549 posts tagged with bug.
Displaying 1 through 50 of 549. Subscribe:
Wierdness with Mefi
Running windows 10 and Firefox.
The past few days, Metafilter seems to be having trouble finishing loading when I "Open in new tab" on a link. And when it does stop, instead of the typical favicon, I'm getting a blue or gray "hourglass" favicon. Anyone else seeing this?
It's not easy being short
One of these links is not like the others.
One of these links doesn't belong.
Can you tell which link is not like the other
by the time I finish this song? [more inside]
One of these links doesn't belong.
Can you tell which link is not like the other
by the time I finish this song? [more inside]
Issues with Recent Activity page on mobile Safari?
When I load this page, regardless of settings, it jumps back and forth between two apparently presentations and is totally unusable — you can’t read or click anything.
Is this just me, or is it a broader problem? My iPad is new and up to date.
Impossible. Perhaps the archives are incomplete.
I'd always thought MeFi site searches were pretty much comprehensive, but last night I came across several search terms that were clearly missing content. Has anyone else noticed this behavior in the past, or could this be a new bug? [more inside]
Contact Form failing to Send
Unfortunately, a bug was causing contact form messages from people with e-mail addresses @aol.com and @yahoo.com.(something) to not be sent.
I'm really sorry. This should now be fixed, and if contact form messages aren't being sent out in the future, I'll receive a notification about that.
Bug: Pasting links into comments
I'm no longer able to paste URLs into the link-helper alert window on Chrome. It just replaces the link text with the URL. Still works on Firefox. Example GIF. [more inside]
Buttons to jump down not working
When I click the jump to end of thread on any page it turns green and doesn't do anything. Also the jump to comments on the popular post page. [more inside]
Help Test Android Orientation Update
The Modern theme has long been plagued with a bug on Android phones where it bounces you to the top when the orientation changes. We're trying to improve that and could use some help testing it. [more inside]
Minor MeMail bug...or not!
I've noticed that, after sending a message, the Your Inbox "tab" link includes "sent=1" and the only way I've found to clear the "Your message was sent" message is to use the little (more difficult for me to click on) envelope link. This just seems like odd behaviour, is it intentional? [more inside]
Losing my place when rotating.
Since the using the new themes, which I love, on my Nexus 5, whenever I rotate to landscape and then back to portrait I end up back at the top of threads. [more inside]
Custome search doesn't search fanfare?
Has anyone else run into a problem pulling up fanfare threads through site search or am I an idiot? [more inside]
Not Sure if Bug Report or Pony Request
I can't login using Lynx. Specifically, I can't get Lynx to even prompt me to accept any cookies from Metafilter, and I think I know why. The problem seems to be with when cookies expire. [more inside]
Disappearing Favorites from Recent Activities
I've been following the Israel/Gaza post through the Recent Activity My Favorites tab. Today, that post stopped appearing there for me even though I still have the post listed as a favorite. I've tried un-favoriting and re-favoriting with no luck in getting the post to reappear in recent activity. I've tried logging out, clearing all cookies, and logging back in. Still no luck. How do I get this post back into the Recent Activity My Favorites tab?
Bug with favorites and "load recent comments"
I'm seeing a bug while favoriting comments that've been loaded through the "recent comments" auto-loader. If I add an auto-loaded comment to my favorites, all the loaded comments vanish once the favorite's been added. It seems to occur while the site's loading up the new favorite count — I get a brief "adding favorite" dialogue, and then, boop, all gone! This is occurring on Google Chrome on OS X; I'm not sure if anybody else is getting this, but I've tried this on multiple subsites and it's a recurring and consistent bug.
Can't readd posts to Recent Activity?
I made a comment on the Fannibal thread, then after a while I removed it from my Recent Activity. I just made another comment there yet the post isn't showing up on Recent Activity again. Bug or feature? (I've done the clearing cookies and logging in/out thing, no dice. On Dolphin for Android.) [more inside]
Heartbleed SLL bug vulnerability
I've got the Chrome addon for the Heartbleed server test site and it's just given me a message saying that metafilter.com is vulnerable to the Heartbleed SSL bug. More information about the bug.
No echo in here
Over in this longboat thread, we've discovered an odd bug. If you try to make a post that's identical to one that you've made previously in the same thread, it doesn't work. Instead, the thread refreshes and goes to your previous comment.
Octothorpe/Ampersand Substitution Mayhem
When I'm logged out, the link here works correctly (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=misN2jbpo1Y#t=1m05). When I'm logged in, the site has converted the hash to an ampersand (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=misN2jbpo1Y&t=1m05). I imagine this is a bug related to the inline YouTube player.
Chrome for iPad not obeying title size set to 0
I'm logged in and using Chrome on an iPad 3. I have title size set to zero in my preferences. That works on my laptop and elsewhere, but not on my iPad; I see the titles exactly as a non-logged in user would do. [more inside]
Morgan Freeman doesn't die like the rest of us.
