15 posts tagged with photo.
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If you feel up to it, please take a photo of something nice (anything that makes you feel good) and share it with all of us. It can be something on your desk. Something pretty you have hanging on the wall. Or maybe something interesting in your backyard, porch, stoop or balcony. Cute dog & cat photos are encouraged. I just want to look at something pleasant and nice. Stay safe and remember to be kind to yourself and to others.
posted by Fizz on Apr 16, 2020 - 73 comments

Updating profiles

Okay, this is totally stupid but it keeps bothering me. I have a lot of trouble updating my profile picture. [more inside]
posted by 80 Cats in a Dog Suit on Oct 12, 2019 - 25 comments

Show Us Your Desk, 2015 Edition

It has been awhile. Show us your workspace!
posted by all about eevee on Jul 17, 2015 - 143 comments

How to make profile photo/info unfindable to an internet search engine?

When I began actively using Metafilter I put my photo and personal information in my profile, but discovered this was all viewable to anyone using a search engine so I took it off. Can I make my photo private to Metafilter members only, or, if not, might the moderators consider making this possible in the future? For those who know about computers, why might this be a difficult request for a website to fulfill? More inside... [more inside]
posted by partly squamous and partly rugose on May 28, 2014 - 40 comments

Post about scanning text from images?

I've been looking for a recent post about a new site (or program or script) that will scan the text in an image. It was posted about a month or so ago...ring a bell with anyone?
posted by zardoz on May 16, 2014 - 7 comments

attaching photos?

is there a way to attach a photo to askme?
posted by ebesan on Feb 15, 2013 - 35 comments

Show Us Your Desks

In honor of this FPP and cause it's been a while, I propose a 2013 round of "Show Us Where You Work!" Cause sharing is caring.
posted by The Whelk on Jan 30, 2013 - 285 comments

Oh my god it's full of people.

Looking for a fairly recent post featuring digital composite photos created by an artist from hundreds/thousands of photos taken of a single event. For example I think one of the photos was of a gymnastics competition and the photo had images of dozens of athletes and support personnel taken at different times during the day composited into a single photo. The impression was of a span of time in a single photo sort of like those Family Circus cartoons that followed Billy's travels during the day without the linear flow. Anyone remember it?
posted by Mitheral on Jul 13, 2011 - 2 comments

The beauty of average?

I'm looking for a MeFi post from a few years ago about a tool/sociological experiment where you could select any number of portrait photos from a predetermined set of photos, and the tool would combine the features of these photos into one final result. [more inside]
posted by Phire on Jul 8, 2010 - 4 comments

Is it bad form to "self-link" to a photo we took on Ask MeFi?

Is it bad form to "self-link" to a photo we took on Ask MeFi? In general, of course, I know not to. However, I have a couple WTF? photos that I would love help in 'deciphering.' (e.g., strange lettering on a cave wall in Turkey that doesn't match up with any alphabet I can find).
posted by kanewai on Jun 3, 2010 - 92 comments

The GifWell Thread

Can we have have the ability to upload gifs as our profile pix? [more inside]
posted by taz on Nov 9, 2009 - 64 comments

Sidebar Picture Pony

MeTa Sidebar Picture Pony [more inside]
posted by plinth on Apr 16, 2008 - 5 comments

Pic of Miguel Cardoso section in a Portugese bookstore

Miguel Cardoso section in a Portugese bookstore
posted by mathowie on Jun 24, 2006 - 47 comments

Frasermoo wedding on BBC.

Crowds stay to cheer bride Grace: Cheering crowds of well-wishers welcomed an excited bride who arrived for her wedding at Windsor Guildhall just an hour after the royal nuptials. ...

And how spiffy Frasermoo looks! (she's gorgeous, too) : >
posted by amberglow on Apr 9, 2005 - 73 comments

sidebar link broken; what was it?

'Dec 21
MetaFilter in Iraq. Thanks Jeremy!'

From the front page side bar. Is the link broken or down?
posted by clavdivs on Jan 8, 2004 - 6 comments

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