Cortex, you ruthless bastard. May 8, 2007 5:31 PM   Subscribe

Cortex, you ruthless bastard.
posted by boo_radley to Etiquette/Policy at 5:31 PM (102 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

Thanks for deleting so much junk, and proving how well plutor's "show deleted posts" greasemonkey script works.
posted by boo_radley at 5:32 PM on May 8, 2007

Links for the rest of us?

And is this meant to be a positive or a negative?
posted by MadamM at 5:37 PM on May 8, 2007

I noticed this development today, also. Although I would categorize cortex's deletions as 'humorous' rather than ruthless given that a) they all pretty much deserved deletion and b) they deletion reasons he gives are often damn funny.
posted by Effigy2000 at 5:37 PM on May 8, 2007

I haven't seen these, but it seems like there have been too much censorship many deletions lately. that is all
posted by caddis at 5:40 PM on May 8, 2007

Yeah, what mathowie said.
posted by null terminated at 5:42 PM on May 8, 2007 [12 favorites]

OTOH, the AskMe moderation has been extremely heavy-handed lately. It seems....sterile, non-organic, sanitized.
posted by grateful at 5:43 PM on May 8, 2007

Currently (not) on the front page:

And yes, the greasemonkey deleted posts script is invaluable. It's much better than having to visit some blog or click on something, it just works without any prompting.
posted by Rhomboid at 5:49 PM on May 8, 2007 [1 favorite]

lesseffective couldn't be more so if he tried.
posted by Samuel Farrow at 5:59 PM on May 8, 2007

The Tori Amos one made me laugh. Cortex is a deletion machine!
posted by bjork24 at 5:59 PM on May 8, 2007

posted by cortex (staff) at 6:00 PM on May 8, 2007

I can't figure out that script. I swear I've installed it over and over, but I don't know where to go, or what to do after that. The "Deleted Thread: XXXXXX" shows up on the front page, but every click says "Nothing to see here, move on..." Am I doing something wrong?
- ever so curious
posted by iamkimiam at 6:02 PM on May 8, 2007

Hey one of those was deleted by me!
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 6:02 PM on May 8, 2007 [1 favorite]

I was surprised he didn't remove the 'glassing' post. I gathered, from his comment in thread, that a lot of people were flagging it.

Struck me as unusually worthless, a combination of LOLUSUCK and misanthropy all in one, with just a soupçon of disgusting. Misanthropy can be highly entertaining, but wishing 'a fucken glassing' over and over on semi-random people doesn't even nudge the fun meter.

cortex, if you got a bit more aggressive, it wouldn't bother me any.
posted by Malor at 6:08 PM on May 8, 2007

I think it would be pretty funny if all three people with a delete button went on holiday for a day.
posted by cmonkey at 6:10 PM on May 8, 2007

Hey wait a sec. The King Herod's Tomb discovery could have made for good discussion.
posted by orthogonality at 6:10 PM on May 8, 2007

The glassing post I was expecting to delete as a double; I was actually surprised it hadn't been posted before, and it may just be a matter of bizarre personal taste that I find it pretty much amusing full stop.
posted by cortex (staff) at 6:11 PM on May 8, 2007

every click says "Nothing to see here, move on..." Am I doing something wrong?

Well, look at the URL of the link, does it look valid? It should be just a plain numerical thread ID style link. You might be trying to use a version of the script from before the URL redesign. This is the one I use, I have no idea if Plutor or anybody else updated the one on or any other site.
posted by Rhomboid at 6:13 PM on May 8, 2007 [1 favorite]

My favorite cortex delete in recent weeks was this one. It wasn't good enough on its own to open a MeTa thread for, but now that we're here...
posted by Partial Law at 6:17 PM on May 8, 2007

I had noticed the ruthless efficiency as well, but I was afraid to say anything.

