22 posts tagged with trump.
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MetaFilter and Trump 2.0

Trump will be US President again real soon, so we're expecting a lot more news and political posts on the front page. These types of posts often spawn a lot arguing, which often goes badly. Here's several suggestions that everyone can do to help lessen said arguing and toxicity: [more inside]
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Jan 14, 2025 - 133 comments

Please make him go somewhere?

Every few days, I look over at the US politics sidebar on the front page, and see ""Let me tell you this right now, Donald J. Trump ain't going anywhere." On one hand, I feel a certain amount of glee looking at that headline and thinking "well, that was WRONG" - on the other hand, I think "I could have gone all day without even thinking about him if I hadn't looked over there." [more inside]
posted by jordemort on Apr 25, 2021 - 8 comments

Mefite's website of evidence of Trump's collusion

I remember that somebody in the megathreads was keeping a website that compiled and organized all the little bits of information that came out in the news about Trump's collusion with Russia (and maybe also other Trump stuff), but I can't remember the name and haven't been able to search for it successfully. Does somebody have a link?
posted by coolname on Sep 12, 2019 - 1 comment

Mueller Firing Rapid Response Rallies of Metafilter

The trigger has been fired: across the US, rallies and protests are being scheduled against Donald Trump's firing of Jeff Sessions and replacement of Robert Mueller's supervision with a candidate of this choosing. National guidelines are for protests Thursday, Nov 8, 5pm. Attending MeFites, check in and be excellent to one another; share plans and experiences through this interesting time. Be safe, be kind, be brave.
posted by sciatrix on Nov 7, 2018 - 150 comments

Request to admins to just have weekly or even daily resets of the megath

From M-x shell on the most current megathread: "Request to admins to just have weekly or even daily resets of the megathread. Not wait for a user to make them, just make them automatically and close previous ones. I don't need another recap of links every time. Each thread should just have a link to previous one at the top and link to next one at the bottom." [more inside]
posted by jenfullmoon on Jul 28, 2018 - 175 comments

People vs Garbage

The phrase "garbage people" or the habit of describing people as "garbage" or as "trash" seems to be making a resurgence on my social media lately. I've seen it on metafilter, too, recently, and... can we not do that here, please? [more inside]
posted by eviemath on Mar 2, 2018 - 147 comments


Please help me track down the various links people have posted in the MeFi politics megathread that argue that general, across-the-board voter turnout is the key to defeating Republicans in elections. [more inside]
posted by Rykey on Jan 3, 2018 - 5 comments

Long haul resistance

After the election we had a few posts to talk about how we are fighting back and organizing and trying to keep the world together. Now that we're half a year in, I'm sure folks have settled down to some sustainable activities to resist and or at least care for their neighbors in this new world order. I'm probably not the only one who could use some bolstering from hearing what other people are doing now that this is a long-haul struggle. So, are you still calling your congressperson? Have you been attending demonstrations? Did you join an organizing group or donate to a nonprofit? Are you getting ready to run for office or have you started an underground cell? Let's share to keep ourselves motivated and inspired.
posted by latkes on Sep 11, 2017 - 64 comments

Everything is fine?

Every so often someone proposes we avoid discussion of unhappy outcomes in general but more specifically the unlikelihood of an impeachment in the Trump threads, which now appears to be becoming de facto policy. It seems like it's worth talking over before it does.
posted by Artw on Jul 22, 2017 - 110 comments

Visualizing the impact of US politics megaposts on the blue

The biggest change in the way that mefites participate on the blue in years has been the rise of US politics megathreads. We have had several discussions of the qualitative impact of them, but it occurred to me that it might be useful to dig into the infodump and see what quantitative picture might emerge. I think my findings are worth sharing - while a quantitative analysis on its own can't tell us whether the megathreads are a good thing or not, there are several negative trends regarding community engagement and participation that are happening in close concurrency with the rise of the megathreads. [more inside]
posted by strangely stunted trees on Mar 27, 2017 - 433 comments

What to call the Trump?

