Could we get rid of the bunny craps in posts? September 1, 2007 5:24 PM   Subscribe

I'm not going to make any callouts, but could short comments like "that was ghey" or "boring" be deleted as policy? They seem way too... youtubey. I wouldn't want to see an end to criticism or snark, but grunts of dissent tend to damage my perception of the Metafilter brand.
posted by Citizen Premier to Etiquette/Policy at 5:24 PM (75 comments total)

posted by jonmc at 5:26 PM on September 1, 2007 [1 favorite]

Slow news day, eh?
posted by R. Mutt at 5:28 PM on September 1, 2007

posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson at 5:29 PM on September 1, 2007

See, I support the spirit of it, because I don't like those comments either, but I find it'd be way to subjective and difficult to moderate. What's legitimate snark or statement of opinion, and what's delete-worthy crap?

I think it would be just generally not worth the fuss. After all - they're short (easy to scroll past), (mostly) non-offensive, honest, and very rarely crapflooding. They're minor sins, I find.
posted by flibbertigibbet at 5:31 PM on September 1, 2007

Should the same apply to 'Great post!' or 'Wowsers! Ace site!'? Brief expressions of approval or disapproval seem okay. (Unless they include 'gay'/'ghey' as a term of disaproval, which will always piss me right off, drama queen that I am.)
posted by jack_mo at 5:39 PM on September 1, 2007

These are actual youtubey comments.... (random four comments from a sign language video)

Hey this is pretty kewl

great vid? where from? I not seen before some of the variations?

"Buttfucker" .... "Buttfucker"

I know some more tehe.. i'll do a vid too.. watch out soon!!!

posted by R. Mutt at 5:39 PM on September 1, 2007

(Comments from youtube, not MeFi)
posted by R. Mutt at 5:41 PM on September 1, 2007

this thread is ghey
posted by dersins at 5:43 PM on September 1, 2007

what does "ghey" mean?
posted by dersins at 5:43 PM on September 1, 2007

This thread is grey.
posted by Poolio at 5:44 PM on September 1, 2007 [15 favorites]

I would like to see a recipe for cheesecake, and some good links to stuff about grandfather clocks.
posted by Meatbomb at 5:46 PM on September 1, 2007 [1 favorite]

Generally we don't remove comments that are just non-positive statements about the post. If people fill up the first 5-10 comment slots with "this sucks" we might do something but these sorts of comments usually don't get much in the way of flags and so they remain. If people really want to get a referendum on the suckiness of a post, we suggest MetaTalk rather than sort of grinding an axe in a MeFi thread.

It's sort of like what flibbertigibbet says, it would be a pretty dull place if all negative comments were removed and only positive or neutral comments remained. On the other hand, I'd sure love it if people who disliked a thread could say something constructive and not have some stupid "tl;dr" or "sucks" comment. I think usually they do. If they don't feel free to flag it.
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 5:46 PM on September 1, 2007

No, such comments should not be deleted, unless they can be conclusively proven as trolling (a quick scan of a users posting history would be one way of indicating this).

I know that a lot of people who read Metafilter click on the comments before clicking on the actual link itself, and I am one of them. Like me, if I read a lot of comments in a thread that said the link was crap, it helps informs my choice of whether to still click on the link or not. I may still click the link anyway, but in many cases I am sure comments indicating the linked subject matter is shit, both lengthy and quick and to the point, have saved me and probably many other MeFites some time to spend perusing other, better links.
posted by Effigy2000 at 5:50 PM on September 1, 2007 [3 favorites]

The "metafilter brand" is comprised of the collective musings/postings/rantings/crappings of 58043 people. I'm calling control freak on your concept, as you just can't herd that many cats for minor noise. you'd have to have a "Czar of Meh Deletions" working full-time to sanitize the site, and at what cost? And yeah, it annoys me too when people drop in to a thread just to voice their mehtitude, but I chalk that up to the individual, and not the hive mind in particular, which is really doing quite well, despite its swelling size.