It's like when you see the young hayseed hero turn away from his ma and with a steely glint in his eye prepare to gun the bad guys down. Hey, wait! Aren't you the same kid that used to share your Cracker Jacks with us? Not any more, kid, not any more.
posted by yhbc at 6:17 PM on May 8, 2007 [3 favorites]

Wow; can I mix a metaphor, or what?
posted by yhbc at 6:22 PM on May 8, 2007

orthogonality, seconded, but BBC seems to get the default linkage advantage around here, probably via the firefox livebookmark advantage (and they're good)
posted by acro at 6:22 PM on May 8, 2007

man, metafilter must have been recovering from a belated cinco de mayo today. lots and lots of crap.

much love, cortex.

while i'm here, though, can I ask if anyone knows how a lowly opera user can see deleted threads? I used to use the deleted thread bookmarklet, before it went fubar with the url redesign, and the folks that collect deleted threads on their own sites are great and all, but I'd prefer to just see what's deleted in realtime.
posted by shmegegge at 6:23 PM on May 8, 2007

Well, FWIW, I thought the Herod's tomb thing was better than glassing, but it's no major deal either way.

I'm too lazy for the full torches and pitchforks routine anyway. Maybe I'll just poke you a bit with one tine. :)

shmegegge, I use; it shows all threads, deleted and non-. You have to figure out what was deleted by comparison with the real page, but it'll work with any browser, as it's a site feature.
posted by Malor at 6:26 PM on May 8, 2007

oh, wait, damnit. Were you being sarcastic?
posted by acro at 6:27 PM on May 8, 2007

I loved the last comment from shmegegge in this post.

Was this just lucky?

Also on preview Hi shmegegge! I was just commenting about you.
posted by Samuel Farrow at 6:28 PM on May 8, 2007

Mmm, tine-y.
posted by cortex (staff) at 6:30 PM on May 8, 2007

cmonkey writes "I think it would be pretty funny if all three people with a delete button went on holiday for a day"

Like hitting your funny bone "funny"?
posted by Mitheral at 6:49 PM on May 8, 2007

What is SLBOE?
posted by Afroblanco

Salacious Lethargy Brings Out Effusiveness?
posted by taosbat at 6:59 PM on May 8, 2007

What is SLBOE?

Was wondering that meself. And what's this 'glassing' post that's apparently flag-worthily bad?
posted by CKmtl at 6:59 PM on May 8, 2007

This is an awesome thread and Samuel Farrow is awesome for pointing out shmeggege's awesome comment. So much awesomeness.
posted by sneakin at 7:03 PM on May 8, 2007

And what's this 'glassing' post that's apparently flag-worthily bad?
posted by taosbat at 7:08 PM on May 8, 2007

SLBOE is a Single-Link Blog Op-Ed. It refers to posts that are nothing more than a link to someone ranting about this or that on their own blog.
posted by L. Fitzgerald Sjoberg at 7:19 PM on May 8, 2007

Single Link Blog Op Ed.
And creative deletions all, Mr. Cortex.
posted by beagle at 7:19 PM on May 8, 2007

How can you have an Op Ed. on a blog?

Opposite what?
posted by Samuel Farrow at 7:26 PM on May 8, 2007

SLBOE is a Single-Link Blog Op-Ed.

Thank you, Lore & Beagle.
posted by taosbat at 7:30 PM on May 8, 2007

Call me old-fashioned, but I tend to think giving public blowjobs to the admins in unseemly, no matter how good a job they may be doing. me 'round the back, cortex.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 7:30 PM on May 8, 2007 [1 favorite]

You deleted the King Herod post? That was stupid! Yes, it is speculative, but it is interesting and best of web. Put it back! The delete hammer is best used sparingly. Take a break kid.
posted by caddis at 7:38 PM on May 8, 2007

The idea of the King Herod thing might be fascinating, but the post was a link to a thin little BBC news article.
posted by cortex (staff) at 7:43 PM on May 8, 2007

              ⊂(@ @)⊃
       -oOO- (_)- OOo-

Kilroy sez thumbs up, Cortex!
Oh Noes, I lost my grip and fell flat on my butt!
posted by taosbat at 7:51 PM on May 8, 2007

