14 posts tagged with recommendations.
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Add request for followup to AskMeFi

Would we like a feature to request that an original poster, asking for recommendations, follow up with a comment about what they did, or if some place, restaurant, or service was recommended whether it worked out and why or why not? [more inside]
posted by TimHare on Feb 27, 2024 - 30 comments

Proposal to make it easier to make lists on AskMetafilter

Because I like the podcast True Stories I am on their Facebook fan page and someone there asked what other podcasts do you like. There were many responses, many repeats, very hard to read and keep track in my head. So I made a paper list. People often ask for what other (blank) do you like? here and I haven't made a paper list yet, I usually just bookmark the page and never come back to it. In Evernote web clipper I can chose to "save simplified article" which cuts out all the chaff. I would love something similar on AskMeta. My wishes: [more inside]
posted by cda on Apr 19, 2023 - 14 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Fine Print

Happy weekend everyone, I hope you are well! For this metalktail hour topic, I'd like to ask what you are reading, or what you last read, or what you are looking forward to reading ... and also, actually, um, are you reading? Or has the combination of the always-on instant news cycle, ballooning world crises, and overbearing social media interrupted, slowed, or stymied your flow? Or intensified it? [more inside]
posted by taz on Mar 11, 2023 - 76 comments

Endless Summer Book Bingo

Just a continuation of this Meta, which hit the time limit. A place to share our triumphs and recommendations as we fill in squares for the Summer Book Bingo card put out by the Seattle Public Library.
posted by The corpse in the library on Jul 22, 2021 - 18 comments

Disposable YouTube playlists from recommendation threads

The other day I recommended some songs on an AskMeFi thread and, after some fiddling, I compiled almost all the links in two disposable YouTube playlists. Today, while catching up on a year of podcasts, I noticed that in Best of the Web Ep. 112 they talked about this exact issue and the partial solution that exists on Labs. I figured I should share my notes with the rest of the class to figure out how to improve on this long-sought question. [more inside]
posted by andycyca on Mar 24, 2017 - 5 comments

Hive Mind Aggregator

After making two of my three most commonly recommended recommendations yesterday over in Ask, I was thinking it could be cool to come together and post here, in one place, all of the most useful things we've come across and the things that we find ourselves repeating thread after thread. Maybe someone will find something worthwhile here they never thought they needed! [more inside]
posted by phunniemee on Jun 4, 2015 - 169 comments

MetaRecommend? No, MetaRec? No, MetRar? Erm, no.

A meta for recommendations? A lot of AskMeFi posts are about stating your favourite stuff and asking for recommendations of the same - movies, books, games, music, this one new thread is about podcasts. So how about it? A new Meta where you list the stuff you like, and others give you recommendations based on that. [more inside]
posted by Senza Volto on Jun 10, 2012 - 46 comments

AskMe Etiquette

Making recommendations against a physician or business on AskMe? [more inside]
posted by zarq on Oct 16, 2009 - 14 comments

A happy ending!

Muscle memory finally pays off. MeTa is back! [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Jan 26, 2009 - 125 comments

An AskMe about your favourite recommendations...

A good while ago, there was an AskMe question along the lines of 'what are the things you love to recommend', 'give me your top recommendations', and so on. Can anyone help me find it?
posted by flibbertigibbet on Dec 15, 2007 - 9 comments

Lost Music Recommendations

A few days ago there was an AskMe looking for music recommendations. Someone posted a link in it I wanted to bookmark later, but now I can't find it. Did it get deleted or am I just searching for the wrong tags (tried music and mp3)?
posted by justkevin on Dec 1, 2006 - 10 comments

Great FUNNY DVD recommendations

You made me laugh. Thanks.
posted by jdroth on Jul 10, 2005 - 22 comments

I have my head up mu culo.

I have my head up mu culo. I have only just learnt of Blogger.com from todays post by Mr.Howie. I think I will make use of something like this, probably for professional promotion, touting my CV etc. Are there other sites more practial to my application? Any pitfalls i should be aware of?
posted by Frasermoo on Jan 31, 2002 - 4 comments

Web server services in the UK

I'd like to set-up my own web server (like in the previous thread) in the UK - does anyone know of any reasonably-priced services? Also, what equipment will I need? Can I use ColdFusion for a reasonable price or is it mega-expensive? (more inside)
posted by williamtry on Apr 21, 2001 - 9 comments

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