What motivates people to post FPP:s to MeFi? December 9, 2005 10:56 PM   Subscribe

What motivates people to post FPP:s to MeFi?
posted by keijo to MetaFilter-Related at 10:56 PM (75 comments total)

I'm seriously interested. And don't get me wrong, I love reading them, I sometimes when I have time participate in them but essentially they are something done for free. People sometimes have done an incredible amount of work towards them but get no credit in a semi-anonymous forum and sometimes get just blamed for their opinions.
posted by keijo at 10:58 PM on December 9, 2005

And this is not something done for any homework exercise or anything, I'm just interested in theories of why intelligent people bother to do the work when they remain semi-anonymous. I do understand the logic of having fun in participating and talking about this stuff but you know. Interesting culturual phenomenon.
posted by keijo at 11:01 PM on December 9, 2005

posted by Mr T at 11:01 PM on December 9, 2005

It is a club,yo.
posted by Mr T at 11:02 PM on December 9, 2005

Hookers and blow.
posted by loquacious at 11:04 PM on December 9, 2005

Haven't you ever come across anything that was so cool that you couldn't wait to tell everyone about it, especially people you knew would be as enthusiastic as you? It's a sense of pride. A joy of knowing you contributed to the community. Hope that people will realize just how incredibly cool/smart/funny/free-of-that-pesky-rash you are. People commenting on your artistic composition of a post. Intelligent debate and witty commentary. The glory!
And of course, the hookers and blow.

says the member who has yet to make an FPP, but I dream of the glory that will be.
posted by Iamtherealme at 11:14 PM on December 9, 2005

posted by Lush at 11:23 PM on December 9, 2005

Unfortunately, it seems to be ego, for the most part. Huge, throbbing, pulsating, disgusting, politically-motivated, axe-grinding ego.

And then there are the good posts; more like "holy shit, check out this thing I just found."

I usually find those neat things by coming here, so I'm still waiting on that elusive first post.
posted by kjh at 11:26 PM on December 9, 2005

It's all about giving back. Generally, I hear about everything first on metafilter. I have seen things on here that would not appear on the news until 2 weeks later. (I have noticed the news media's response times to some of these stories, especially in regards to internet memes, are improving vastly. For example, this story was picked up very fast by traditional news outlets.)

Also, mefi is home to what I would call the smartest people on the web... they rip through a story if it's inaccurate or biased, and often times we have an in house expert in the field of whatever is posted that will give their opinion, which is always very insightful. I think that is a big part of motivation for posting too... getting feedback from the userbase here on what interests you.
posted by banished at 11:28 PM on December 9, 2005

Everytime someone makes a FPP, god kills a kitten. I hate kittens so it's all good.

The last one I did, just beause I think most FPP suck, with one or two links. So i wanted to do something interesting that would be neat to read on a Sunday morning.

Usually there's something neat going on i.e. this is cool you guys should see this. With the web you can do that with people around the globe, which is also neat.

But mostly it's for the kittens.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 11:39 PM on December 9, 2005

I do it because I want you to like me.
posted by goatdog at 11:40 PM on December 9, 2005

The money, mostly. The filthy lucre.

And the fan mail. Blow just makes me sneeze.
posted by jokeefe at 12:03 AM on December 10, 2005

Hookers and blow.

Now if that were true, I might actually post once in a while.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 12:08 AM on December 10, 2005

To keep from crying.
posted by Sticherbeast at 12:10 AM on December 10, 2005

Actually, I think a good model for what we do is something like the Potlatch-- an economy where the more you share, the more prestige you gather. It's knowledge and smarts rather than material goods that are given away, but the principle's more or less the same.

Of course it's not just prestige, it's engagement and connection. Mutual recognition. That sort of thing.
posted by jokeefe at 12:12 AM on December 10, 2005

I have yet to do an FPP because everything I run across is lame and old. I fear the judgment of my MeFi peers and don't feel qualified to post on the front page. I've posted a few things on AskMe because it feels a lot cozier, but the Blue intimidates me. I've asked 5 or 6 questions and submitted over 100 answers, few of which had merit.

I even clicked on "post a link" one day just to see what it would look like if I dared to post a FPP. It told me I wasn't eligible to post a link. I emailed Matt to ask why and he said I need to leave three comments on the Blue before I could post an FPP. I've only left one, so I have two to go. I've felt kind of intimidated by hostile reactions to my AskMe or MeTa posts from MeFi regulars a few times so I don't feel much encouraged to get my three Blue comments in. Mind you, I'm not posting this to whine. I just want to say that, wow, this place is intimidating and I want to have something interesting to say before I open my trap.
posted by evariste at 12:19 AM on December 10, 2005

and I just want to add to jokeefe's comment, having read some of Cory Doctorow's work, I just don't feel like I have the Whuffie to post on the Blue yet. I've been reading Metafilter for several years but I'm in a bit of awe still and not ready to step up.
posted by evariste at 12:24 AM on December 10, 2005

i post FPP:s for the colon clicking.
posted by quonsar at 12:34 AM on December 10, 2005

I do it for the blow ON the hookers. Like that guy in Robocop.

