have individual posts. But whats the point of individual posts if you're going to delete them?
posted by Homo neanderthalensis on Dec 14, 2019 - 146 comments

Allow "push back" comments to stand

In light of the deletion of a Metafilter comment that pushed back against a racist comment in the Frank Ocean thread, I am requesting that the community discuss the benefits of allowing "push back" comments to stand - especially when those comments are insightful, enlightening and challenge other Mefites to be better members of the community. [more inside]
posted by nightrecordings on Oct 24, 2019 - 159 comments

Hearing from our members of color

In this recent MeTa, the community discussed the ways in which Metafilter does not serve people of color well. So this post is a space for discussion, dedicated for people of color. If you identify as a person of color, and you have suggestions, complaints, or just thoughts about the site, please share them here! [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Jun 6, 2019 - 350 comments

MetaMetaTalk and MetaModeration Thereof

In another MeTa post, a moderator made comments that some found to be unmodly. That other MeTa became a more wide-ranging discussion of moderation (and metamoderation), to the point that it has been agreed that a different MetaTalk post should be started. This is that MetaTalk post. [more inside]
posted by Etrigan on Jan 4, 2019 - 508 comments

Is This Moderators' Day?

It is. Please join me in a tradition stretching back to 2007 and help me thank the undeniably world-class moderators of MetaFilter Industries, LLC for all they do for our community. [more inside]
posted by Rock Steady on Jun 13, 2018 - 45 comments

Silent Moderation?

I was reading this post and left the page after a couple comments had been posted. Returning a few minutes later, both comments (from 2 separate users) were gone. Was this moderator initiated, or did I miss something (a new post made in its place)?
posted by bastionofsanity on Mar 26, 2018 - 26 comments

Taking Care of a Fruit Tree: Moderation on Metafilter

Bingo and I are Human-Computer Interaction researchers in Bath, UK and Vienna, AT, who are looking at moderation on web forums and how it shapes discussions. Over the past several months, with permission from the site staff, we have been examining moderator comments on MetaFilter in order to answer several questions. [more inside]
posted by katta on Mar 26, 2018 - 126 comments

Resetting expectations about U.S. political discussion on MetaFilter

Hey folks, big discussion time. We're going to be making some changes on how U.S. political discussion plays out on MetaFilter, to try and make sure it remains available as a useful resource in a way that isn't as unsustainable as the current approach has been. I’ll lay out some concrete steps we’re taking, and some general thoughts, below. This is detailed but important and I appreciate you taking the time to read through it. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Nov 28, 2017 - 466 comments

Everything is fine?

Every so often someone proposes we avoid discussion of unhappy outcomes in general but more specifically the unlikelihood of an impeachment in the Trump threads, which now appears to be becoming de facto policy. It seems like it's worth talking over before it does.
posted by Artw on Jul 22, 2017 - 111 comments

Happy Moderators' Covfefe

Well, not much has happened over the past year, and things have been pretty easy for the mods, so I hesitate to even make a post to celebrate Moderators' Day this year. It seems a bit off to thank the mods for all their hard work, thoughtfulness, excellent communication skills, and infinite patience when they have basically been lounging by the pool at MetaFilter World Headquarters eating bonbons and /hamburgers all year. [more inside]
posted by Rock Steady on Jun 13, 2017 - 99 comments

Closing Your Community Right: Jessamyn interviewed

A podcast where Jessamyn is interviewed by Patrick O'Keefe about the experiences around an online community (mlkshk) closing down and what happens afterwards. There is much on moderating, membership, community issues and service shuttering procedures within, as well as discussion of death/the passing of people, how this impacts on online communities and how moderators and community members deal with it. The page contains many MetaFilter-related links and a link to the transcript.
posted by Wordshore on Mar 21, 2017 - 27 comments