If anything we need more deletions. Specifically I'm looking at that Tori Amos one from a couple days ago and the last attempt to post that stupid Hasselhoff video.
posted by puke & cry at 7:53 PM on May 8, 2007

Now I want to head down to the corner for a pint at the Lore & Beagle.
posted by L. Fitzgerald Sjoberg at 7:53 PM on May 8, 2007

We made an executive decision about the Hoff video link. I think we all three agreed it was lame, but didn't want to play wack-a-Hoff all weekend.
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 7:55 PM on May 8, 2007 [2 favorites]

Heh. Seems nobody recognized that my truckers spreading AIDS across India post from a month ago -- which ended up inspiring conversations about Hindu fundamentalism as contrasted with the Kama Sutra -- was actually just a celebrity news-of-the-weird blip hiding out in a fancier package. Fooled ya! Suckers!
posted by miss lynnster at 7:59 PM on May 8, 2007

Now I want to head down to the corner for a pint at the Lore & Beagle.

Me, too...oh! My aching butt!
posted by taosbat at 7:59 PM on May 8, 2007

BTW, I too was very disappointed in the Goober post. I was expecting this Goober.
posted by miss lynnster at 8:04 PM on May 8, 2007

Cortex, you ruthless bastard.

That's an unfair accusation. For all you know, cortex has hundreds of Ruths.
posted by jonmc at 8:04 PM on May 8, 2007

cortex keeps deleting my double posts, for some as-yet unexplained reason.
Hey, did you know that MeFi got a shoutout on some tv show?
posted by signal at 8:11 PM on May 8, 2007

Samuel Farrow: How can you have an Op Ed. on a blog?

Opposite what?

I always thought Op was short for Opinion?
posted by jacalata at 8:15 PM on May 8, 2007

See here. Although I really think op-ed and editorial mean the same thing at this point, the term having evolved from the original meaning.
posted by puke & cry at 8:20 PM on May 8, 2007

What is SLBOE?

Comedy GOLD! is what it is!
posted by Alvy Ampersand at 8:21 PM on May 8, 2007

That Hoff video could've been worse though.
posted by miss lynnster at 8:28 PM on May 8, 2007 [1 favorite]

Pure evil, lynnster. Report to the brig.
posted by cgc373 at 8:45 PM on May 8, 2007

... and yet, this double post from a couple days ago stayed up.

More ruthlessage is required!
posted by oneirodynia at 9:12 PM on May 8, 2007

Cortex on the banhammer: Vol 1. Vol 2.

When I was little, cortex was famous. He was the greatest samurai in the blue and he was the mathowie's decapitator. He cut of the heads of 131 doubles. It was a bad time for the blue. mathowie just stayed inside his castle and he never came out. People said his brain was infected by devils. cortex would come home. He would forget about the bannings. He wasn't scared of mathowie, but mathowie was scared of him. Maybe that was the problem. Then one night, mathowie sent his ninja spies to the grey. They were supposed to kill cortex, but they didn't. That was the night everything changed...
posted by kosem at 9:20 PM on May 8, 2007 [1 favorite]

Metafilter: wack-a-Hoff & public blowjobs to the admins.
posted by YoBananaBoy at 9:31 PM on May 8, 2007

(it has to be said)
cortex, you magnificent bastard!

When I see you at the 8th-or-10th-Anniversary Meetup at the old Lore & Beagle, I'm challenging you to a spirited game of Wack-A-Hoff!
posted by wendell at 9:37 PM on May 8, 2007 [1 favorite]

We made an executive decision about the Hoff video link. I think we all three agreed it was lame, but didn't want to play wack-a-Hoff all weekend.

I'll repeat an earlier suggestion: add a text field to the post submission form. Require that the user type in text matching a particular record in the database (or in a text file, I suppose.)

For instance, the field could currently be, "Metafilter is well aware that David Hasslehoff gets drunk. We don't want to see the video again." Require a byte-for-byte identical match with no grace whatsoever. (you could be kind and strip out spaces before comparing, though.)

