New Metatalk thread indicator March 4, 2001 9:20 PM   Subscribe

Could you please have a new MetaTalk thread indicator on the main page?

You could either have a MetaTalk (new) indicator in the menu on top, where the "new" doesn't need to be a link, or perhaps near the "There have been X links and Y comments posted since your last visit" you could display a new MetaTalk thread(s) indicator.

This feature is not important, but it would be nice, as I am sure there are others out there like me who forget to check MetaTalk a few times. :)
posted by riffola to Feature Requests at 9:20 PM (5 comments total)

How about making the MetaTalk link on the main page pulse and glow? :)
posted by rodii at 5:59 AM on March 5, 2001

Too bad my browser doesn't support the tag :)
posted by riffola at 9:26 PM on March 5, 2001

[put a </blink> in this post because I forgot to write <blink> with < and > Sorry]
posted by riffola at 9:28 PM on March 5, 2001

(that broke interestingly)
posted by rodii at 9:34 AM on March 6, 2001

my head hurts.
posted by sudama at 1:30 AM on March 7, 2001

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