Best answer - but which one is it? April 22, 2010 4:10 AM   Subscribe

P(h)onyfilter - Pony request for the mobile phone style sheet..

I'd love to be able to see best answers marked as such when I'm reading AskMe on my mobile phone.

Right now, it's clearly indicated that a question has a best answer (or several) but once you're reading the answers, there's no way of telling which they are. Would, for instance, precluding them with that little green check mark be an option?
posted by Ms. Next to Feature Requests at 4:10 AM (10 comments total)

If you're using the professional white background, they appear with a grey background
posted by motdiem2 at 4:28 AM on April 22, 2010

motdiem2: If you're using the professional white background, they appear with a grey background

Is that if you log in? For that somehow doesn't work no my phone. That's an unrelated issue though. If I directly access the website, it has a white background, but there's no grey in sight...
posted by Ms. Next at 6:52 AM on April 22, 2010

Which mobile phone and browser combination are you using? Best answers are clearly marked on the iPhone, android, blckberry, palm, and a slew of others.
posted by pb (staff) at 7:19 AM on April 22, 2010

No man with a good car needs to be justified. (Goofy video of the Redline/Whiteline remix of Jesus Built My Hotrod.)
posted by klangklangston at 8:40 AM on April 22, 2010

Oh, uh, whups. Wrong thread.
posted by klangklangston at 8:40 AM on April 22, 2010

pb: it's a Sony Ericsson Aino. I think the browser is called NetFront. But if it's just my phone, I'm totally fine with it, it was just something I figured would be neat.
posted by Ms. Next at 8:44 AM on April 22, 2010

ahh ok. Did a little looking into NetFront—looks like it's using our older catch-all stylesheet for phones. I just added a style for best answers that should give them a gray background, but I don't have a way to test. (Couldn't find a NetFront emulator.) You might need to clear your cache to pick up the new stylesheet, but hopefully you should see best answers highlighted once you get the new stylesheet.
posted by pb (staff) at 9:00 AM on April 22, 2010

Great, thanks! It worked immediately. The colour difference is very subtle, but the border makes it very workable. I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only one who every uses that catch-all stylesheet (we've been emailing about it a while ago, when it sort of 'disappeared' after a clean up) but even so, thanks for the pony, I'll feed it well!
posted by Ms. Next at 9:13 AM on April 22, 2010

oh yeah, that's right. heh, nah I'm guessing there are others out there that use it once in a while. We just don't have enough NetFront users to have it show up in our stats. I hadn't heard of it before, and there are probably several browsers like that for phones that use our "handheld" stylesheet.
posted by pb (staff) at 9:22 AM on April 22, 2010

This whole place is full of goddamn p(h)onies.
posted by Pollomacho at 9:54 AM on April 22, 2010

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