In the database record containing the text, generate a date code on entry. One week after that date, stop displaying and requiring the text field. That way, you can set it and forget it.

There are possible race conditions when activating and expiring the field. Since MeFi's always up, it might take a little thought to be sure it neither rejected nor accepted posts incorrectly. If you enter the text, or if it expires, between the time a user starts and finishes a new link, it would probably take a little extra logic to handle properly.
posted by Malor at 9:38 PM on May 8, 2007

cortex, you're needed in thread 61008. Another Duclod dupe.
posted by wendell at 9:49 PM on May 8, 2007

Also, 61007 is, like, the y2karl scout merit badge winner for the year.
posted by boo_radley at 9:56 PM on May 8, 2007 [1 favorite]

Holy 61007, Batman!
posted by taosbat at 10:27 PM on May 8, 2007

I loved the last comment from shmegegge in this post.

You have NO idea how many times I've tried to do that and failed at the timing. I consider that my proudest most shining moment.
posted by shmegegge at 10:34 PM on May 8, 2007

Cortex, you ruthless bastard.

So much snark wasted, like tears in the rain.
posted by slogger at 10:57 PM on May 8, 2007

Time... for pie.
posted by boo_radley at 11:20 PM on May 8, 2007

posted by Dizzy at 11:28 PM on May 8, 2007

posted by taosbat at 11:32 PM on May 8, 2007

posted by taosbat at 11:35 PM on May 8, 2007

The idea of the King Herod thing might be fascinating, but the post was a link to a thin little BBC news article.
posted by cortex at 10:43 PM on May 8

bad, bad, bad
posted by caddis at 11:47 PM on May 8, 2007

(I was accidently yelling at b-rad
because I missed the metaphor and
got a little bit of spit on you,
Let me wipe that off.
Ever since the war,
certain baked goods make me hinky.
posted by Dizzy at 11:47 PM on May 8, 2007

posted by taosbat at 11:54 PM on May 8, 2007

The idea of the King Herod post might be fascinating, true. What made Matt the king of mods and what elevated mefi above the crowd is that fascinating always won out. This was a bad deletion.
posted by caddis at 12:07 AM on May 9, 2007

Hi; as I said in an email to cortex, I had a ton of links stored from taking a class on Jerusalem. The post would have been OK with the first 3, and would have probably led into the King Herod links posted earlier... but as 61007 illustrates, noise is bad. Apologies.
posted by acro at 12:27 AM on May 9, 2007

Herod on BBC.

Herod on CBC.

Herod on CNN.

Herod on fricking FOX.

MeFites weren't getting this story? Ok, fleshed out with some additions, but just the story everybody's seen?
posted by dreamsign at 2:38 AM on May 9, 2007

MeFites weren't getting this story? Ok, fleshed out with some additions, but just the story everybody's seen?
This thread’s the first I’ve seen of it.
posted by Aidan Kehoe at 2:58 AM on May 9, 2007

Jessamyn: We made an executive decision about the Hoff video link. I think we all three agreed it was lame, but didn't want to play wack-a-Hoff all weekend.

I thought so. Clever judgement.
Isn't that what the Frankfurter Schule called repressive tolerance? :-)

Although the wack-a-Hoff game was not according the guidelines I did find it very funny to watch. Tx to all the people who played.
posted by jouke at 5:55 AM on May 9, 2007

By the looks of all those deletions on the front page, it seems pretty evident that Matt is not as involved in the day-to-day running of Metafilter anymore.
posted by Dave Faris at 6:15 AM on May 9, 2007

caddis, if someone puts together a good post on Herod with content the thing'll be bulletproof. The deletion reason wasn't "not interesting", it was "nothing here".

