57 posts tagged with preferences.
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Pony: Option to hide "Favorited by Others" on profile?

I am trying to cut social-media-style dopamine hits out of my life as much as I can, and I have noticed myself checking in more than I'd prefer on my "Favorited by Others" count, and clicking through to see what comments I've made that are getting lots of favorites. I'd rather not do this, but it's a longstanding habit at this point, and it's been surprisingly difficult to kick it. Would it be possible to add a preference to hide the count and link? [more inside]
posted by potrzebie on Jun 12, 2019 - 54 comments

MyPony request

Would it be possible to let users set My Mefi and My Ask sites as their default views when signed in? Partly to save clicks and partly (mostly on Ask) because there are some topics I'd rather not read about here. [more inside]
posted by cichlid ceilidh on May 27, 2018 - 27 comments

Time zone pony request

Not having updated my preferences for a while, I was a little taken aback when posting a comment today that I had somehow gone back in time two hours. I then realised it was the whole Australia having moved onto DST while the US has moved off it thing. So a small pony request: instead of having to manually adjust the time offset in terms of +/– hours from the server time, would it be possible to choose a particular time zone, so that it would automatically change along with local changes such as daylight savings? [more inside]
posted by Athanassiel on Nov 20, 2017 - 29 comments

Profile Visibility Preferences

A proposal for changing the public visibility of certain profile information. [more inside]
posted by melissasaurus on Jan 18, 2016 - 351 comments

IRL Regional Event Alerts

Today we added the ability to make an IRL event regional so that IRL alerts for the event go out to a wider audience. And now in addition to letting us know what distance you consider nearby, you can let us know what distance you consider regional. [more inside]
posted by pb on Jan 15, 2016 - 86 comments

Time for the Biannual Timezone Offset Shuffle

Daylight saving time is coming to end in Europe tonight. It is not coming to end in the US until next week. This means that if you live in a country that is doing the switch tonight, and you want posts and comments to show up in the correct local time, you'll need to adjust your site preferences. [more inside]
posted by pb on Oct 26, 2013 - 28 comments

A new preferences option to hide titles on Mefi

We're putting together a new preferences option to toggle off titles on the front page of Mefi specifically, and we'd like some input on wording. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Feb 20, 2013 - 121 comments

Reminder: Please update your Mefi contact email if it's getting moldy

This is just a PSA to remind you that we use the email you have attached to your account to answer contact emails from you (unless you change it manually in the email field on the contact page), and sometimes to get in touch with you if there is a problem with a post or comment, so please make sure that it is a working address. You can change or update your email in your profile preferences under "Contact Preferences," as well as choose whether you want it to be visible to other users, and if you want Mefi mail forwarded to your email. [more inside]
posted by taz on Jan 18, 2013 - 39 comments

Title customization options added

As a compromise over the recent release of titles, we've added the ability to set your title font faces and sizes just like the body and byline fonts/size options on the preferences page. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Jan 9, 2013 - 699 comments

Is there an ignore/block function? Should there be?

Am I correct that there is no option to block/ignore all posts from a particular member? If so, could I please request that as a feature? [more inside]
posted by désoeuvrée on May 25, 2012 - 157 comments

Can we increase the amount of space allowed for specifying our "favorite tags" for controlling what is shown in My AskMefi and My Mefi?

Can we increase the amount of space allowed for specifying our "favorite tags" for controlling what is shown in My AskMefi and My Mefi? [more inside]
posted by philipy on Mar 16, 2012 - 10 comments

IRL Alerts

Introducing: IRL Alerts. Find out when someone posts an IRL event taking place near you via MeFi Mail. [more inside]
posted by pb on Dec 9, 2010 - 56 comments

Timezone fix

Timezone offset feature fix request in profile customization [more inside]
posted by defcom1 on Apr 8, 2010 - 7 comments

Show favorites in Ask only, hide them everywhere else

Tiny favorites pony: a preference setting to show favorites only in Ask? [more inside]
posted by insouciant on Jan 7, 2010 - 20 comments

November Favorites Experience concludes. New preferences! Survey! Discuss!

