7 posts tagged with yearend.
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Rejoice! It's the Underappreciated Comments of 2017!

Although many of us are understandably eager to put this year behind us, we cannot do so without observing the time-honored tradition of toasting the comments that made us laugh, cry, or cheer in 2017, but for whatever reason, didn't receive the acclaim that they deserved. [more inside]
posted by merriment on Jan 9, 2018 - 70 comments

Bring to Our Attention 2014's Best Underloved Comments

Most-favorited comments get highlighted throughout the year. Now it's time for their wonderful but overlooked cousins to shine. Which terrific comments made by fellow MeFites in 2014 deserve a little more attention? This is the place to share your own Best Of. [more inside]
posted by MonkeyToes on Jan 3, 2015 - 130 comments

Announcing MeFi Labs

Today I wanted to unveil a new subsite featuring some experiments with our data called MeFi Labs. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Jan 2, 2014 - 247 comments

Unearthing 2012's Buried Treasure

My list of such is short and lame this year, but it would be lamer if we didn't have one of these threads for 2012. Show us your MeFi buried treasure! [more inside]
posted by yellowbinder on Jan 7, 2013 - 28 comments

Looking Forward to Looking Backward: Best Comments of 2011

In the great tradition ("Bring to our attention that which we may have glossed over" and "Best overlooked comments of 2010") of finding overlooked gems on the blue, green and grey, please share your favorite finds of 2011. [more inside]
posted by MonkeyToes on Jan 1, 2012 - 102 comments

Dataviz ahoy!

While I'm not a fan of the plethora of infographics available online these days (and lame SEO attempts to capitalize on them), I decided to make a tongue-in-cheek infographic for MetaFilter, and as everyone behind the scenes at Team MeFi scrambled in the last week to gather up all the interesting statistics we could, I threw it all into photoshop to produce this: The 2010 Year In MetaFilter Infographic. Enjoy!
posted by mathowie on Jan 3, 2011 - 142 comments

Languagehat's Year In Reading

Please enjoy this post by MeFi's own languagehat on The Millions, a blog edited by MeFi's own merlinmann cmaxmagee, about some favorite books he read this year. There are also many Year In Reading entries by other literary luminaries and the series will continue until year end.
posted by matildaben on Dec 1, 2010 - 35 comments

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