29 posts tagged with deletions and comments.
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deleting derails & off-topic comments

I was under the impression that derailing & off-topic comments (especially at the beginning of a thread) were going to be automatically deleted more often now that mod staffing is decreased. Do we have a community consensus backing up that standard? [more inside]
posted by flex on Jul 14, 2014 - 108 comments

Deleting the thumbs down?

Were there some comments deleted from this post? [more inside]
posted by XMLicious on Jun 4, 2012 - 59 comments

Would I know if some of my comments had been deleted?

Would I know if some of my comments had been deleted? [more inside]
posted by kristi on May 1, 2012 - 64 comments

Bad AskMe Deletions.

These are Bad AskMe Comment Deletions. [more inside]
posted by Poet_Lariat on Dec 11, 2011 - 182 comments

Deleted comments?

Was there stuff deleted out of this thread? There appear to be comments referencing material that's nowhere to be found. [more inside]
posted by mr_crash_davis on Jun 19, 2011 - 32 comments

Please delete a mistaken comment

I just posted a thoroughly incorrect comment in response to my own AskMe thread. Could an admin please remove it? It is at: http://ask.metafilter.com/102955/How-can-I-travel-between-continents-without-emitting-much-CO2#1492050
posted by sindark on Sep 29, 2008 - 2 comments


What was wrong with my post? [more inside]
posted by dinger on Sep 1, 2008 - 1 comment


From whatever mod deleted it, I just wondered why my repsonse to this post was deleted, and what exactly is so offensive about it that it needed to be removed. A Mefi mail is fine, but if you want it public that's OK too. Thank you. Truly, I don't care about the deletion, but am truly interested about the policy/ethics involved.
posted by timsteil on Jun 10, 2008 - 35 comments

Are snarky one-liners being deleted in the Blue?

Is there a new policy now where Matt/Jess/cortex are deleting comments in the Blue that are a bit snarky/one-linerish? Because I remember a one-liner in the Lyndon Johnson thread that's no longer there. Is that because Matt thinks that the first few comments set the tone for the thread, so ya'll are trying to keep things on-topic from the get-go? BTW, I'm well aware that I basically set myself up here for a rapid succession of one-liners. Have at it, folks.
posted by SeizeTheDay on Mar 31, 2008 - 118 comments

Relevance and hating the US

What's the rationale for deletion here of Planet F's comment? [more inside]
posted by Phanx on Mar 18, 2008 - 55 comments

Comment Deletion Whining

Either a comment has been deleted in error or a different comment has failed to have been deleted. [more inside]
posted by DU on Mar 13, 2008 - 1 comment

1 + 1 = 0

Answer the question or don't already, 1. [more inside]
posted by loquacious on Mar 6, 2008 - 355 comments

Rethinking comment deletion

I'm seeing a lot of very eloquent responses to AskMe questions getting deleted. Some of them are very long, and while they could be thought of as containing some offending material, the whole comments are being deleted. I want to propose and discuss just removing the offensive parts -- editing out sentences or paragraphs, and not entire comments, so that the "good stuff" can remain. [more inside]
posted by strangeguitars on Dec 17, 2007 - 133 comments

There once was a cost-cutting lady...

WTF - cortex waits until 261 comments to delete the OJ/Target thread?! Do you know how long it takes to craft the perfect limerick for such a crap post?! This post was begging for rhymed snark, and only ColdChef managed in the time allotted. [more inside]
posted by rob511 on Oct 2, 2007 - 1 comment

Just a small verification:

Matt, cortex, jessamyn: did my comment get deleted from the flapjax thread? [more inside]
posted by hadjiboy on Oct 2, 2007 - 4 comments


It's not ok to be fat. Yet, if anyone gets anywhere near this medical, social, and genetic consensus, people go apeshit and like magic, the comment is deleted. It just doesn't seem right to me.
posted by four panels on Sep 17, 2007 - 238 comments

Bob's Your Uncle

Why was my comment in this thread deleted? [more inside]
posted by solongxenon on Sep 10, 2007 - 61 comments

big response

Just curious why yet another Ask Metafilter answer was immediately deleted with no email explanation. Thanks.
posted by four panels on Jun 29, 2007 - 93 comments

Commenting on Deleted Threads

PieInTheSky Feature Request: The ability to add comments to deleted threads. Please? Think of all the fun we could have!
posted by blue_beetle on May 8, 2006 - 46 comments

New "Blocking" Request

Warning: long, detailed post ahead. You have been warned.
posted by davejay on Apr 26, 2006 - 26 comments

Is there no room on metafilter for fun?

I noticed all of Eideteker's "APRIL FOOLS!" comments were deleted. Is there no room on metafilter for fun?
posted by Citizen Premier on Apr 1, 2006 - 58 comments

why was my comment deleted

Can whoever deleted my comment in this thread explain why it was deleted with no explanation and other similar comments remain?
posted by keswick on Mar 30, 2006 - 64 comments

We need a [comment deleted] feature

We need a [comment deleted] feature, por favor. Case in point: 50335
posted by bardic on Mar 24, 2006 - 37 comments

Why is an answer in AskMe deleted when it contains an informative comment, followed by some humor?

Why is an answer in AskMe deleted when it contains an informative comment, followed by some humor?

This seems a tad unfair, since lots of comments are not deleted which contain exactly the same mix of a comment, followed by humor.

I'd link to my answer, but I don't know where it is.....Here's the question.

How do I know who's deleted my comment? Appeals? How does one gain such Godlike powers?
Also: is there a place to find deleted comments on AskMe so at least I can save my late night ramblings

posted by lalochezia on Jan 26, 2006 - 41 comments

Why was my comment in this thread deleted?

Why was my comment in this thread deleted? My comment was "How much do you make?" and I was serious. Is that somehow not appropriate? Does jessamyn or Matt get to decide what might be an appropriate conversation starter?
posted by fixedgear on Feb 16, 2005 - 14 comments

Disappearing comments

comments disappearing from this thread:
posted by rocket_skates on Jan 19, 2005 - 16 comments

Just curious

Just curious: I posted Wanda Hudak's phone number in a thread regarding her vile "25-cent bullet" comment; now it is gone.

As a public official, I do believe that she should be accountable for her official statements. Is posting a number which is a matter of public record a violation of MeFi etiquette and/or policy? Apologies, of course, if it is. I will respect the community/mathowie's wishes...but I will continue to think posting it was, and remains, valid.
posted by adamgreenfield on Nov 21, 2002 - 36 comments

two requests

1. How about a standard notice when a comment is deleted from a thread? Replacing each deleted comment with "[comment deleted]" might make threads like this more understandable.
2) MeTa doesn't notice that I've set MeFi to open external links in a new window. External links don't always open from comment preview pages, either, which causes a tiny moment of angst when I double-check links before posting. Am I missing something?
posted by mediareport on Jun 4, 2002 - 6 comments

A post delete feature

A post delete feature. My school's internal bbs does this by only allowing you to delete your post if it was the last post to that thread or FP, so no replier ends up looking crazy. Might clear up a lot of duplicate/angry posts.
posted by skyline on Jan 4, 2002 - 12 comments

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