When I make a good FPP, it's because I've found something I think's really neat. When I make a bad FPP, it's because I felt a need to make a FPP.
posted by brundlefly at 12:39 AM on December 10, 2005

I've done one and only one FPP because it's the only time I've ever felt really compelled to put something up there. There was another possible one, recently, when Slashdot announced that the Copyright Office was accepting comments towards potential revisions of the DMCA as they do every couple of years. Unfortunately, when I started to do research I realized that the requirements for the types of letter the Copyright Office was willing to accept were so stringent that it would be a major enterprise for any MeFites who wanted to help. Pity.
posted by Ryvar at 1:24 AM on December 10, 2005

I do it for the chics. It's amazing how powerful a pick up line "hey baby, I've over a 1000 FPPs on MeFi" is.

Actually, I've only posted one FPP since I've been here. I did that one because it was a neat idea I ran across, about something I'm interested in.
posted by teece at 1:36 AM on December 10, 2005

I post when I find some thing beautiful or interesting or odd,
and I just now fp posted again. I post to practice posting.
posted by hortense at 2:00 AM on December 10, 2005

The whole reason I've been posting FPPs was to make keijo wonder why. My work is now complete.
posted by knave at 2:01 AM on December 10, 2005

What motivates people to post FPP:s to MeFi?

it's indeed a mysterious phenomenon, freely donating work to some website. but there's only one man who knows the answer -- he's the one snorting pink Peruvian cocaine off of the perfect naked bodies of Ukrainian fashion models all day, every day. he's the one who also restarts the server when it crashes, too.
posted by matteo at 2:49 AM on December 10, 2005

do you only do things for personal gain? please answer before the welling tears spill.
posted by anglophiliated at 3:22 AM on December 10, 2005

The voices in my head tell me to.
posted by sjvilla79 at 4:19 AM on December 10, 2005

holy shit, check out this thing I just found
Yup. Sharing cool stuff.
posted by Wolfdog at 5:00 AM on December 10, 2005

Wait, you guys aren't getting paid? Hmm, I'll keep this between me and Matt I guess.

I post rarely because I'm in the stumble-on-something-cool school and don't feel the need to compose a post just for the sake of posting.
posted by CunningLinguist at 5:06 AM on December 10, 2005

Stone Soup?
posted by R. Mutt at 5:16 AM on December 10, 2005

Haha, evariste, sarcasm becomes you. Your blog makes me think you post without worrying what the rest of the world cares.
posted by dash_slot- at 5:19 AM on December 10, 2005

do you want a serious answer? there's a bunch of work on this in the economics/social sciences, afaik. i have a book from way back called"the market experience" (lane) that surveys a lot of work - if i could remember any of it i'd give a summary. i can't, but "self esteem" seems to be an important factor. i think the field is called "economic psychology"; wikipedia links that to behavioural finance.
posted by andrew cooke at 5:45 AM on December 10, 2005

mathowie has my family hidden until I post 15 FPPs. I've been stuck at 14 for months! I'm tapped out Matt! Please, for the love of pasta, let my family go!

Oh, and the hookers. I just love rugs.
posted by ?! at 6:22 AM on December 10, 2005

What a strange question. Don't you ever feel like sharing things because you think people will like them?
posted by languagehat at 6:25 AM on December 10, 2005

For the ladies. They can't see my enormous cock, but with a proper FPP, they can imagine it.

(No, really what happens is that for classes and work, I end up doing a lot of research on random things, and it's a good way to decompress if I find something neat.)
posted by klangklangston at 6:36 AM on December 10, 2005

Personally, I am FPP-shy because when I try to search for things that I know happened in threads and I can't find them, this makes me worry about double posting.
posted by StickyCarpet at 6:41 AM on December 10, 2005

And now, it is time for a bunny with a whole stack of pancakes on its head:

posted by loquacious at 6:41 AM on December 10, 2005

It's not for the hookers.
It's not for the blow.
It's for the pancakes.
posted by caddis at 6:51 AM on December 10, 2005

Some people do it hoping that they can get their self-linked sites noticed and indexed before getting deleted in a blaze of pile-on flamewar glory.
posted by brownpau at 7:09 AM on December 10, 2005

Those are my favorites.
posted by CunningLinguist at 7:12 AM on December 10, 2005

masochism, pure and simple.
posted by crunchland at 7:29 AM on December 10, 2005

I do it for the chicks.
posted by Stynxno at 7:39 AM on December 10, 2005

To get more ad revenue from my blog.
posted by Aknaton at 7:47 AM on December 10, 2005

what others have said really - it's all about the chic pink chicks with peruvian pancakes, masocistic tendencies and ego-gratifying ukranian hookers with colon massages.
posted by andrew cooke at 7:49 AM on December 10, 2005

What motivates people to post FPP:s to MeFi?

