9 posts tagged with self.
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Whatever happened to... Habit Judo?

A while back on MeFi (2011) apparently user Leotrotsky described an intriguing habit-building system he deemed Habit Judo, which as I understood it was essentially a gamification system for developing habits. I was so intrigued at the time, but I guess I never *surprise surprise* developed the habit of looking further into it. It appears that a spreadsheet of some sort was developed (and mentioned in the Guardian), and even spun off Android and iOS apps, both of which appear to be down. So I've a few questions... [more inside]
posted by Perko on Oct 2, 2015 - 13 comments

Baby steps self care post

This post on the Blue is pretty cool, but I'm frustrated as my amygdala (I call her Queen) isn't liking the restrictiveness of having to go through steps in the order set by someone else. Also, she's messing up my prefrontal cortex something shocking, the bitch. So does anyone have the steps in a static format, even if it's text based? On another day, I'd be able to work out how to do it, but right now, not so much. Thanks so much.
posted by b33j on Oct 1, 2015 - 9 comments

Special snowflake question inside

I'm interested in the etymology of the descriptor 'snowflake', where it refers to a person stating inwardly unique emotions or situations. This has arisen out of finding a strangely amusing definition through a work task, but I can't find the root or origin of 'snowflake' as it is used on MetaFilter. [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Feb 24, 2015 - 65 comments

When is a self link not a self link/

Do you think it's okay to make a post about a band that I'll be playing with? [more inside]
posted by lumpenprole on Oct 28, 2011 - 41 comments

Self indulgence, selfish or self-link?

Just how "Self"-ish does the self-link ban cover? [more inside]
posted by Nice Guy Mike on Dec 8, 2008 - 22 comments

When DIY goes wrong...

*clears throat* What is the exact reason why self-linking is metafilter's #1 sin? Help out this sorta-newbie. [more inside]
posted by sixcolors on Dec 5, 2008 - 71 comments

mark your own comment as best answer

I didn't know it was possible to mark your own comment as best answer. Am I correct in that you can't favorite your own comments either?
posted by IndigoRain on Sep 7, 2006 - 37 comments

Been there, done that.

My first double post. To err is human, to forgive divine?
posted by geoff. on Jul 6, 2006 - 21 comments

Single-link op-ed front page post? GYOWFW!

Single-link op-ed front page post? GYOWFW!
posted by hama7 on Jul 20, 2004 - 115 comments

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