Anchors for deleted comments

Since the megathreads are so long and cause problems with mobile browsers occasionally reloading the page, I've found it easiest to "checkpoint" my place by occasionally clicking on the timestamps so that my browser will update the URL to have the anchor of that comment. That way if the page is accidentally reloaded it will go back somewhere near the right location. If I'm unlucky enough to click on a comment that is deleted due to moderation, the anchor goes away and I must endlessly scroll hoping to find where I left off. Is it possible for the anchor tags for deleted posts be preserved into either the next comment or maybe the [moderators comment] that removed it?
posted by autopilot on Feb 28, 2017 - 54 comments

call-in show: Ask A Moderator

For the next podcast episode, I think it'd be fun to do another call-in show. This time: Ask A Moderator! Drop us a voicemail at (505) 663-6334, that's (505) 663-MEFI, with a question about MetaFilter, moderation, being a mod, or whatever, and we'll try and give you an answer! [more inside]
posted by cortex on Feb 23, 2017 - 51 comments

Where is the place to discuss deletion policies?

In the context of a discussion about Trump's hot mic tape, and whether this reflected common experience or not, I recently had a comment deleted. (I can't don't it in the thread or in my activity or recent favorites etc, so I assume it's gone.) [more inside]
posted by schadenfrau on Oct 8, 2016 - 57 comments

The Election Debate Logistics Thread

The US presidential debates are upon us, and we'd like to steer the threads covering them so they are fun, readable, and don't break anyone's browser (if possible. Probably not possible.) Here are some things we've been thinking about: [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Sep 25, 2016 - 395 comments

Zen and the Art of Moderation

Does a write-up exist of the MetaFilter philosophy of moderation? [more inside]
posted by qxntpqbbbqxl on Sep 7, 2016 - 80 comments

Make moderation posts more distinctive

Ive learned here and elsewhere that Metafilter is rightly proud of its moderation. However it took me almost a year to recognize when a mod has  commented. The current visual cues are too subtle for me, especially because I use large fonts and can see only a small amount of text per screen. This pony is an access request (to accomodate both my older eyes and my short-term memory issues) as well as a suggestion for improving the Metafilter experience for new users.  [more inside]
posted by Jesse the K on Mar 14, 2016 - 142 comments

Jessamyn on moderation

Advice for the accidental community manager at The Coral Project ("a multi-year collaboration between Mozilla, The Washington Post and The New York Times designed to lead experiments in community growth and management, seeking ways to improve the state of user-generated contributions on the internet through open-source software.")
posted by beagle on Jan 22, 2016 - 17 comments

Does anyone else feel Metafilter's moderation culture is ridiculous?

I joined Metafilter because I was interested in community feedback, not the feedback of the same tiny handful of moderators who all think alike. [more inside]
posted by knowgood on Aug 28, 2015 - 507 comments

Go be awesome

How to Leave Your Internet Job. Advice for @mathowie on his new adventure by Jessamyn.
posted by zarq on Mar 10, 2015 - 102 comments

Is this a queue?

noun 1. BRITISH a line or sequence of people or vehicles awaiting their turn to be attended to or to proceed. [more inside]
posted by Drinky Die on Feb 13, 2015 - 241 comments

We're grownups, right?

restless_nomad, stop censoring the discussion about the effect of suicide on those left behind. That discussion is more important than a bunch of dots left in honor of someone who, being dead, will never see the thread.
posted by MrMoonPie on Dec 30, 2014 - 570 comments

Personal attacks and biased moderating: is this what we want on Metafilter?

This is in regards to this thread [more inside]
posted by phoenix_rising on Dec 1, 2014 - 1305 comments

Moderating GamerGate Threads

It would be helpful to have a statement from our moderators about how they're handling moderation in the GamerGate threads, before certain myths take hold. [more inside]
posted by rory on Oct 28, 2014 - 303 comments

You sound just like a _____!

