15 posts tagged with suggestion.
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Let's take clubs to the next level: Groups

Now that the book clubs are more or less up and running, why not kick them up a notch and make something like "Metafilter Groups"? An online meeting space to organize, discuss, and experience group activities (like reading books, doing online courses, playing video games, learning stuff, etc.) together with the nice folks here at MeFi. [more inside]
posted by KMB on Mar 9, 2016 - 29 comments


Repeatedly asked for in this thread about the closing of TWOP, a subforum for Metafilter to cover TV. Can I suggest a possible trial by allowing members who've taken on a program to make a FPP with a simple round-up of recaps from the web and then to let a thread flourish? With a rule about no spoilers for the trial period, because later on there could be a spoiler free/spoilered-to-smithereens alternate threads. I can get good recaps from a bunch of places online, and committing to volunteer recaps is a Big Chunk of Time. Mostly what I can't get, and loved from TWOP, is snarky smart conversation about a show I love. If the trial leads to great discussions, then a separate section could be made so the front page doesn't get cluttered with TV threads. Nominating: The Vampire Diaries, Scandal, Community, Elementary, Teen Wolf (come back Elizardbits!), Supernatural and I will volunteer happily for Melissa and Joey, a sitcom that I believe is profoundly undercriticised despite huge popularity and weirdly progressive sexual politics and ethics. Ahem.
posted by viggorlijah on Mar 27, 2014 - 426 comments

Best comment contest

We should have a best comment contest. I don't know how it would be decided exactly, but presumably the mods have come up with some criteria for the best post contest, so perhaps they could be applied to comments.
posted by desjardins on Aug 20, 2012 - 94 comments

Encouraging answers rather than comments in AskMe

Suggestion: changing AskMe "Post Comment" to "Post Answer." [more inside]
posted by Jorus on Dec 13, 2010 - 48 comments

Favorite cloud

Suggestion:We have a tag cloud - how about a favorites cloud? [more inside]
posted by bigmusic on Aug 22, 2009 - 20 comments

Award for Mefite Genius?

How about if the Metafilter Scholarship be used as an award for a project by a Mefite they can present publicly at the big 10th anniversary event? The winner could be chosen by how many times their presentation is favorited as a live event being posted on Metatalk because it's related. [more inside]
posted by parmanparman on May 25, 2009 - 51 comments

Sidebar History

Sidebar: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 years ago... 6, 7? I mean, I can type it in manually, but I figured I'd suggest it and see if enough people want it. And I'm not saying to go on indefinitely, could turn into "1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15 years ago" over time, as per mathowie's decendants' wishes.
posted by Eideteker on Jan 15, 2007 - 33 comments

Four Posts on the Same Death

After another four times dead post on the home page, I have a little suggestion to people out to FPP that someone is still dead.
posted by dw on Jan 14, 2007 - 5 comments

Layout suggestion for horozontal rules on AskMe

Add a separator (horizontal line, blank line, whatever you deem appropriate) of some kind: (1) between answers in AskMeFi, and (2) between new and old questions on the front page. This would help break up the page a little more.
posted by davcoo on Aug 3, 2006 - 36 comments

Would it be a good idea to display Music playlists on profile pages?

Would it be a good idea to display Music playlists on profile pages along with posts, comments, and faves?
posted by ijoshua on Jul 7, 2006 - 3 comments

Link new question page to wiki?

On the ask.mefi "post a new question page," can we get a link to the What makes a good question wiki page?
posted by hooray on Feb 4, 2006 - 5 comments

Should banned users' profiles reflect the reason for their status?

If a user is banned for blatantly violating the no-self-link rule, would it be a good idea to either a) note the banning on that person's user page or b) delete the user page entirely? Seems strange to keep a user page from someone who took a dump on the community.
posted by mediareport on Mar 28, 2005 - 41 comments

Use the MeFi sidebar to draw attention to recent MeTa threads?

I posted this in another thread, but since you can't see new posts on MetaTalk, I decided to post it here. Would it be a good idea to list recent MetaTalk threads in a section of the right sidebar?

Also: would dates be better than days for right sidebar posts (7/27/01 instead of Friday)? Kind of like filepile. It's hard to tell how stale the news is with just days...
posted by timothompson on Jul 27, 2001 - 0 comments

Island of Bad Posts?

I just noticed another insanely long no-link post was pulled this morning. It might be useful to have a Island of Bad Posts archive where stuff that gets pulled is anonymized and listed along with a 25 word description of why it was pulled. This page could be linked to the register page for new users so they can learn through negative example as well as learning by positive example just by reading the site. Plus I'm sure a lot of us are just curious about what's getting pulled....
posted by jessamyn on Apr 11, 2001 - 6 comments

"Contribute" link?

Matt, you should put a contribute link on the main menu bar. I mostly use Netscape, and was not paying attention the Amazon disscussion. I only noticed the link on the blue sidebar when I launched Explorer to check out another page, and it defaulted to Metafilter. Might be a more offical place to encourage people to help out more frequently.
posted by thirteen on Feb 8, 2001 - 9 comments

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