You want weak newslinks standing without restriction, check out FARK, basically. They stand a good (though, as always, not assured) chance of getting the ax around here, and they have for long before I came onboard. In the mean time, the Herod story isn't going away if it has any legs, and the really good post a bit down the line that isn't first-to-the-gate newsfilter will be the sort of thing that makes mefi what it is.
posted by cortex (staff) at 6:28 AM on May 9, 2007

Since 90% of everything is crud, MeFi would be a great place if Matt/Jess/Cor deleted 90% of all posts.
posted by DevilsAdvocate at 6:36 AM on May 9, 2007

Since MeFi represents far less than 10% of everything, what ends up here could all be gold.

MeFites weren't getting this story? Ok, fleshed out with some additions, but just the story everybody's seen?
This thread’s the first I’ve seen of it.

That's always the case with any story, that some will see it first here. I'm often one of those people. But then I see it's all over the news and I understand why, with nothing extra, it gets deleted. Honestly, cortex seems to be hitting the "potential story" angle, but even were it a full-fledged find, were it just one of the myriad reportings of the event, it would hardly be a suitable fpp.
posted by dreamsign at 7:37 AM on May 9, 2007

Thank God. It had been weeks since the last cortex jerk-off MeTa. Tonight I'll finally be able to sleep without killing a kitten to make the voices stop.
posted by Kwine at 8:10 AM on May 9, 2007

Maybe Matt is doing lots of grilling these days.
Tough to marinate AND moderate.
posted by Dizzy at 8:13 AM on May 9, 2007

Good deletions from cortex.

Metafilter works better when there is filtration.
posted by dios at 8:31 AM on May 9, 2007

So, if the admins think something is funny, it stays... even if it's a post about cutting someone's face open.

OK, then. Thanks for the clarification ;-)
posted by chuckdarwin at 8:45 AM on May 9, 2007

Putting a winkycon at the end of a whine does not make it less twattishly shrill, just as putting a smileycon at the end of a brusque rebuke does not mitigate its grating assholishness. :)
posted by Alvy Ampersand at 8:54 AM on May 9, 2007 [1 favorite]

That is some funny stuff. I think I'll make "By the hammer of Cortex!" my new favorite exclamation.
posted by Dr. Zira at 9:08 AM on May 9, 2007

So, if the admins think something is funny, it stays...

Well, if one of the admins think something is funny and doesn't see what the big deal is, he doesn't delete it. And the other admins see the flags and consider it independently, and maybe they conclude that it's not a big deal and so err on the side of permissiveness. And then a side conversation about it comes up in Metatalk, and we get a clearer understanding of how people feel about it.

And in some cases, that changes the fate of the post, but this time maybe not so much since there doesn't seem to be a clear consensus either way.

even if it's a post about cutting someone's face open.

Well, see, that's the thing; it's a post about a blog that references a violent act in an absurdly non-violent way: if the Glassen blog had, say, pictures of people having their faces torn open, or each post was a graphic description of some violent pub fantasy, that's be pretty gruesome.

As it happens, the blog is riffy over-the-top humor devoid of any but the scantest references to the act of glassing: some masthead screencaps from Trainspotting and a rating system made of cartoony, frosty mugs of beer. Bad taste, sure, but that seemed like the point. Lacking any of the actual violence some folks are fixating on, it's basically "foo could use a kick in the nuts".

It's not highbrow, but I liked it well enough, and apparently Matt and Jess didn't feel strongly otherwise. Differing tastes, and all that, which is a big part of what makes mefi attractive to me.
posted by cortex (staff) at 9:10 AM on May 9, 2007

That is some funny stuff. I think I'll make "By the hammer of Cortex!" my new favorite exclamation.

We need a longer version: something like "By the sword of mathowie, by the longbow of jessamyn, and by the hammer of cortex!"
posted by DevilsAdvocate at 9:16 AM on May 9, 2007

Somebody get busy hacking a Golden Axe ROM.
posted by cortex (staff) at 9:21 AM on May 9, 2007

The Admin needs food, badly!
posted by Dave Faris at 9:36 AM on May 9, 2007


No, I don't. Many things, when said with a smile, are both intended and interpreted completely differently from when they are said without a smile.
posted by Ethereal Bligh at 10:13 AM on May 9, 2007

Were you smiling when you wrote that, EB?
posted by cgc373 at 10:16 AM on May 9, 2007

I was dreaming when I wrote this.
posted by cgc373 at 10:16 AM on May 9, 2007

Somebody get busy hacking a Golden Axe ROM.