People? There aren't any people. Metafilter is a an ongoing honors project for an MSCS student at Wayne State University named Mark Howley. He wrote a random link generator and virtual user application. It's mostly in Python with some CPU-intensive features (quonsar) hand-coded in C++. We're all just posting and commenting bots here. Well, I am. Aren't you?
posted by TimeFactor at 7:52 AM on December 10, 2005

TimeFactor - You have no idea how close you are to the awful truth.
posted by brownpau at 8:10 AM on December 10, 2005

Oh mi gawd its like community service. Ya know? Like that time when Tyler and I thought it would be so cool if we like pasted dirty pictures inside library books? And the librarians caught us? And like the judge said you guys are so not cool. And we have like 300 hours of community service? And I have like so much homework you wouldn't believe and my mom says I can't even go to the mall until I have like done 10 pages of pre-algebra, all my assignments in Language Arts and 1 FPP.
posted by Secret Life of Gravy at 8:26 AM on December 10, 2005

It's a sharing thing; my few FPPs and the few that are in the back of my mind for someday are stuff I think is interesting or useful or brilliant in some way and (this is key) would interest this community. The stuff I want to share is usually something I've stumbled across or something I've been looking at for years that I couldn't believe hadn't been an FPP before. However, it's true that Mefi is intimidating; I've posted way more FPPs on Mofi & Mecha because here I'm afraid of getting eaten alive by swarms of torch wielding mefites. That's kind of a pity, because it means the blue has missed stuff like this. Or not.
posted by mygothlaundry at 8:30 AM on December 10, 2005

I've posted once because I found a nice thing on the web, once because I found a nice thing in my bedroom, and once becase I was angry at a bad thing happening and wanted to vent a little bit.

A post is a thank you for all the posts I've read, really, so I feel faintly guilty about not posting enough, like a dirty linkleech. One post per year of membership, or one post per hundred comments is not very generous of me. My apologies. Will try harder.
posted by jack_mo at 8:59 AM on December 10, 2005

All of the above. People post to
1. Share something cool,
2. Inflate their ego,
3. Push a certain world view.

The more strongly the mix of motives runs towards #1, the better the post.
posted by LarryC at 9:01 AM on December 10, 2005

I post as a cry for help.
posted by found missing at 9:12 AM on December 10, 2005

People should get blamed for their opinions. If there's one thing we have in excess, it's people giving their opinions. Shut up already. MetaFilter is about collecting the best of the web, not a bunch of ham-fisted editorials from college dropouts.
posted by cribcage at 9:20 AM on December 10, 2005

so, editorials from users with college degrees are OK?
posted by matteo at 9:33 AM on December 10, 2005

Huh. This reminds me. I've been working on a paragraph-long, one-link-per-letter treatise on furries.

*gets back to 'work'*
posted by graventy at 9:34 AM on December 10, 2005

Whenever I run across a website that makes me go"that's fuckin awesome" or "that's totally sweet" I post it to metafilter.
posted by philcliff at 9:41 AM on December 10, 2005

I can't come up with another way to see my name in gold letters on a blue background.

It's really just that simple.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 10:03 AM on December 10, 2005

I have no idea. I do wonder how many of them involve a fully considered attempt to hunt down links and construct an FPP in the hope of getting lots of ego strokes of the "Great FPP!" variety, though.

I seriously doubt I'll ever post one because I can't deal with the level of sniffy nit-picking so many attract. I come to Metafilter for the giggles to be had in the comments, more than anything. Oh yeah, and for the chicks, obviously.
posted by Decani at 10:05 AM on December 10, 2005

Haven't you ever learned something that made you say "God damn, I wish I could tell everyone this!" I have, and metafilter gives you the ability.