It's pretty well frowned upon in a large way to be calling anything "ghey" around here, and the Self Police will usually take care of the offenders forthwith. I don't recall seeing that particular epithet on the blue, anyway. It's not like it's out of control, by any stretch.
posted by Devils Rancher at 5:51 PM on September 1, 2007

Consider upgrading to the dent-resistant, flame-retardant damage-proof protection of a Thinking Feller's Obliviated PerceptionTM and experience a smooth, undamaged MetaFilter brand. Thoughts and opinions previously perceived as annoying, inane, and wrong-headed are passed over, ignored, and written-off by our sleek perception design. Never again will you feel the need to appeal authority towards the oppression of those whose words are usually so damaging. You will be free to express yourself unhindered by the tiny bumps of negativity preceding your comment, and your perception of MetaFilter brand will immediately become more pleasing and delightful, and will retain its glorious factory sheen for many years to come. Available in select online retailers this holiday season. MSRP 5USD Effectiveness varies. Side effects may include increased propensity towards unexpected violent outbursts, logorrhea, flame-outs, and bannination. If any side effects persist, turn off your computer immediately and consult Nature.
posted by carsonb at 5:52 PM on September 1, 2007 [5 favorites]

I think I just need to develop more faith in jessamyn and mathowie, that they won't let Metafilter turn into an internet cesspool. It's just, you know, I care about Metafilter, and I worry when I think I see signs of trouble. I criticize because I love.
posted by Citizen Premier at 6:07 PM on September 1, 2007

Citizen Premier: "I think I just need to develop more faith in jessamyn and mathowie, that they won't let Metafilter turn into an internet cesspool."

I agree, you do. Metafilter is a pretty great place to hang out, and its largely due to the fact we have some pretty great moderators who know when to use the rod, and when to spare it. We won't always agree with every choice they make, but by and large, they do an outstanding job, I think.
posted by Effigy2000 at 6:11 PM on September 1, 2007

I criticize because I love.

May want to do get some help for that.
posted by smackfu at 6:33 PM on September 1, 2007

I agree, you do. Metafilter is a pretty great place to hang out, and its largely due to the fact we have some pretty great moderators who know when to use the rod, and when to spare it.

You only feel that way because of the selection bias.
posted by delmoi at 6:35 PM on September 1, 2007

I criticize because I love.

posted by Poolio at 6:35 PM on September 1, 2007 [3 favorites]

Fortunately, I'm pro-cesspool, so the Citizen Premier isn't completely off the mark.
posted by cortex (staff) at 6:42 PM on September 1, 2007

Someone here has used "that was ghey" in a non-ironic way?

I thought middle-schoolers had better things to do with their $5. Colour me disillusioned, I guess.
posted by CKmtl at 6:52 PM on September 1, 2007

Color me ghey.
posted by Mid at 7:11 PM on September 1, 2007

Color Me Plaidd
posted by cog_nate at 7:42 PM on September 1, 2007


Seriously, though, I can't see too many people paying five bucks just to drop dopey one-word YouTube-style lame comments. Jessamyn makes a good point, though, pointing out why something is the suckiest suck that ever did suck makes for better actual conversation.

Oh, and on a few occasions I myself have dropped the odd "Good post, usernameguy!" in a thread that contains a killer link but which I don't really have anything to say about. Just seems more personal than clicking the favourite button, I guess.
posted by arto at 7:52 PM on September 1, 2007

PLEASE DON'T READ THIS. You will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't post this comment to at least 3 MetaTalk threads, you will die within 2 days. Copy and paste this, to be saved.
posted by ALongDecember at 7:53 PM on September 1, 2007 [1 favorite]

Should the same apply to 'Great post!' or 'Wowsers! Ace site!'?

*stops rocking and gumming his mush for a minute*

Yar, back in ye old days, such things were actually called 'cheerleader posts' by some as I recall, and often thought to be pretty lame. So, yeah, there you go.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 8:00 PM on September 1, 2007

Not that I necessarily agreed. Just pointing it out...
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 8:04 PM on September 1, 2007

This thread is ghee.

(it's like buttah, baby)
posted by iconomy at 8:10 PM on September 1, 2007 [1 favorite]

Now THIS thread is gaily colored.
posted by wendell at 8:19 PM on September 1, 2007

I think I just need to develop more faith in jessamyn and mathowie, that they won't let Metafilter turn into an internet cesspool. It's just, you know, I care about Metafilter, and I worry when I think I see signs of trouble.

