Sidebar Picture Pony April 16, 2008 11:11 AM   Subscribe

MeTa Sidebar Picture Pony

I like the past meetup sidebar and the indication that there are pictures. Maybe you can add information as to how recently new photo links were added (or if they have been added recently at all). Maybe a friendly icon indicating NEW since last visit or new within the past x days.
posted by plinth to Feature Requests at 11:11 AM (5 comments total)

additionally i think it should be mandatory that photos are, indeed, taken and posted. I always look forward to seeing liberated, buzzed mefis...
posted by dawson at 11:23 AM on April 16, 2008

Riding your pony. As far as icons go, I'd like for there to be one for FAILED MEETUP, red circle with cross through it style. Presumably there would be no conflict with the pictures icon unless one solitary mefite showed up, took pictures, and Flickred snaps of empty chairs and her own shoutouts.
posted by mumkin at 11:39 AM on April 16, 2008 [1 favorite]

Well will ya look at that, new pictures from the Northhampton meetup!

Oh yeah, I agree with Plinth. This would be helpful.
posted by bondcliff at 11:42 AM on April 16, 2008

mumkin: "I'd like for there to be one for FAILED MEETUP, red circle with cross through it style."

No, no, no. It should be a cloaked man brandishing a scythe and seated on a rearing black horse. Behind the rider there will be dark yet smokeless flames, discernible within which are the writhing visages of all of those who RSVP'd for the meetup.

Maybe 16x16 pixels?
posted by Plutor at 11:57 AM on April 16, 2008 [1 favorite]

Presumably there would be no conflict with the pictures icon unless one solitary mefite showed up, took pictures...

Yeah, that was me.
posted by ODiV at 12:19 PM on April 16, 2008

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