There seems to be an innate human desire to share knowledge you find important. Its like you want what's in your head to be in other heads too. One could easily come up with ideas about why having that desire would be evolutionarily advantageous. For example if you found a den of lions or something over the hill, you'd want to warn other people in your tribe, or whatever.
posted by delmoi at 10:11 AM on December 10, 2005

I understand the motivation to share knowledge. Rather it's a question of the motivation between the difference between sharing it with lifelong friends and those whom you don't usually recognise from screennames.
posted by keijo at 10:18 AM on December 10, 2005

It's all about fame and power. And attention whoring. Actually more the first two. Except power, you don't really get power out of it. Or fame really. So when it comes down to it people do it because they just feel like it, on a whim.
posted by clevershark at 10:20 AM on December 10, 2005

Rather it's a question of the motivation between the difference between sharing it with lifelong friends and those whom you don't usually recognise from screennames.

Actually if you spend enough time reading and commenting on the stories here the line between "lifelong friends" and "those whom you don't usually recognize from screennames" begins to blur after a while...
posted by clevershark at 10:22 AM on December 10, 2005

it really is just sharing--like show & tell in elementary school. : >
posted by amberglow at 10:26 AM on December 10, 2005

I have monkey on my back driving me to educate people that is as bad a coke habit. Even my newsfilter posts are usually an attempt to get Americans just a might bit more informed about Canada.

CunningLinguist scribbled "Wait, you guys aren't getting paid? "

Only members of the Ca . . .
posted by Mitheral at 10:27 AM on December 10, 2005

Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory.
posted by Robot Johnny at 11:03 AM on December 10, 2005

I understand the motivation to share knowledge. Rather it's a question of the motivation between the difference between sharing it with lifelong friends and those whom you don't usually recognise from screennames.

I've never felt the urge to share something 'between close friends' It's always been to share information with 'everybody'
posted by delmoi at 11:54 AM on December 10, 2005

Matt gives me a Coke and a Snickers whenever I post a FPP.
posted by Meatbomb at 1:38 PM on December 10, 2005

when I post beauty,on the front page,
I get truth and love in the comments.
with a helping of grammar and punctuation advice as well.
but Askme is not always so cozy for me.
posted by hortense at 3:07 PM on December 10, 2005

yes, sometimes, never, never, rarely, never, never heard of it, never, rarely.
posted by amberglow at 4:07 PM on December 10, 2005

Ok, glad, gotcha, thank you. *will go away to find hookers on blow until my mind blows up* *bows*
posted by keijo at 4:09 PM on December 10, 2005

Well, besides the sharing, the ego stroking and the hookers and blow, there's also the apt and well-said "I like typing" that someone once said on MeTa somewhere.
posted by loquacious at 4:30 PM on December 10, 2005

I do wonder how many of them involve a fully considered attempt to hunt down links and construct an FPP in the hope of getting lots of ego strokes of the "Great FPP!" variety, though.

You know, that's a perfectly good reason for posting. It really is. The times when an FPP of mine got a [this is good] comment-- those made me feel happy. Still does, come to think of it. What's wrong with that?

Lookit what I found!
I know!

Doesn't need any further explanation, as far as I can see.
posted by jokeefe at 5:05 PM on December 10, 2005

I understand the motivation to share knowledge. Rather it's a question of the motivation between the difference between sharing it with lifelong friends and those whom you don't usually recognise from screennames

Because so many of those screennames have shared some really awesome stuff with me through Mefi. So if I come across something that I think the people here would get a kick out of I think it's a good thing to return the favor.
posted by LeeJay at 5:42 PM on December 10, 2005

Haven't you ever wanted to know what someone would say in response to something? I have. Also, my human friends are competitive and they don't like to acknowledge that something that another person presents is interesting, so I come here to get some more generous feedback. Actually, that's not quite true. I think this is my first contribution to any page!
posted by eighth_excerpt at 7:57 PM on December 10, 2005

You know, that's a perfectly good reason for posting. It really is. The times when an FPP of mine got a [this is good] comment-- those made me feel happy. Still does, come to think of it. What's wrong with that?

I guess if it isn't obvious to you why grown people striving primarily to get backslaps from strangers on a website isn't just a tad pathetic, I'm not going to be able to explain it very well.
posted by Decani at 11:54 AM on December 11, 2005

My reason was an impulse to contribute as well as consume. I've felt the same way when traveling: I preferred to work in the countries I was soaking in. See also ego, belonging to the cool kids club, etc.
posted by goofyfoot at 4:25 PM on December 11, 2005

I guess if it isn't obvious to you why grown people striving primarily to get backslaps from strangers on a website isn't just a tad pathetic, I'm not going to be able to explain it very well.

Sheesh, Decani, relax. If you find the whole thing so pathetic, why are you arguing the point on Meta, anyway?
posted by jokeefe at 5:29 PM on December 16, 2005

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