We've gone back and forth in the election threads for over a year now. And plenty MeTa ink has already been spilled alternately bemoaning and re-litigating names for his Trumpiness, how annoying nicknames are, why some people want them, etc. etc. It's been recently argued that his name is already pretty silly for the English. From Lord Dampnut to [], this topic seems done to death. Can we just settle this and put it in the damn wiki? Has it already been? Isn't this a better place than the unwieldy election threads?
posted by aspersioncast on Feb 18, 2017 - 117 comments

Testing out a new US Politics sidebar widget

Based on a lot of discussion over the last year and especially the last couple months about how the site handles the visibility and organization of posts about contemporary US politics, we've put together a new sidebar tool that you can test out starting today. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Feb 6, 2017 - 117 comments

About the Trump threads

Would it be possible to have a new Trump thread created once the previous one hits X posts? The current one, though only three days old, is well over 2000 posts and it's starting to make my desktop computer whimper. I'm not even going to try reading it on my iPad. Thanks!
posted by Thorzdad on Jan 26, 2017 - 92 comments


Wanda: No. Not to me. To Archie. And make it good, or we're dead. It's been very politely brought to my attention that several of the links I've pointed to in the latest incarnation of the Great Trump Inaugural Thread had already been posted by others. I could blame the length of the thread & the loading time or whatnot but the truth is I haven't been as diligent in checking first as I should have been. I honestly feel quite bad about it & decided to make a post here as both penance for myself & reminder to others. I apologize to all & will make sure to check more thoroughly going forward.
posted by scalefree on Jan 16, 2017 - 33 comments

Aren't we better than this?

I've spent the last eight years asking conservatives to refer to President Obama in respectful terms, because like him or not, he's the President of the United States of America. Now I get to ask liberals to refer to President-Elect Trump the same way. [more inside]
posted by The Almighty Mommy Goddess on Jan 16, 2017 - 446 comments

2016 Election Prediction Contest results

Back in January, on the eve of the Iowa caucuses, I set up an election prediction contest for you fine folks, and got 74 ballots in response. Nearly ten months (and ten million comments) later, the results are in: congratulations to Cash4Lead, for his remarkably far-sighted prediction of the winners of Iowa, New Hampshire, Super Tuesday, the nominations, the House majority, and even Clinton's VP pick! A $50 donation to the charity of your choice is yours. Oodles more analysis of the collective wisdom inside [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Nov 20, 2016 - 14 comments

Where is the place to discuss deletion policies?

In the context of a discussion about Trump's hot mic tape, and whether this reflected common experience or not, I recently had a comment deleted. (I can't don't it in the thread or in my activity or recent favorites etc, so I assume it's gone.) [more inside]
posted by schadenfrau on Oct 8, 2016 - 57 comments

Trumps comment truncated

I was surprised in the latest election thread to see that Donald Trump's "Grab them by the pussy" comment was bowderlerized when it was printed as a link to a video of the comment, but printed in full when a partial transcript of his remarks was reprinted. Is this something that's just at the disgression of the poster? Otherwise, I'd don't understand the inconsistency. (I think I understand the arguments for and against each method of handling Trump's vulgar language, but having both versions in a single post is puzzling.)
posted by layceepee on Oct 8, 2016 - 18 comments

Pony Request: The Orange

Can we have trump.metafilter.com, and put all Trump-related content there? That way, we know where to find it and where to avoid it. The rest of the world will thank us.
posted by rikschell on May 7, 2016 - 65 comments

Were any MeFites in the Chicago protest?

Stirring article about the organization that went into the Trump protest in Chicago. Was anybody we know there?
posted by Cool Papa Bell on Mar 13, 2016 - 18 comments

MetaFilter 2016 Election Prediction Demolition Derby

It's been an unbelievably unpredictable primary season this year, and the Iowa caucuses are less than 30 hours away. So why not get ahead of the curve with a TRUMP-SIZED election prediction contest? I'm thinking Iowa (Dem/GOP), New Hampshire (Dem/GOP), Super Tuesday (Dem/GOP), final nominee (Dem/GOP), and general election winner, with ties broken by House/Senate control, Veepstakes speculation, and as much analysis/rationalization/weeping as you feel appropriate. Prize: One (1) $50 ($fifty) donation to the charity of your choice (split equally if necessary), and eternal bragging rights over the ruins of the punditocracy. Deadline is 8:00 PM Eastern time Monday, when the caucuses start. (Feel free to enter after Iowa or New Hampshire vote, but be advised that your prediction for those states will not count!) See inside for entry form. [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Jan 31, 2016 - 138 comments

Maybe enough Trump for a while?

It seems to me like there's been more than enough Trump stuff being FPP'd. I get the rubbernecking and trainwreck-watching urge, don't get me wrong, it's just feeling like there's kind of an excess. And I do also get that the US election next year is important, and the candidates are important. Still, maybe it's time to ixnay the umptray for a while? Thoughts?
posted by feckless fecal fear mongering on Sep 8, 2015 - 99 comments

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