7 posts tagged with rock.
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Jingle Rock Bell music video
time to start belling those rocks
Ringle Jock Bell
Merry Christmas to all and too all a Jingle Rock Bell, User PinkStainlessTail's mefi xmas classic.
PinkStainlessTail's fame is spreading.
Jingle Rock Bell
With the Christmas season upon us, I think it's time to call attention to PinkStainlessTail's classic—which will live forever—Jingle Rock Bell.
Is there a sequel to Jingle Bell Rock?
The holidays are here (more or less) and as Christmas music fills the air, I find myself reminded of last year's MeFi masterpiece... Jingle Bell Rock, vocalized by Pink Stainless Tail. It became a favorite of mine, my to the chagrin of all my friends, and I was wondering - nay, hoping - will we be similarly blessed this year? Does anyone hope to follow in his mighty footsteps?
black rock city meetup photos