116 posts tagged with sanfrancisco.
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Typophile Film Festival

San Francisco: For anyone interested, the Typophile Film Festival is tonight, at 111 Minna, doors open at 6pm. Registration is closed, but it's still free at the door. If you have any problems, though, call my cell.
posted by quasistoic on Jan 13, 2005 - 5 comments

San Francisco Meetup

MeFiSF: We'd talked a bit about January 14, and it sounded like some neoFites were on board, too. Is there is momentum? Or shall we just meet in Berkeley at the end of the month?
posted by caitlinb on Jan 2, 2005 - 7 comments

Bay Area meetup January 2005

Bay Area Mefi/Mofi Meetup: Saturday, January 29 at Jupiter in Berkeley. Occasion: tracicle is visiting from New Zealand.
posted by ambrosia on Jan 2, 2005 - 13 comments

West coast meetups

It's certainly been a contentious couple of weeks in MeTa! I'm hoping we can get back up to MEETUPS. Seattle, Vancouver, and San Francisco, I'm looking at you! [+]
posted by caitlinb on Dec 19, 2004 - 31 comments

SF Meetup

Dear MetaTalk,

I never thought I'd be writing to you, but I wanted to tell you about the hot action at the SF MeetUp last night. [more inside]
posted by Kafkaesque on Nov 11, 2004 - 33 comments

MeFiSF Reminder and Date Change

MeFiSF Reminder and Date Change (due to special guest's travel schedule): Wednesday, November 10, 7 PM, at the Phoenix (Valencia and 19th). More BARTable than Lucky 13! Nice area with good seating in the back! Food available! And actual living, breathing females! Email me if you want an email reminder.
posted by caitlinb on Nov 5, 2004 - 1 comment

San Francisco Meetup

MeFiSF: LIVING, BREATHING FEMALES on Armistice Day in San Francisco. At least one of whom wears glasses. No location decided, but probably somewhere on the Castro side of the Mission. We have a special guest from LA, so November 11th it is. Come one, come all, celebrate the end of the election season and, perhaps, the start of bets on whether Rehnquist will survive to cast the deciding vote.
posted by caitlinb on Oct 26, 2004 - 10 comments

San Francisco meetup

REMINDER: MeFiSF this Friday, September 10, about 7 PM, Zeitgeist (Duboce & Valencia; nearest BART station: 16th & Mission), back yard, near the pink elephants. See you there!
posted by caitlinb on Sep 7, 2004 - 10 comments

San Francisco Meetup

That NY, taunting us with its rich meetup culture! For the less spontaneous, Meetup.com just suggested September 7, and scarabic and I put it on our calendars. Meetup.com also suggested (for SF) Jillian's, which is conveniently located at the Metreon (4th and Mission) but has little else to recommend it. In the past, scarabic has suggested other places, too. How about it?
posted by caitlinb on Aug 23, 2004 - 19 comments

San Francisco Meetup

Reminder: SF/Bay Area meetup, Tuesday night
(7/13) at Zeitgeist. Meet on the deck in the back around 6-6:30pm.
posted by vacapinta on Jul 12, 2004 - 14 comments

Anyone at ACLU in SF?

Sorry if this is completely inappropriate, but:
The ACLU members' conference is in progress here in San Francisco. If any of you are in attendance, i'd love to know, and buy some drinks and offer tips as an SF native (over 10 years and claiming to like the fog counts as native, according to my research). I had a fun night with the Idaho Contingent at the Gold Dust Lounge tonight- if you are near enough and would like to join up, say so here and I will find you.
posted by obloquy on Jul 7, 2004 - 3 comments

Bay Area Meetup, July 6, 2004

Bay Area meetup July 6th 8pm. Whaddya say? East Bay? In the city? Going on the board game theme, Albatross in Berkeley's great, but if our numbers get too big, Jupiter's patio might be a better idea. I'm also open for other suggestions in SF. An earlier start time might also be nice.
posted by quasistoic on Jun 15, 2004 - 25 comments

SoCal Meetup

MeFiSoCalWenCom04 came off nearly flawlessly last night, with attendence in the double digits (if you include MeFites' significent others and the MonkeyFilter contingent. [more inside. always more inside]
posted by wendell on Jan 18, 2004 - 24 comments

Seybold SF Meetup

Seybold SF is next week. Geek-safe venue. Lots of toys. Anyone going to be around specific areas? any conference sessions with mf members as speakers? i'll be the guy with the nametag on.
posted by th3ph17 on Sep 3, 2003 - 2 comments

San Francisco Meetup

Time to put up or shut up. I propose, once and for all, an SF meetup.

More inside, baby. Don't be scared.
posted by padraigin on Jun 19, 2003 - 43 comments

San Francisco Picnic

I know this is old. But is the item at the bottom of the page going to happen this year?

"I'd like to do a MetaFilter picnic gathering at Golden Gate Park, in San Francisco some time this summer."

Could it happen this year? I was planning to take a trip to San Fransisco some time this year. Two birds. One stone. Could be fun.
posted by y6y6y6 on Apr 5, 2003 - 10 comments

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