November is over, and favorites are back to normal. In addition, we've got a couple related things to mention: a survey about the November exercise and favorites in general, and a couple of new display options for folks who want to alter the default favorites view. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Dec 1, 2009 - 449 comments

Edit this.

Here is an opportunity to mock stupidity! I imagine this is crystal clear to most, but I'm clueless, which probably means leave it alone. But what, in edit mode, do "MefiQuote preferences" and "Contact contribution display preferences" mean and how does one utilize them? I just ate a bowl of dicks, so perhaps you can suggest something to drink instead?
posted by dawson on May 4, 2008 - 24 comments

Why aren't my preferences saved globally?

Are preferences saved per machine only? I have the plain background at my work computer and on my laptop, but my home desktop is the default colors even though "plain" is chosen on the preferences page for all 3 computers.
posted by desjardins on Apr 26, 2008 - 13 comments

Cry JRun Cry!

Blank fields for font sizes in Preferences make JRun cry. Possible SQL Injection attack point?
posted by blue_beetle on Jun 15, 2007 - 6 comments

PonyFilter: Remove titles from URL via preference setting?

PonyFilter: Can we add a preference to remove the post titles from URLs? I occasionally read Metafilter from work. I clicked the Baby playing with a snake post and had a moment of terror as I viewed the URL.
posted by jeversol on May 9, 2007 - 22 comments

New stuff on MeFi.

I finally fixed this, I gussied up the preferences page (more readable, easier to use), and I added inline magical youtube video streaming, which mostly works (enable it then click the icons you see on posts). Full explanation of the YouTube feature.
posted by mathowie on Mar 16, 2007 - 72 comments

dhtml titles still showing up even though I don't want them to.

Yesterday I decided to explore editing my user profile and decided to try out the "Show dhtml link titles." Upon giving it a try I decided I didn't like it and turned it off, then saved my preferences. The dhtml titles still show up though. I just double checked and my preferences are still set to "no" for that setting. Anyone else having trouble turning these off?
posted by pwb503 on Mar 7, 2007 - 7 comments

Wots up with the My Comments page only lists the past 7 days?!!?

I was using My Comments to locate a previous post via my comment. Wots up with the My Comments page only lists the past 7 days?!!?

Ok, Maybe I should post more often. Then, I use search, and using my user ID I get nada. Then I used google site search with time limit of 3 months and I get posts from 2004. Oddly, this Google results page is missing the "sort by date/relevance". Same for Yahoo; no date on results sort.

Regardless, this leads me back to a simpler question. Why does the My Comments page limit the results to 7 days? Now I can't rememebr what the post was to begin with, but I would like to hear why the forced limit on this page.

-Long Time Lurker
posted by xtian on Oct 8, 2006 - 9 comments

Unexpected font size in comments

When I view comments (in AskMe, MeFi, or MeTa), about half the time the called page comes up in a smaller font with ads displayed. I am logged in when this happens. This behaviour has just started in the last couple of weeks. Suggestions? (FF/XP2)
posted by Neiltupper on Aug 23, 2006 - 2 comments

Favorites Interrupts Music

Musical pony requests: could the "add to favorites" flag be set so that clicking it does not interrupt songs in progress, and could the volume settings be saved somewhere?
posted by aberrant on Jul 1, 2006 - 3 comments

How do I change my email in my profile?

How do I change my email in my profile?
posted by zia on May 5, 2006 - 14 comments

New window preference tweak

Maybe this has been discussed, but Can we make it so only external (non *.metafilter.com) links open in a new window? I like the preference setting for new window but it can be annoying when it's a metafilter section (i.e. a contact).
posted by xmutex on Jan 26, 2006 - 16 comments

Forms in New Window

When I make a post (on Ask, not sure about the others), my post is appearing in another window with the preview window still hanging around in the first window. This never happened till yesterday. I'm on Safari, latest version.
posted by Manhasset on Jan 14, 2006 - 11 comments

Why does font size change after login?