There is currently a practice across Metafilter, especially within Metafilter proper (the Blue) and Metatalk (the Grey) of making personal attacks against other users that I feel undermines the community aspect of the site. The attacks I am concerned with most often take the form of ugly insinuations that the user is deliberately derailing, trolling or using common tactics which are allegedly known to be popular with (in alphabetical order, thee could be more, these are all I could think of when I set about making this thread):
  • Anti-Semites
  • Bigots
  • Conservatives
  • Misogynists
  • MRAs
  • PUAs
  • Racists
  • Redditors (specifically, usually The Red Pill subreddit)
  • TERFs
  • Transmisogonists
[more inside]
posted by misha on Sep 8, 2014 - 1208 comments

Spoilers should not be deletable

In this thread, there's a note about spoilery comments being deleted. I don't think that's a good policy to hold here; the comments were (presumably) not harmful to members, and should not have been axed. [more inside]
posted by ChrisR on May 3, 2014 - 256 comments

We're not talking about this. Period.

Am I correct in inferring that there has been some moderate moderation to this thread (about how fraught the use of periods has become in texting and other new communication methods) to remove references to President Obama's repeated use of the word "Period!" in speeches to attempt to add veracity to an oft-repeated lie? [more inside]
posted by Infinity_8 on Dec 4, 2013 - 136 comments

No Comment

"The Web forum MetaFilter, for instance, which is known for a positive commenting flavor, depends on a 24/7 team of moderators. “People come to us all the time and say, ‘Here’s a problem with people behaving badly, we want a tech solution,’ ” says Paul Bausch, a MetaFilter developer. “We tell them that human problems require human judgment.” MetaFilter's own pb quoted in a New York Times Magazine piece on the evolution of online commentary.
posted by Miko on Sep 24, 2013 - 99 comments

Screw up

Moderation error : living v dead
posted by jeffburdges on Sep 18, 2013 - 52 comments

More than one thing can happen in the world at once.

It bothers me that there are always comments trivializing posts about arts, culture, games, or what have you, when there are news events occurring. It seems to lack perspective on what Metafilter is, and to come from a place where the poster assumes that we should all have our attention focused on one particular newsfilter post. (Because Prague is flooding and Turkey is revolting, EVE going down is not of any interest at all!) If you don't find anything interesting in a post, please just go to the next one. There's no need to play posting morality police. Metafilter won't run out of bits.
posted by sonic meat machine on Jun 3, 2013 - 79 comments

Even a Chap.13 Bankruptcy drops off your Credit Report after 7 years.

I think this deletion as a double was a bad call. [more inside]
posted by radwolf76 on May 29, 2013 - 39 comments


The moderation around here has officially become fucking ridiculous. [more inside]
posted by bardic on Apr 17, 2013 - 636 comments


I made an ill considered remark in timsteil's folkstreams post and he made a polite response which made me feel ashamed after I saw his consternation. I wanted to clarify my harsh out and went to make a clarifying comment when my computer crashed and I had to reboot. And when I got back, I made my comment and then saw his was already deleted. I am getting so sick of the editing of our conversations.I really think sometime that there should be placeholders for all deletions you make. You are overdoing it, in my estimation. [more inside]
posted by y2karl on Mar 17, 2013 - 53 comments


I am not sure how elusive the Metafilter moderator GUI screenshot might be to the average MeFi user, but I have always wondered about it's efficiency and I was pleasantly surprised when I finally caught a (blurry) glimpse of it during Matt's SxSW 2011 talk: Lessons from 11 Years of Community
posted by TangerineGurl on Feb 19, 2013 - 42 comments

MetaTalk Holiday Queue in the Queue

We're going to be queuing MetaTalk posts from December 24th to January 1st. [more inside]
posted by pb on Dec 21, 2012 - 41 comments

MetaTalk Holiday Queue Time

With US Thanksgiving rapidly approaching, it's time for another MetaFilter holiday tradition: The MetaTalk Queue. [more inside]
posted by pb on Nov 21, 2012 - 109 comments

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