I agree, Cortex is really cheapening the brand.
posted by BitterOldPunk at 8:22 PM on September 1, 2007 [3 favorites]

posted by jonson at 8:31 PM on September 1, 2007 [8 favorites]

Seriously. Just point me to the used cars and I'll be on my ghey way.
posted by gummi at 8:40 PM on September 1, 2007

Don't worry cortex, it's bad luck to have faith in all the admins at once -- three on a match, you know.

Yes, this somebody has been watching Mad Men.
posted by Rhomboid at 9:31 PM on September 1, 2007

posted by blasdelf at 9:40 PM on September 1, 2007

What does "Buttfucker" mean? And what's it got to do with butter?
posted by davy at 9:42 PM on September 1, 2007

↑ best youtube troll ever. When the fish bite angrily, "Christ, what an asshole!" works wonders.
posted by blasdelf at 9:42 PM on September 1, 2007

Damnit davy! I meant that "fake" was the best ever (not that davy's troll isn't good too).
posted by blasdelf at 9:43 PM on September 1, 2007

This is really weird. Maybe it's because I don't read as many threads as i once did, but I've never seen anyone on this site reply to a thread with "this is ghey." maybe a "meh." Are we talkinga bout all negative comments or just the somethingawful youtubey type?
posted by shmegegge at 10:26 PM on September 1, 2007

Maybe it's because I don't read as many threads as i once did, but I've never seen anyone on this site reply to a thread with "this is ghey."

Or maybe your gheydar isn't working, schmegegge.
posted by Poolio at 10:33 PM on September 1, 2007

I haven't the time to page through it right now, but here's a good start on ghey, ghey metafilter.
posted by cortex (staff) at 10:43 PM on September 1, 2007

I am just looking for a used car...what is all this?
posted by The Deej at 11:18 PM on September 1, 2007

Dersins, ghey is a term popularized by seventh graders who are intelligent enough to realize that calling something "gay" is offensive, but not intelligent enough to realize that the argument "It's not the same word! It's spelled different!" doesn't hold much water.
(The point is, of course, so they can continue to call things gay without seeming offensive or crass. Especially because you can absolutly see the spelling of a word when someone is vocalizing it.)
posted by The Esteemed Doctor Bunsen Honeydew at 11:32 PM on September 1, 2007

You are someone who likes USED CARS! Would you like to have more USED CARS in you life? Sexy USED CARS?
posted by blue_beetle at 11:33 PM on September 1, 2007

Pick guitar, fill fruit jar, and be gay-o...

What do you people have against jambalaya-eating bayou denizens???
posted by amyms at 11:37 PM on September 1, 2007

I should've linked to this.
posted by amyms at 11:38 PM on September 1, 2007

Meh. Sometimes "this sucks/it's boring/I hate it" is all there really is to be said. Any link to, for instance. Why waste time embroidering some long, involved comment when a dismissive "lame" both adequately covers the suckage on display and, in its brevity, implies exactly how much attention it deserves?
posted by kittens for breakfast at 11:45 PM on September 1, 2007

You know who else wanted to eradicate the gheys?
posted by Poolio at 12:02 AM on September 2, 2007 [2 favorites]

This thread needs more Tiny Dancer.
posted by Poolio at 12:23 AM on September 2, 2007

all of my comments have been ghey, lacking in lulz and needing moar mudkips.
posted by Avenger at 1:03 AM on September 2, 2007

This thread needs more Tony Danza.
posted by darkripper at 2:48 AM on September 2, 2007

Teeny Panther?

I don't know, maybe I'm stretching
posted by poppo at 3:15 AM on September 2, 2007

I don't know if they should be deleted, but I do agree generally, Citizen Premier. To me, one of the great balancing acts for mefi has been to keep membership open (even with the $5 fee) while discouraging the sort of mindless commenting that ruins almost every open-membership site... and still trying to keep "rules" at a minimum.