Why does font size change after login?

When I come directly to www.metafilter.com (front page), the body text is displayed at what looks to be the default size for my browser. However, as soon as I click the Login link and login, when I am returned to the FPP, the font size being displayed is now larger.

Using Firefox 1.5, WinXP
posted by Dunwitty on Dec 29, 2005 - 7 comments

Error on preference saving

Can't save Preferences unless "Show email on profile page?" is checked; get error "Element USER_EMAIL_PREF is undefined in FORM."
posted by staggernation on Dec 7, 2005 - 3 comments

Font preferences vs headers

In preferences, my font preference is set to Times New Roman. With the new headers in MeFi and MeTa I see the site nav links in a sans serif typeface, as I'd expect, but in AskMe the site nav links appear to be in Times New Roman. Somewhere there's an inconsistency. I'm guessing AskMe is incorrectly using my font preference for its site nav links in the header.
posted by nthdegx on Nov 22, 2005 - 2 comments

I've tweaked things in the preferences pane

For the first time since signing up I've tweaked things in the preferences pane. The main font is now Arial 12 and the minor font is Helvetica 10. It's kinda changed the way I look at the site mentally as well as physically. It feels kinda odd, almost a non authentic interpretation of the site. Is that weird (yes!)?Anyone have any thoughts on their own settings and related perception of the site? (Hope this is in the right section, not quite an AskMe thing)...
posted by brautigan on Nov 21, 2005 - 42 comments

navigation design requests

It'd be... nice... if the Preferences nav line was not bolded and the Home nav line was bolded. Also, no access keys?
posted by boo_radley on Nov 21, 2005 - 4 comments

how about a customize option to have links open in new Tabs?

Given the recent Firefox release / post, how about a customize option to have links open in new Tabs?
(Not sure about the technical ease / feasibility)
posted by daveg on Nov 11, 2004 - 25 comments

AskMe in the header, and matching prefs

Two extremely minor things with Ask MetaFilter.
1. Can you add a link to AskMe in the MetaFilter.com header?
2. I have my preferences set to open links in a new window, but they don't do that in AskMe threads.
posted by ssmith on May 13, 2004 - 19 comments

Firefox Bugs

I've switched to Firefox. I have my MeFi preferences set to open links in a new window. I have the Tabbrowser Preferences extension installed on firefox and everything set to open in new tabs, links on metafilter still bring up new windows. While I can just CTRL + click to open in a new tab, I'm wondering if this is a mozilla thing, or a mefi thing. Thanks.
posted by Grod on Feb 17, 2004 - 15 comments

I changed the way new/same window targetting is done

I changed the way new/same window targetting is done, so if you have your preferences set to "open links in a new window" and links internal to metafilter are spawning new windows, let me know and I'll fix them. Only links within posts, comments and on the front page should lead to new windows, everything else should stay the same.
posted by mathowie on Jan 9, 2003 - 11 comments

MeFi Timezone Support

MetaFilter's front page now supports the display of posts by proper time zone. Set your offset on the customize page, then go to the front page (with the default date sort only at this time) to see the site customized for your part of the world. I'll be adding support for the comments and archives later today. MetaTalk, I'll eventually get to.
posted by mathowie on Dec 19, 2002 - 31 comments

are there any plans to apply user preferences to MetaTalk?

We've got a new stylesheet, and one on the way for MeTa. So, are there any plans to apply user preferences to MetaTalk?
posted by Yelling At Nothing on Oct 23, 2002 - 9 comments

Be careful what you wish for

Bug: If you set your prefs to show 99 days of posts, the front page shows 99 days of posts, thereby taking forever and making the server pretty unhappy, I bet. There should be some max built in there.