Using Chrome on Windows 7 with the deleted posts script installed, the title display seems to be malfunctioning to show the deleted post in between the title and the body of the non-deleted post below it.
Comment inflation in Google Reader
I subscribe to AskMe via Google Reader, and the bottom of each post provides a link to the post. The link reads "X comments on this item," where X is always 1 more than the actual number of comments. Not a huge deal, but something I wonder about ever so often. Bug? Ghosts of comments past? [more inside]
The website so nice they headed it twice...er, thrice and a half.
Every once in a while, while reading MeFi on my phone, the heading will freak out. Like this. [more inside]
I know, write it in a word processor, then copy/paste if you don't want to lose it.
Bug (or at least unexpected behaviour): deleting tags sends half-written comments to the aether. [more inside]
One of These Things is Not Like the Others
Date Font Bug [more inside]
The purple.
Preview bug lite
I discovered just now that closing an <a> tag with an </i> tag looks correct in preview but blows up in the actual comment. [more inside]
Small bug with [more inside] alignment
Small bug with [more inside] alignment. Chrome, 20.0.1132.27. Perhaps it happens right after a bullet list of items?
Quit popping things up on me!
Bug (or feature?): The "mark question resolved" button on the "confirm resolved" page on Ask Me pops a new tab, where it probably should use the same tab, as you don't need the question anymore.
(Also, on the MetaTalk preview, it says use the back button to tweak the form, when you don't need to, as the form lives down below. Which is where I'm typing this in. Alright I'll shut up and stop causing pb more work.)
Music player won't pop
Popping out the Music player doesn't seem to work anymore. [more inside]
favorites from username best answer tick image broken?
Bug Report: favorites from username (example, look for the comment on "September 10, 2011") uses old(? non-sprite anyways) best answer tick image which goes to http://images.metafilter.com/mefi/icons/tick.png and currently returns a 500 internal server error.
iPhone and the back button
Occasionally, when I use the "back" arrow on my iPhone 4s to return to the main page of one of the subsites, it brings me to a much older version of that page, rather than the version I was just visiting. Why? How do I stop this from happening?
Contact Activity Clock Issues?
Is there something wrong with the timestamps on Contact Activity? [more inside]
Opera javascript bug
Clicking "Favorite" brings up a javascript error message in Opera. Is this a known bug with a known fix? [more inside]
Cannot remove deleted threads from recent activity.
Bug, or just me? Cannot remove deleted threads from recent activity. [more inside]
MeFi RSS feed is invalid
My RSS reader says the MetaFilter RSS feed is invalid. I'd really like to use it because I've become RSS oriented and I'm not checking MeFi. It could be a problem with the RSS reader, Thunderbird 2.0.24 (I know there are other readers, but TB uniquely meets my needs), but the MeFi feed has worked previously and the AskMefi RSS feed works currently. I've tried the feeds coming from the feed.feedburner.com host and the one from feed2.. Thanks in advance.
irl probs
The IRL meetup for Glasgow i'm proposing won't accept real, actual addresses. [more inside]
section[0] is undefined
What's up with these javascript errors I just started getting on mefi? [more inside]
Disappeared into the Blue
Atlantis post vanished from the Blue? I'm running the Deleted Posts script, and I can see other deleted posts, but this one seems to have just disappeared. [more inside]
I can't think of a title
The My Comments page isn't showing the number of new comments anymore. [more inside]
empty hrefs in recent activity
When viewing the recent posts to this (excellent) thread on my recent activity the links to Heyfourfour's video and slides are replaced with empty href's. [more inside]
viewing job from profile removes formatting
I've just posted my availability in Jobs and it seems that when I go to view the ad from my profile, the formatting of my post seems to have disappeared. [more inside]
Counting Bug
Minor Bug: Under Popular Favorites, it says that the Mystery Science Theater post had 90 favorites. If you click on the favorites, it lists 153. If I recall correctly, it was accurate yesterday. That's about it, and pleasedontletthisbeadiscussionaboutfavorites. Thanks!
Back... To Yesterday!
IRL Bug: this event, which happened yesterday, is showing up in the "Upcoming" part of the sidebar for me.
Double Vision
I'm seeing double in the Popular Favorites. [more inside]
Gimme my meetups
Bug-Filter: Recent Meetups pane only shows one meetup per city per day even if multiple meetups occured. [more inside]
Weird YouTube play button caching bug?
Did I find a bug or is something wacked out with my system? Weirdness with vids and caching...maybe? [more inside]
Can't delete tags
New in My Comments not working right?
The "new comments" thing isn't working on the My Comments page. [more inside]
6:54 Double Vision in the Green
There appears to be a weird post doubling/tripling error going on in AskMefi with posts from 6:54. See this Pern book question and beer question. [more inside]
timestamp becomes a loop
I use comment time stamps as bookmarks on a thread to return to that spot, but they're not working like they used to. [more inside]