17 posts tagged with stylesheet.
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Mobile stylesheet changes?
Have there been changes made recently to the ask me mobile stylesheet? Specific things I've noticed in last couple of days: title of ask posts are now in bold, poster's followup comments no longer marked. [more inside]
Posting from the mobile site?
Posting from the mobile site? [more inside]
Best answer - but which one is it?
P(h)onyfilter - Pony request for the mobile phone style sheet.. [more inside]
iPhone Menu Improvements
Stylesheet pony: jump between subsites from individual posts? [more inside]
iPhone Stylesheet for MetaFilter
MetaFilter has a new look on iPhones. [more inside]
Mobile stylesheet?
Did this ever get done did? My symbian phone freaks out on the the current layout under opera, with a center column of nearly five or six characters in width bufferred by left-and-right margins approaching a quarter-inch-plus.
What I really want, of course, is a plain-text mobi.metafilter.com, but I'll deal.
What I really want, of course, is a plain-text mobi.metafilter.com, but I'll deal.
Print-friendly pages for AskMeFi?
Print-friendly pages for AskMeFI?
AskMe today regarding changing the stylesheet on user profiles
I swear that there was an AskMe today regarding changing the stylesheet on user profiles. I can't remember who posted the question, but they linked to a few profiles that they liked. Now I can't find the question. Was it deleted or am I experiencing hallucinations?
Is anyone else seeing strange formatting behavior on this thread?
Is anyone else seeing strange formatting behavior on this thread? I'm seeing a white background, right sidebar stuff lining up on the left, and the page text beginning below the sidebar info. It looks like the stylesheet isn't being applied for some reason. (Firefox, Mozilla and IE)
Why is mefi black and white for me? Where's the blue?
So I found myself logged out, and I went and logged back in. The 'You're logged in now!' page was black on white, kinda lofi-stylee and so, after that, was the front page, and everywhere else that would normally be a reassuring #006699. [more]
Change in the style sheet weirds out Opera
Opera users now see the a page margin on the homepage, where there wasn't one before (presumably due to a change in the style sheet).
Stylesheet tweak
I made a small tweak to the main page stylesheet. On IE 5/Mac, the main post text should wrap around the sidebar on the right, instead of leaving a blank space below it. I tested it in IE 5/win2k, IE 6/XP, Opera/PC, and IE 5/Mac and it seems to be exactly the same.
I see a blank page before me
Lofi Mefi's style sheet suggests a text and background color for body (black on white). This is fine unless some moron (i.e., me) has default colors of mint green text on a black background with white links. The mint green and black background are overridden but the white links end up on your white background.
Assuming a user's default link color is blue could lead to unreadable links, so please add at least colors for links (there already is a color on a:hover, but no background). (Alternately, if you want, remove all color suggestions from the style sheet.)
Assuming a user's default link color is blue could lead to unreadable links, so please add at least colors for links (there already is a color on a:hover, but no background). (Alternately, if you want, remove all color suggestions from the style sheet.)
I made a lofi stylesheet
I whipped up a quick user stylesheet to be used with lofi MetaFilter. I don’t know if it works with anything but Opera, but here’s a screenshot. What do you think?
How about adding formatting for bulleted lists
How about adding formatting for bulleted lists to the style sheet? Advantages:
- Lists wouldn’t look like this
- Jakob sez “Web pages have to employ scannable text, using…bulleted lists”
- How can making MetaFilter that much more like PowerPoint be bad?
Can the stylesheet please be changed to not hard-code the point sizes for text?
This has to be an FAQ, but I couldn't find it anywhere:
Can the stylesheet please be changed to not hard-code the point sizes for text? I really would like to make the text smaller, and IE 5.5 won't ignore those absolute sizes. I hear Opera will, but I'm not ready to switch browsers.
Can the stylesheet please be changed to not hard-code the point sizes for text? I really would like to make the text smaller, and IE 5.5 won't ignore those absolute sizes. I hear Opera will, but I'm not ready to switch browsers.
MeFi stylesheet question
Another minor one: Is there any reason why the MeFi stylesheet is being inlined into the html instead of linking to an external file? Is this a browser support workaround or something?
I know its not a very big sheet, but seeing that linked stylesheets can be cached, that would knock off about 2K for every page viewed.
I know its not a very big sheet, but seeing that linked stylesheets can be cached, that would knock off about 2K for every page viewed.