If there's one thing more than any other that I count on, it's that matt, jess, and cortex would just never waste their time administering a site of youtube-comment-quality... because, omg, how utterly dreary. I don't think they'll let it happen. I am sort of sorry that these days when I see threads that are almost entirely thoughtful and intelligent, they seem sort of like outliers to me.
posted by taz at 4:21 AM on September 2, 2007

My suggestion: read the posts, skip the comments--except on AskMeFi.
posted by Carol Anne at 5:53 AM on September 2, 2007

Anyone heeding your suggestion would miss it entirely.
posted by Gunner's Mate 1st Class Phillip Asshole at 6:19 AM on September 2, 2007 [2 favorites]

Miss what entirely? There was a suggestion?

I'm heading over to AskMe.
posted by flapjax at midnite at 6:29 AM on September 2, 2007

That's fine with me!
posted by Carol Anne at 6:30 AM on September 2, 2007

What? Did somebody say something?
posted by flapjax at midnite at 6:31 AM on September 2, 2007

davy writes "What does 'Buttfucker' mean? And what's it got to do with butter?"

Never seen 'Last Tango in Paris' then?
posted by PeterMcDermott at 6:36 AM on September 2, 2007

Anybody heard from Bevets lately?
posted by flabdablet at 6:39 AM on September 2, 2007

Also, can we please have a 'ghey' button to categorize posts as such.

posted by PeterMcDermott at 6:39 AM on September 2, 2007

A cull out.

There are Breakdowns but a Spiritual Groove is rather nice.
posted by phoque at 6:49 AM on September 2, 2007

Anybody heard from Bevets lately?

You have only not heard because you refuse to listen. You are a ignorant fool and refuse to listen. Thus, you refuse to listen. This is completely logical and therefore you refuse to listen and are foolish for doing so.

"Hearing is the pentlumlate state of effervescent consciousness" ~Harry Lyme

"Hear, O Hear children of Israel, thy ramparts doth falter under thy iniquities" ~Exodus 132:46

"Dead babies can't hear." ~Planned Parenthood
posted by Avenger at 6:51 AM on September 2, 2007

I was going to say the same thing as shmegegge, but I did a search on "that was ghey" and "metafilter" and found this. So there you go.

But I have to say—no offense, CP—this is a pretty pointless callout not-a-callout. What you're talking about is a minor irritant. There are many more irritating irritants around these parts.
posted by languagehat at 7:31 AM on September 2, 2007

not intelligent enough to realize that the argument "It's not the same word! It's spelled different!" doesn't hold much water

Not with the folks from HRC, maybe, but it holds plenty of water with the swear-filters you'll find in the chat functionality of any number of online multiplayer games. Know your demographic.
posted by cortex (staff) at 7:33 AM on September 2, 2007

Does particpating in a ghey thread make you ghey?
posted by Poolio at 8:16 AM on September 2, 2007

There are many more irritating irritants around these parts

Everytime I read something like that from you, my heart flutters as I realize we are one tiny step closer to the most articulate & well-sourced account flameout in Metafilter history.
posted by jonson at 8:30 AM on September 2, 2007

I think short snarky comments should only be allowed when predeced by "kaytrem says."
posted by L. Fitzgerald Sjoberg at 8:31 AM on September 2, 2007

kaytrem says you should give up thinking.
posted by Gunner's Mate 1st Class Phillip Asshole at 9:41 AM on September 2, 2007

kaytem says put your hands on your head.

fred says dude, where's my used car?
posted by wendell at 12:59 PM on September 2, 2007

There are many more irritating irritants around these parts.
posted by languagehat

Everytime I read something like that from you, my heart flutters as I realize we are one tiny step closer to the most articulate & well-sourced account flameout in Metafilter history.
posted by jonson

And every time *I* read that, I figure it's about me.
posted by The Deej at 1:02 PM on September 2, 2007

All those who put your hands on your heads are out. I said "kaytem says", not "kaytrem says".

I'll bet you thought I just misspelled it, didn't you?
posted by wendell at 1:02 PM on September 2, 2007

The Deej, why does everything have to be about you?
posted by wendell at 1:03 PM on September 2, 2007

It's because of my pink taffeta.
posted by The Deej at 1:21 PM on September 2, 2007

C'mon guys, there's three moderators, you can't expect me to remember all their names off the top of my head, can you?
posted by Citizen Premier at 9:01 AM on September 3, 2007

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