21 posts tagged with Youtube and video.
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MetaFilter YouTube playlist

From time to time Mrs. Gogue and I will be looking for something new and interesting to watch on YouTube on our Roku. MetaFilter is a great source of interesting videos but it's a little awkward to browse MeFi then jump over to the Roku and search YouTube for the video. What if MetaFilter had a YouTube channel that automatically added videos to the channel whenever a YouTube link is posted to the blue? It would be convenient for multi-person watching. It might also bring in more ad bucks.
posted by hypnogogue on Jun 12, 2022 - 28 comments

Spend 2 hrs watching the Matrix? I could read the script in 15 minutes!

I think this kind of complaint needs to be retired. This thread has a bunch of the same complaints made anytime someone posts a link to a long-form video essay. "I'm not watching this! Write me an essay instead!" But it turns out long-form video essays are a genre now, and some of them are good! I think it's time we stopped derailing discussions of them with complaints about how we don't like the genre. "It's too long! I like reading better! And did you know some video essays are bad?"
posted by straight on Jun 7, 2021 - 134 comments

Auto-generated Named Birthday Videos?

I'm looking for a link in a comment (which I thought I'd bookmarked/favourited) to an auto-generated overblown "Happy Birthday" video on YouTube. There were innumerable near-identical further ones for a wide range of names and also relationship-titles (Brother-in-Law, Daughter, etc). I think it was posted on either MetaTalk or MeFi, and certainly in the last 3-4 months. All help appreciated. Both memory and google-fu are failing me terribly today.
posted by comealongpole on Jun 11, 2016 - 7 comments

Seeking ragga video

I seem to recall several years ago a post to the blue that featured a YouTube video of some ragga/dancehall song from the 80s. The song lyrics and video featured a dreadlocked Jamaican who encountered a policeman. I think the policeman called the first guy "Dreadlocks." Dreadlocks claimed to be transporting vegetables to town, but the policeman thought he had marijuana and arrested him. I have tried many Google search strategies and haven't found this. Did it really appear on the blue or am I imagining things?
posted by grouse on Feb 15, 2014 - 7 comments

Genre name for the glitch/repition video art involving spongebob/sonic

Genre name for the glitch/repition video art involving spongebob/sonic Hello, I'm trying to find an old metafilter post that was all about a genre of youtube videos. They were very glitchy, repetitive, I remember Carlton from the Fresh Prince dancing inappropriately to Spongbob videos being shown on the television. Spongebob was a recurring theme in fact. They used a lot of scenes from that cartoon. It was quite dirty, and funny. It had a particular genre name but I just can't remember it and I can't hit the right set of search terms in Google...
posted by aychedee on Mar 17, 2013 - 15 comments

Mormon temple ceremonies

I think other versions of this post linking to a video of Mormon temple ceremonies ought to stand if they're offered. [more inside]
posted by XMLicious on Oct 22, 2012 - 212 comments

Pop-up YouTube HTML5?

Would it be possible to make the pop-up YouTube player have an HTML5 preference? [more inside]
posted by pashdown on May 15, 2012 - 8 comments

Our eyes are watching YouTube

Hey Ask Me: What are the most inexplicable internet videos you know of? The results? Awesome
posted by The Whelk on Dec 29, 2010 - 29 comments

Weird YouTube play button caching bug?

Did I find a bug or is something wacked out with my system? Weirdness with vids and caching...maybe? [more inside]
posted by dubitable on Nov 8, 2010 - 17 comments

pop-up vimeo?

Pony request -- can we have automagically embedded vimeo clips?
posted by empath on Nov 2, 2010 - 83 comments

SLYT Tsunami

SLYT Saturdays? [more inside]
posted by Secret Life of Gravy on Jul 31, 2010 - 60 comments

Stupid map

Just one of those stupid "I can't find it!" questions - does anyone remember a Youtube video of a map being drawn whilst narrated by a guy from a country in northern Europe who explained what other countries seemed like to people from his country? It seemed sort of dumb, I know - like "this is X country, they only eat salad... this is Y country, they are very dirty and like parrots..." - and the map was a silly badly-drawn MS Paint type thing. I know I saw it on Metafilter somewhere, but I'm also certain I didn't see it in an FPP... and search is turning up nothing.
posted by koeselitz on Jul 1, 2010 - 15 comments

A flag for region-restricted content?

New flag proposal: region-restricted content. When such content is posted, many of the comments are complaints regarding the region restriction. Perhaps this enthusiastically and frequently voiced discontent would be better expressed via a flag. [more inside]
posted by mr_roboto on May 3, 2010 - 47 comments

Give it a watch and a listen, but not just a listen.

What's the difference in MeFi-comment-worthiness between posting a link to a Youtube video of a song and an actual mp3 of the song itself? [more inside]
posted by circular on Feb 24, 2010 - 44 comments

Help me see this youtube video in Canada.

The youtube video in this FPP is not available in my country (Canada) due to copyright restrictions. I've watched it before and would like to watch it again. Can someone either point me to it somewhere else online where it might work (maybe on youtube at another account), or at least tell me the proper title or some info I can use to search myself? Thanks.
posted by If only I had a penguin... on Nov 23, 2009 - 12 comments

Hiccup with embedded YouTube player thingy

"Video player" link to UK YouTube doesn't work. [more inside]
posted by Mister_A on Aug 18, 2008 - 19 comments

Embedding YouTube in [more inside]

Bug/Feature Expansion Request: YouTube links in MetaFilter's [more inside] don't display the optional embed icon. [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Sep 20, 2007 - 12 comments

New stuff on MeFi.

I finally fixed this, I gussied up the preferences page (more readable, easier to use), and I added inline magical youtube video streaming, which mostly works (enable it then click the icons you see on posts). Full explanation of the YouTube feature.
posted by mathowie on Mar 16, 2007 - 72 comments

VideoFilter Debate: Take 42

VideoFilter Debate: Take 42 - I like Tom Waits. A lot. But YouTube and a link to Wikipedia? Hardly the best of the web.
posted by aladfar on Feb 15, 2007 - 30 comments

So, is anyone else sick of all the crappy video links?

So, is anyone else sick of all the crappy video links? Just reposting the latest "wow, look at this"/"isn't this funny" stuff from Google Videos and YouTube gets a bit dull.
posted by Orange Goblin on Mar 1, 2006 - 84 comments

Lost thread: wine crushing catastrophe

Please help me find an old (say, last 18 months) mefi thread: I don't remember what the thread itself was about, but within it, someone posted a link to a video of an accident a newscaster had while standing in a grape-crushing/wine-making vat on a stage. She falls, gets winded, and makes this weird gurgling noise. Almost immediately thereafter, someone posted a "remix" mp3 of the gurgling audio. I've rarely laughed so hard, but cannot think of the right key words to search for so I can share it with others.....

Also, I'm working under the assumption that since I'm asking a metafilter-specific question, that this is more apropos here than on ask.mefi. Please set me straight if I have that wrong.
posted by kimota on Dec 2, 2005 - 14 comments

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