15 posts tagged with transgender.
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Policies on Trans Issues: Current and Future

This post includes Information from loup about how the site's policies on trans people/issues are currently implemented including how transphobic content, sources and members are dealt with, the information they've given me about planned changes based on some brief feedback I've given, and an invitation for other trans members to share their thoughts, concerns, feedback, and suggestions [more inside]
posted by Chrysopoeia on Apr 1, 2023 - 115 comments

Trans Day of Visibility on Metafilter

March 31st is the International Transgender Day of Visibility. I'd like a thread for those of us who are here to talk about our experiences on MetaFilter if we want to, to raise awareness of issues, and to celebrate our lives and contributions and voices and each other. [more inside]
posted by Chrysopoeia on Mar 30, 2022 - 30 comments

Better approaches to posts about trans people and transphobia

We need to talk about how trans issues are handled on MetaFilter. [more inside]
posted by xchmp on Jul 10, 2020 - 386 comments

Support and check in for trans, non-binary, pan and GQ people.

This week in the news sucked and it's been all too easy to lose sleep over it. How are you? (Hugs, headpats and venting inside.)
posted by loquacious on Oct 23, 2018 - 70 comments

To she or not to she

Earlier today I posted this thread about transgender discrimination on the blue. Quote from hate group included in extended led to good question re quotes and misgendering. [more inside]
posted by Mike Mongo on Dec 28, 2016 - 146 comments

More explicit guidelines on what makes a good post?

This article by a closeted trans woman has been posted three times, and deleted three times, after a few early comments on the first posting largely agreed with another trans woman's critical take. The deletion reasons have repeatedly cited "a number of elements" that "will make it really hard to have a good discussion". I would appreciate the mods or the general community saying what those elements are, and perhaps expanding the post guidelines to provide a permanent reference. Implicit social norms beyond the obvious "don't be a jerk" are exhausting to parse, especially in a text-only medium. Whatever was objectionable about the article, please just spell it out. [more inside]
posted by Rangi on Jul 15, 2016 - 137 comments

The sweetest kiss I think I've ever had

On June 26th 2015, as the U.S. celebrated marriage equality, my then girlfriend said with joyful certainty and a beaming smile "This means you're gonna be my wife someday." On Friday June 3rd 2016, Tina and I were married in our lovely backyard garden surrounded by close friends and loved ones. And *THAT* dear mefites, was the sweetest kiss I've ever had. [more inside]
posted by Annika Cicada on Jun 5, 2016 - 127 comments

A Four Year Anniversary Thank You

A much deserved thank you to everyone who took the time to help me during one of the darkest times in my life four years ago. [more inside]
posted by motioncityshakespeare on Jun 13, 2015 - 29 comments

Thank you, byanyothername.

Thank you, byanyothername. [more inside]
posted by yeoz on Jun 24, 2013 - 29 comments

Trans* 101

A few weeks ago, tensions were rising high in a trans*-related FPP over the tendency of threads on said topic to turn into trans 101 rather than focusing on issues highlighted, especially given how it could be perceived as threatening and exhausting. Juliet Banana was apparently listening to the debate and made a special note to include links to some FAQs in today's post on the topic. I just wanted to extend my kudos and bring attention to this excellent resolution to the debate, and suggest that this should be a standard for trans* posts in the future.
posted by Conspire on Jun 10, 2013 - 44 comments

Surely This

The level of naked bigotry in the comments to this thread is absolutely appalling to me. Is it really okay on MetaFilter to flat out claim that transfolk are just making it up?
posted by Proofs and Refutations on Feb 28, 2013 - 928 comments

It Gets Better II: Electric Boogaloo

Update on MeFi It Gets Better Project! Deadline approaching: December 1! [more inside]
posted by jph on Nov 12, 2012 - 9 comments

MetaFilter: It Gets Better

So we've now watched dozens, possibly hundreds of "It Gets Better" videos from different people and groups. And we've answered questions from all kinds of young queer folks about how to navigate the complexities of life. Isn't it about time that MetaFilter made an "It Gets Better" video? [more inside]
posted by jph on Sep 26, 2012 - 207 comments

Transgender LA Times sportswriter Mike Penner dead in suspected suicide

Veteran LA Times sportswriter Mike Penner dead in suspected suicide, a sad folo-up to this 2007 post about his bombshell column announcing his transsexuality and his decision to take a leave of absence and return to the newsroom as Christine Daniels. [more inside]
posted by planetkyoto on Nov 29, 2009 - 89 comments

Women performing as men as the head of the household?

I'm looking for a post on Metafilter, maybe within the last year or two, about these women who would 'convert' to be men for the rest of their lives - not sexually/biologically, just in terms of their function within their villages (and in some cases in terms of gender, though). They were accompanied by photos of old men (or women) wearing pants and sort of hanging out and looking really relaxed/hip/baller. If I remember, this took place in somewhere in Eastern Europe. Thanks!
posted by suedehead on May 13, 2009 - 17 comments

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