Post order is by most recent comment instead of chronological December 26, 2001 11:43 AM   Subscribe

Has something changed about the way Metafilter displays. In the last couple of weeks all I see when I go to is posts which have had recent comments. From what I can tell the post with the most recent comment is at the top of the list.

Prior to this strangeness I used to see all posts in reverse chronological order going back in time, a week maybe? I've checked the Options page to no avail...
posted by dgeiser13 to Bugs at 11:43 AM (2 comments total)

Sounds like you've inadvertantly clicked the 'sort by' pull down on the front page near the 'text-ad'. Click it again and make you choice ....

... I'm going to go back to worrying about Blogger now .....
posted by feelinglistless at 11:56 AM on December 26, 2001

Thanks, Stuart! That was driving me nuts...
posted by dgeiser13 at 2:32 PM on December 26, 2001

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