I've been table-topping sessions as various Mefi admins. I've managed to get my cortex PC up to level 14 and we even managed to find the banhammer of truth after we defeated dhoyt in a battle deep within the cave of double posts. I got 13 gold pieces for that.
posted by drezdn at 10:29 AM on May 9, 2007

Rhomboid - THANK YOU! That updated script link brings me loads of newfound joy.
posted by iamkimiam at 10:32 AM on May 9, 2007

Chicks Women always seem to get bows in fantasy settings. I wonder why that is.
posted by boo_radley at 10:34 AM on May 9, 2007

Were you smiling when you wrote that, EB?

No, and the result is what was intended—a flat rebuke. If I had added a smiley, then the result would have been a gentle rebuke, just as if it had been spoken with a smile.

Maybe there really are people who write the most aggressive things and then include a smiley as plausible-deniability or somesuch. And perhaps there are others who include smilies meaninglessly. But I don't see that on MetaFilter and, speaking for myself, on the rare occasion when I include a smiley it really and truly indicates a gentle and friendly tone. Sometimes it accompanies text that is, by itself, aggressive in expressing a strong opinion at which the other person might take offense. In those cases, the smiley indicates an awareness that the statement is provocative, that qualifying or weakening the statement would be dishonest, and therefore it is "spoken" with a smile to indicate friendly intention nevertheless. You can disagree with or even disapprove of something someone says, and strongly, while indicating friendly intentions and a desire to avoid conflict. Doing so with language requires an additional and somewhat independent spoken/written expression. Doing so with a smile, or smiley, makes it a subtext and is efficient and natural.
posted by Ethereal Bligh at 10:37 AM on May 9, 2007

Heh. It's been a while, I suppose.
posted by cortex (staff) at 12:27 PM on May 9, 2007

cortex: I'd comment there, but I totally forgot how to log in to do anything.
posted by dios at 1:05 PM on May 9, 2007

Metafilter works better when there is filtration.

So does a fishtank.

this isn't a clever insult or anything; it's just true
posted by davejay at 3:17 PM on May 9, 2007

Ethereal Bligh beware. Lately your comments have included other elements besides rigorous thought and strict logic. Just be careful combining those with intuitive thoughts about human behaviour.
posted by Catfry at 5:09 PM on May 9, 2007

Sadly, I won't have time to record this any time soon, but imagine it as a single-acoustic-guitar, somewhat-bouncy folk song.

he came to town one night
he was packing heat
two fully loaded pistols
and a draw that can't be beat
you think all your posts
will be up to snuff
but you have no idea
just how tough
he is

cortex, you ruthless bastard
you delete all my posts
you silence all my cries
cortex, you ruthless bastard
you delete all my posts
and you'll be deleting them till the day i die

one night, well cortex, he got fed up
with this "matt howie" and this "jessamyn" stuff
why even bother with those other two at all?
out came the pistols
and the other admins
fell at dawn

cortex, you ruthless bastard
you delete all my posts
you silence all my cries
cortex, you ruthless bastard
you delete all my posts
and you'll be deleting them till the day i die

(music stops, spoken with long pauses between lines)



once banned a kid from Reno

just to make him cry


cortex, you ruthless bastard
you delete all my posts
you silence all my cries
cortex, you ruthless bastard
you delete all my posts
and you'll be deleting them till the day i die
posted by sparkletone at 7:05 PM on May 9, 2007

No, I don't. Many things, when said with a smile, are both intended and interpreted completely differently from when they are said without a smile.

I'm pretty sure that the intent of my comment and the context of my smiley were both very clear, so :P on you, EB.

Yeah, I'm trying to break your brain. ⊂( ゚ ヮ゚)⊃
posted by Alvy Ampersand at 8:50 PM on May 9, 2007

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