Suggestion: Set login cookie domains to ".metafilter.com" (note the two periods), so logins will work at metafilter.com, www.metafilter.com, and metatalk.metafilter.com.
posted by endquote on Oct 9, 2002 - 8 comments

Font consistency

The font in MeTa is 8pt, but it's 10pt in MeFi. I'm logged in and the customization is set at 10pt. The values appear in the inline style instructions (font-size for "p" is 8/10pt depending on source). I was messing around with the customization settings yesterday, but this appears when viewing new threads so it's not a cache thing. And I'm using Moz 1.0, but I don't think it's a browser thing because you can see the numbers in the page sources...
posted by andrew cooke on Jul 22, 2002 - 9 comments

two requests

1. How about a standard notice when a comment is deleted from a thread? Replacing each deleted comment with "[comment deleted]" might make threads like this more understandable.
2) MeTa doesn't notice that I've set MeFi to open external links in a new window. External links don't always open from comment preview pages, either, which causes a tiny moment of angst when I double-check links before posting. Am I missing something?
posted by mediareport on Jun 4, 2002 - 6 comments

font preferences consistent across sites!

As of some time this afternoon my font preferences from MeFi are working in MeTa also. Is this new or is IE just acting up again? I'm in mac OS 9.2, IE 5.1
posted by anathema on Apr 25, 2002 - 5 comments

Post order is by most recent comment instead of chronological

Has something changed about the way Metafilter displays. In the last couple of weeks all I see when I go to www.metafilter.com is posts which have had recent comments. From what I can tell the post with the most recent comment is at the top of the list.

Prior to this strangeness I used to see all posts in reverse chronological order going back in time, a week maybe? I've checked the Options page to no avail...
posted by dgeiser13 on Dec 26, 2001 - 2 comments

Customization preferences not consistent across computers

My customization preferences of opening new windows for links works on one computer and not another. (More)
posted by cyniczny on Oct 23, 2001 - 6 comments

external links are no longer opening in a new window

In the past day or so, external links are no longer opening in a new window. I'm using IE 5 for the Mac. I've confirmed the preference didn't change.
posted by willnot on Oct 4, 2001 - 6 comments

Fixed new/same window problem

I fixed a longstanding site problem for members. The "open links in a new window/open in the same window" feature has always been a bit buggy, but I finally cleaned up all the code that does it. So now, if you have your prefs set to new windows, you will always get a new window on any offsite link on the front page and comment pages, including everyone's comments (I wasn't doing this before). Also, I added a "two years ago" link to the sidebar.
posted by mathowie on Sep 21, 2001 - 8 comments

Can't change the number of days displayed on front page

I don't know if lurkers get to post bugs -- (I haven't earned my posting rights yet -- does that mean I don't have feed back rights?) -- But... Since the server move, I can't change the number of days that displays by default on the front page.
posted by sfz on Jul 9, 2001 - 5 comments

preferences set to 3 days view, still see 7

As per Matt's request, I changed my preferences to load only the last three days' links on the front page. But it still loads a full week's worth. Any idea what's up? I'm happy to help reduce the load on the server but this makes it difficult. :-)
posted by caveday on May 25, 2001 - 5 comments

Open more links in new window

I know this has been mentioned previously (but there's no search function in MetaTalk, and I'm too lazy to look the thread(s) up by hand)... Anyway, I've set my preference for links to "Open in a new window". Problem is, the new window command is only applied to the subject link on the front page... not links found elsewhere in the post, or in comments to the posts. I'd really like all links to open in a new window regardless. Is this by design? I'm I whining?
posted by silusGROK on Apr 26, 2001 - 12 comments

Text preferences not changing on second computer

I read MeFi from two different computers (one at home, one at work); I changed my MeFi text preferences on my machine at work and they applied without problem. The prefs don't take on my home machine, though, even after I went to the bother of going back into the prefs on my home machine and resetting them again to be exactly the same as my work machine.

Yes, I have the same fonts on both machines, as well as the same browser (IE 5.5 SP1).

Any clues?
posted by briank on Mar 31, 2001 - 3 comments

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